
One More Minute

Jason's cheeks immediately flush at Misty's comment, but he recovers quickly, still grinning. His apprehensions about how she might feel today had quickly been put to rest. "I'm going to attempt hitting on a sexy woman - that's what I'm doing here." 

Rolling his chair closer until it bumps hers, he leans in even more until his face was just inches from hers. "You wanna do lunch?" His voice lowers. "Dinner?" Even quieter, he whispers. "Come to my office?" He raises and lowers his eyebrows suggestively, but a teasing glint remains in his eyes.

Hunter smiles a little, although he didn't believe everything was all that fine with Katie. He wouldn't pry though. She respected him when he didn't want to talk about his own problems - he'd respect her too. At least, apparently, it wasn't anything he'd done.

Letting her swing his hand, he chuckles. "I'll be sure to take seconds then - I don't want to risk insulting anybody." 

As dinner would have it, Hunter didn't have to think twice about having seconds. The food really was that good, and whether his stomach really needed the extra helping or not didn't matter. There was definitely no risk of insults. 

Sitting with Katie through the meal, he continues to get acquainted with the others, making sure he knew names correctly and still piecing together who was related to who. It helped that they sat with Wendy and Clint. Clint was a riot and it wasn't long before he and Hunter got the table to laughing so much, choking was a real hazard that had to be avoided. Even Chase, who had no idea what was going on, joined in with happy gurgling and giggling while getting food all over himself, giving Wendy quite the hard time. 

By the time the meal was finished and some ice cream eaten for dessert, even though there was an offer for UNO, Hunter was ready to call it an evening, especially since he had told Mick he'd help with a few last minute chores in the barn. And once he was finished there, he really was exhausted. He wasn't sure why, especially since he'd had a nap, but he wasn't going to fight it. 

Bidding Katie goodnight, it's a warm hug that he offers, hoping that tomorrow would be easier on her, especially since her dad would get to come home...

"Alrighty... Hunter, this is Bonzai... Bonzai, meet your rider for the day."

Hunter grins at the speckled gray gelding, reaching out to pat his neck. It was mid-morning, and, as promised, Mick was helping Hunter get ready to join the day's riding lesson. Hunter had risen at a decent time - not as early as everybody else, but early enough to grab a quick cup of coffee with Katie and confirm that they would pick up Jeff from the hospital this afternoon. He was able to help her with a few barn chores, and find a pair of cowboy boots to borrow, before splitting up for a while - he had his riding lesson, and he knew she probably would enjoy some time alone or with her family without him hanging around every moment. They'd catch up at lunch if not before, and though just a bit awkward still, Hunter knew he'd be okay finding his way around here and keeping himself busy.

"Hey there, Bonzai." Hunter greets the horse. "Where'd you pick up a name like that?"

Mick chuckles. "Well, when we got him, he wouldn't get out of the horse trailer. He somehow got himself turned around and went for a giant leap to get out. When he did, Sparky yelled 'Bonzai!' and it stuck."

Hunter laughs and continues rubbing the gelding's neck and chest, making the horse stretch out his head in pleasure. "Don't feel bad, big fella... I'm a little leery of trailers myself." He cocks his head then looks to Mick. "He's tall like a Thoroughbred, but he doesn't look like one."

"Naw, he's a mixture of who knows what. Sparky's the one that spotted him at an auction - I wasn't too keen on him, but Sparky insisted. No papers or anything, though I think you're right. I think he's got some Thoroughbred in him. He's to the hindquarters of a Mustang and the chest of a Morgan."

Hunter grins and moves his hands closer to Bonzai's head. "And the ears of an Arab."

"You've got a pretty good eye for a city slicker."

"Not really. I just remember when I'd visit my uncle, he had this whole shelf of horse books in his study. On rainy days, I'd go and read for hours then he'd quiz me on breeds and colors." Hunter shakes his head. "Never amounted to anything more than that, but it was fun at the time."

Mick studies Hunter's eyes for a moment before moving on past him. "Come on - let's find you a saddle."

It didn't take long to get tacked up. Hunter was proud of himself for remembering what he did, although Bonzai apparently liked to suck air, so tightening the saddle's girth was quite a task. Ready to go, Hunter leads him out to the paddock, following Mick.

Reaching the fenced-in area, Hunter pauses at the gate, his eyebrows lifting slightly. He wasn't sure why he'd had any preconceived ideas, but he couldn't help it that when Mick had invited him to the lesson, he hadn't thought about it being a kids' lesson. But already on their mounts were four kids waiting.

Mick sees the look on his face and hides a grin. "Ready, cowboy?"

"Uh..." Hunter clears his throat. "Yes, Sir. Ready as I'll ever be." Let into the corral, he leads Bonzai inside, checks the girth again, and mounts in one smooth motion.

Watching him, Mick is somewhat surprised. Even if Hunter had ridden as a kid, he showed very few signs of awkwardness - in the barn or out here. Mounting Remington, he takes his horse to the center and halts. "Everybody - we've got a new student with us today. Hunter, this is Tania, Sean, Jenny and Kristen."

Hunter smiles and waves at the kids, surmising their ages to be around ten to thirteen or so. Jenny giggled, but he wasn't sure why.

"Alright - walk on."

As the kids follow their cue, Hunter falls in at the rear of the line, trying to get himself comfortable in the saddle. Stretching his legs out a bit he shifts around before also fiddling with his reins. It all felt familiar yet strange... yet very fun. Bonzai's ears twitch at his movements, and every time he leaned, the horse would step to that side, obeying the cue that Hunter wasn't meaning to give.

"You look like a drunken sailor, Hunter," Mick calls. "Keep your mount in line."

