

Backing away from Chad, his last few poetic words bring a little smile to Rosalyn's lips and she shakes her head before finally turning around. What ever possessed him to behave like that would always be a mystery to her. There was no harm in enjoying it though, right?

Getting to the house, she slips quietly inside, managing to get to her room without seeing either parent. After showering and donning her pajamas, she flops down on her bed, her eyes staring up at her dark ceiling. Turning her head, her gaze falls to her window and the moon. A small smile emerges once more. Chad was certainly something else, that was for sure. She didn't believe she was anything special - even if Mark had hinted Chad wasn't always like this. No... whatever this was, it would last a couple days tops, then Chad would be gone.

Rolling onto her side, she scrunches her eyes shut tightly, trying to find sleep. But all that came to mind was her close encounter with Chad at his bunkhouse. Another tingle runs down her spine and she pulls her blanket up a little more, fighting a new smile. Now that it was over, she felt like a schoolgirl with a crush, and it made her giggle at her own silliness.

Sleep eventually did come, but the night was too short...

...Rosalyn yawns and flips on the light in the kitchen of the dining hall. Becky had woken with a migraine, so Rosalyn had offered to take care of breakfast. Jade usually came in to help serve, but she'd have the kitchen to herself for a while yet.

Dressed in her usual fitted jeans, cowboy boots and tucked-in t-shirt, she glances in the microwave above the stove to use it as a mirror as she combs her hair back with her fingers before putting it in low ponytail. Yesterday felt very much like a dream, and she had woken this morning void of that odd warm sensation. It was just as well though. Yesterday was gone on the wind - something to be fondly remembered and tucked away in the back of her mind for those rainy days when she dreamed of finding her prince charming. She'd think of Chad and his poetry, and it would make her smile.

Opening the fridge, she scans the food and her options. Despite her determination to forget about yesterday though, it lingered closer to her heart than she'd admit. She knew she would see Chad at some point again today and... even if she was trying to convince herself that there would be nothing there... her insides still gave a small flutter.

Shaking her head, she tries to concentrate on her task at hand. Let's see... Yesterday it had been biscuits and gravy. And today....

"Blueberry muffins," she confirms aloud. Spying some mixed fruit that needed to be used up, she nods. "And fruit." Eric would whine if there wasn't any yogurt. She checked to make sure they had some before gathering the ingredients to make the muffins.

It wasn't long before the scent of coffee wafted through the dining room as Rosalyn mixed the batter. She had donned a short apron tied around her waist, and her face sported a smudge of flour that she didn't realize was there. Strands of hair had loosened themselves from her ponytail to hang down along her cheeks, and since she was alone, she had tuned the radio into a classic rock station. With luck, she'd have the first muffins ready when Dylan came in - he was usually the first to be seen, then after him usually it was Sparky, Mick, then it varied from there.

There were no clients staying at the ranch at the moment, so at least she didn't have to worry about making another batch or setting additional tables. Adding the extra room on to the dining hall this summer had made things a whole lot easier when clients were here - it was easier to separate mealtimes, allowing everyone as much privacy or fellowship they wanted. This morning, not needing to worry about clients though was bad for business, but good for Rosalyn.

Bobbing her head slightly, and singing a word here and there, she cradled the mixing bowl in one arm while she stirred with the other and checked the oven temperature at the same time.

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