
Not Strong

Taking everything in Katie can feel her own knees get weak and leans into Hunter a little more knowing he would keep her standing, she again was thankful he was there. Most of the stuff the Dr said didn't come as a shock but still hearing it from someone else mouth hit hard. 

   "I will probley be staying with him the night. Since I am family I know that I can do that. I wouldn't feel right leaving him here alone, someone should be with him."

Katie pipes up to the Dr. She new there shouldn't be much of a problem if one of the family members did want to stay with Jeff as long as it was just one and not a while room full. Her dad wasn't going to be happy he was here, and if it was her she wouldn't want to be here alone.

Looking over to her niece and giving her shoulder a little friendly squeeze her heart went out to her. She understood all to well why she wanted to stay and how much it hurt Katie to hear all this stuff about her dad. This was no place for her to stay though with her own condition trying to recover.

   "You go see him and talk with him for a little while. Than let Hunter take you home so you can help him settle in a little more. I'll stay with Jeff the night and than tomorrow you can come back and see him ok? I promise if his condition changed I will call."

Glancing back at her Aunt Katie wanted to argue that she should be the one to stay but if she did that what would happen with Hunter? He didn't even know where he was staying the night yet. Katie new if she did say he would understand but and this was more important but maybe Rosetta was right.

   "Alright...that sounds ok."

....A few moments later Katie was walking down the hall to her dads room. She said she would go first and see Jeff as to not try and over whelm him right now. Everyone was just worried about not stressing him out anymore that need be at the moment. He was going to do enough of that on his own when he found out he had to stay a few days.

Entering the room Katie slowly walks to the bed. Seeing her dad hooked up to all the different things and the low beeping from one monitor or another. It made her sad to see everything and it made her own heart hurt very much. She always thought of her dad as strong but seeing him in this position now because he put himself there...Katie wasn't so sure anymore.

Reaching out and taking Jeff's hand in her own Katie holds it giving it a little squeeze. She did her best to hold her tears for now at bay. She new it would upset her dad more to see her like this so now she tried to be the strong one and keep her feelings to herself. 

   "Hey Dad, you're gonna be ok."

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