
Or Three

Feeling Misty's hand on his leg, Jason sucks in his breath but he doesn't move. Grinning as Misty moves closer, he lets her, more than willing to accept - and return - her kiss. His palm moves to rest on her hand, his other one reaching up to cradle her cheek. Caught up in the kiss, his heart races and his fingers curl to give her hand a squeeze. For too long, Jason had felt as though he were a walking dead man. But all of a sudden, like a whirlwind, Misty made him feel alive again.

As she draws back, he smiles, breathing heavily, his cheeks slightly flushed. "That's okay... if you hadn't, I would have." Laughing softly, his thumb caresses her cheek, jawline, and gently runs over her lips.

"You better be careful," he warns quietly. "I'm not so sure you know just what you do to me."

Grinning, he lets his thumb continue to map out her face, gliding past her lips again. "How about we start with lunch.... and go from there...?"

Hearing Katie, Hunter is still lying face-down in bed. He would have gotten up, but he also hears her open the door, so he gives in yet again to his protesting muscles.

Groaning into his pillow, he gives a little wave of his hand. "I'm coming," he mumbles, remaining face-down. "Give me a minute.... or three... I don't think I can move..."

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