
Don't want

As Hunter pulls her in for another kiss Katie doesn't resist. Just letting her own emotions run free and flow into her kiss. Bringing her hand behind Hunter's head and her other hand to his back she rubs it gently. Her heart pounded in her chest so hard that it might just pound right out. Katie didn't care though this moment she would let last, this moment she had been waiting for would continue.

Letting a soft murmur free Katie lets her fingers play with Hunter's hair softly brushing the back of his neck her other had holding him tight as she could feel his grip on her tighten. Just letting the kiss continue as she lets what she felt come out. Finally as Hunter breaks the kiss but pulls her closer Katie wraps her own arms around him. 

Her tears now had quieted a little but her eyes were still slightly glossy as she sniffed to keep from getting Hunter's shirt wet. Just staying silent after hearing his words Katie lets out a sigh she just mumbles a little into his shoulder.

   "We can heal your mind, but I am not sure I want to give you, your heart back."

Standing there for another moment Katie was happy this was a quiet road with them both standing in the middle like they were. Some traffic would be held up if not, but it was rare anyone not going to the ranch would come down this way so they were safe.

Finally pulling away a little Katie keeps her arms around Hunter. Searching his eyes she gives a small smile looking up at him. Just continuing to search his eyes Katie's heart continued to pound but she didn't want to hide it. It was another way of just saying how she felt.

   "Does...this mean you will stay?"

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