Hunter straightens and does as he's told, feeling much like a school boy.

Jenny turns around in her saddle to look at him over her shoulder. "Mr. Henson sounds kinda mean, but he's not really."

"Ah..." Hunter grins and winks at her. "Thanks for the tip."

She giggles again before turning back around and paying more attention.

Hunter found himself treated like the other students, and sometimes felt as though Mick was assuming a whole lot more about his abilities than he'd said. He ended up walking, trotting, going in figure-eights, loping (albeit bouncily), backing up and a doing whole lot stopping and turning. At one point, he got the funny feeling that he was doing much more of taking his turn than the other kids, feeling their eyes on him more often than not. And almost every time he'd look over to Mick, he'd find him staring at him instead of the others. Was there something wrong? Was he doing a terrible job? Set on to another task, there was never time to ask.

As the hour lesson is called to a close, the kids all dismount and lead their horses to the barn to untack, hustling for their parents who waited at their cars.

"Gonna call it a day?" Mick steers Remington up next to Bonzai, tipping his hat back on his head.

Hunter give him a sidelong glance. "Unless you've got something else in mind." In truth, his legs had started to hurt half an hour ago.

"Well, I just thought maybe you'd want to do a few extra things - play around a bit, since the kids are gone."

"Oh. Like... what?"

Mick shrugs. "I'm partial to bareback riding."

Hunter blinks. Was this guy serious? He'd told Mick he'd ridden a bit as a kid and not since then. Now he'd already put him through more paces than he'd ever been put through - with a group of more experienced children, no less. And now he honestly wanted Hunter to attempt bareback riding? Was he trying to break his neck or what?

Staring Mick in the eye, he suddenly gets the strange feeling once again that he's being challenged. What was it about the guys here that they kept pushing him? Did they want to see him fall and make fun of him? Because he was a city slicker?

Dismounting and gritting his teeth to not groan in pain, Hunter hides his soreness as he undoes his saddle and lets it slide to the ground. Mounting bareback was a whole other story, and now that he was looking at Bonzai's back, he regretted his decision. But it was too late now. If he declined, he'd just be razzed.

Grabbing a chunk of mane, Hunter takes a swing and gets his foot just over Bonzai's hindquarters, but it's not enough. Sliding back down to the ground, he huffs, sizing up this task once more.

Mick grins as he dismounts Remington, also taking the saddle off. With one smooth jump, he's on the horse's back again, waiting while watching Hunter.

Hunter could feel Mick's eyes on him, and his jaw tightens with determination. Not only had Mick just totally shown off, but now he was waiting on him, making the pressure all the more worse. After four more attempts, Hunter's legs were just about ready to call it quits.

"You can use the fence," Mick suggests casually.

Hunter dares to throw him a glare. He might be a city slicker, but he was bound and determined to do this. Studying Bonzai once more, something new sparks in his mind. "Jump crescent kick," he mutters. Backing up a step, it would seem he starts with the wrong leg, but once he's airborne, he throws his other leg over Bonzai's back, landing just short of falling off the other side.

Mick laughs outright and claps his hands. "A little unorthodox, but it worked."

Hunter sits up straight and grins, rather proud of himself. "Thank you. The other guy just got kicked in the head."


"Nothing." Hunter rolls his eyes. "Karate."

"Ah, really? You any good?"

Hunter shrugs. "I'm okay." He'd rather not talk about that right now. Turning Bonzai around, he finds himself wobbling, forced to grip with his already-sore knees. He felt at any moment he was going to wind up on the ground again. And he did... three times... while trying to simply trot in a straight line like Mick. By the third time of picking himself up and dusting off his jeans while trying to pretend he felt fine, Bonzai's back seemed an impossible height to conquer.

Hiding a grin, Mick leans forward, resting his arm on Remington's neck as he watches Hunter mount up again... after another several tries. "Looks like it might be time to call it a day," he muses.

Hunter throws him a withering look and turns Bonzai around to walk slowly up to him and the other horse. Halting, he tries not to let the pain show on his face. "Call it a day? Already? I've only fallen off three times. I figured you had a goal of ten or something."

Mick withholds a laugh. "Why would I have a goal like that?"

"Well, I don't know, but ever since I got out here, you've been hiding a personal agenda of some sort, and I can't for the life of me figure out what it is, unless you just like to see a guy make a complete idiot of himself."

Mick finally chuckles. "And here I thought you were having fun."

Hunter lowers his eyes a bit sheepishly. "I was... am... I guess I just bit off more than I could chew."

Mick is quiet until the younger man looks up at him again. "Sore?"

"You kidding me?" Hunter keeps his voice low. "I'm not sure I can walk after this."

Mick finally lets the laughter slip, and is quickly joined by Hunter laughing as well. "I'm sorry... it was mean of me to keep you out here."

"Naw, I deserved it for saying yes." Hunter sighs and pats Bonzai's neck. "I suppose I should swallow my pride now and call it quits."

"That isn't swallowing your pride." Mick urges Remington towards the gate. "That's just knowing when it's smart to stop."

Grinning, Hunter shakes his head and follows after him...

...It would be lunchtime soon. Yes, Hunter had said he'd meet up with Katie then. Soon. It would be time soon to go. Lunch.

No matter how many times he told himself that though, Hunter remained sprawled out on his bed, still dressed as he had been for riding. After getting back in the barn, he'd seen Jim struggling to get some horses out to the pasture so he'd helped with that, then somehow he'd wound up cleaning a couple stalls too. And now... well, he'd planned to take a shower but just hadn't made it that far yet. He really wasn't sure he could walk at all, let alone handle a slippery shower. But if he didn't get up quick, Katie was going to come looking for him.

One more minute of lying here... just one more minute...

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