

Sitting with her cup of coffee Katie is quiet as she sips the warm liquid. Tonight rather this morning it was not a comfortable sitting nor enjoyable. She really didn't want to talk much not with her being tired and irritated and Hunter intoxicated. But as he talks Katie looks at him. If he wanted to say anything that was up to him.

   "Hunter, it was hardly one drink. You can hold your liquor better than anyone I know and the way your words slurred it was more than on."

Katie lets out a small sigh and shakes her head. The whole situation was just messed up and it hurt to understand what was going on that cause Hunter to do this. On top of that she was a bit offended that Hunter would both telling a fib.

   "I really wanna know what happened Hunter but you didn't have enough respect to come back to the ranch with me and insisted on having the upper hand so at least have the respect to tell me the truth or nothing at all."

She still had respect for Hunter, she still cared a great deal for him but right now she was hurting. In the morning would she forgive Hunter? Yeah more than likely she would, just right now she was hurting. 

   "Than again sitting here in silence is worse."

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