

"Thanks..." Ending the call, Hunter hangs up, relieved Katie was going to come. He really didn't want to spend the night here. 

"Alright, come on." An officer takes him by the arm to  lead him back to the cell. 

"Aw, get off." Hunter yanks his arm loose, accompanied by a glare. "I'm not gont' run 'way."

"Watch your attitude or you might wish you could," the officer warns.

Through one door and just a short ways down a wide hall, Hunter is not-so-gently shoved into a waiting cell. Unfortunately, he knew all too well the sound of the closing door and the loud lock, signalling he wasn't going anywhere. He didn't really care though. 

Flopping down on a hard bench, his eyes roam to adjoining cell where the other guys had been placed. Thankfully, there were bars separating them or else there might be another brawl right here. Several glares were thrown in Hunter's direction - all of them were still nursing their surface wounds. 

Leaning back against the wall, Hunter closes his eyes. He had an hour to sober up. An hour to figure out what he was going to tell Katie...

...The officer standing at the counter, nods a greeting to Katie. "Maxwell.... Maxwell..." He flips through some papers before rolling his eyes. "Ah yes. He told us someone was coming. He's lucky we're letting him get bailed out at all after the trouble he gave us. If he'd been sober, we probably would have been harder on him."

Letting Katie know how much bail was, then processing the paperwork, finally the officer takes her down to the cell. 

Hearing the lock, Hunter looks up quickly after having just been dozing off. Seeing Katie, he stands, but hesitates a moment. She looked... disappointed. Had she been told what happened? It wasn't obvious one way or the other. He didn't have a smile for her this time... only eyes that searched her face before glancing at the floor as he exits the cell. Silently following back out to the front office, he walks tall, his shoulders square. As he's released, he's given back his wallet and keys. 

"I do not want to see you again." The officer's tone was strict. "You're fortunate we didn't write up any more charges."

Hunter doesn't respond, but simply does what's needed so he can leave. Still silent on their way out, once he and Katie are outside the station and standing on the sidewalk, he fiddles with his keys, glancing to his bike, then finally to his side at Katie. He was more sober than when he'd called her, though his eyes weren't completely clear yet. "Thanks for coming." He chews on the inside of his lip, feeling like a little kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He didn't really want to talk about it either. He didn't want to have to tell Katie what he'd done or all the trouble he'd gotten himself into in just a few hours' time. She had been enjoying her time with him... trusted him... respected him... if she knew what had happened, all that could very well go out the window. "I'll um... follow you back to the ranch?" Maybe she'd just let the matter slide?

Jared wanted to believe Grace, but he wasn't sure if he did or not. Was a person what they were born as, or did they decide how they turned out? And her comment about God threw him just a little. What did God have to do with it? Why should he care? And why would God - if there was a God - care about him anyway? 

Then there was his family. He wasn't so sure Grace was right about that one though. His eyes remain glued to the sand. "I think I've already seen evidence that my brother doesn't forgive me," he responds quietly. 

Eventually he looks up at Grace, his eyes showing his hurt and confusion. "I... I don't think I want to remember anymore."

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