
Soft Spot

As Hunter and Jay interact Katie just watches again. Taking everything in with her arm still around Jay all she can do is smile. She liked being able to introduce Hunter he was her friend and she was proud of him for making the choose to come here and try to work on things.

   "See I told you Hunter. That's why I suggested you come here because its the best. With great hearted people."

Hearing Jay was going to stick around for a few days made Katie even happier. That means they could catch up a little bit later together and Katie would be looking forward to that. It had been far to long.

   "Oh good. Hunter and I were going to head to the hospital but when we get back maybe we can do some catching up. I'd like that."

Coming in farther Misty sits on the edge of Jason's desk and thinks for a moment about his question. She was happy he seemed excited about doing a cook out at the park. It was going to be a very nice day, and evening. Sitting in a house, or apartment just seemed like a wast a wast to her.

   "Well I was thinking about inviting Alec along. He didn't say it but I could tell he had a really nice time."

Thinking for a second Misty swings her legs just a little bit. She couldn't tell now if Jason's question was because he didn't want Alec to come along or if it was JUST a question.

   "Unless you would rather it just be us. It was just nice to see him smile the other night and he seemed to take a liking to you. He's far from perfect but it sure seemed like he is trying."

Misty gives a little shrug before looking down at her finger to go for the band that was always there to spin it. This time though it was gone and it sent a pang through her heart. Was she being foolish letting Alec stay with her and trying to help him out? She'd been wrong with Carson!

   "I guess...I have a soft spot of the Banks. Do you think I'm a fool for trying to help Alec out?"

Common Ground

Wrapping his arms tightly around Katie, Jay smiles, although traces of tears might be found in his eyes. "Hey, you..." 

Dad. She still always called him Dad, and every time, it made Jay's heart feel warm. After everything, it wouldn't have been surprising if she'd rejected him completely, perhaps accepting him only as an uncle. But she did more than that. She'd forgiven him, and she'd let him retain his status as "one" of her dads. 

"Mmm, I've missed you so much." 

Turning with her, he keeps his arm slung over her shoulders and looks at Hunter curiously. A friend, huh? Jeff had told him before leaving, what Trent had said on the phone - that Katie was going through a rough patch and that she'd broken up with Jason. It was somehow interesting that she had a male friend with her now. Jay wondered if Hunter was somehow intertwined into the problems back in Nevada, or if he was just someone who thought a visit to a ranch would be cool.

"Hi, Hunter. Nice to meet you." Jay extends his hand. 

Listening to Katie, Hunter quirks an eyebrow. Dad? This was... wait... but Jeff... ohhh, so this was the guy Katie had been raised with until finding out later he was an uncle. It was quite the little web to wrap his mind around, but it was making a little more sense now. 

He accepts the handshake with a nod. "Nice to meet you too."

"Staying long?"

"Ah, well..." Hunter glances at Katie then back to Jay. "I suppose you might say I'm a guy who doesn't like planning all that much." 

Jay chuckles. "In other words, you have no idea."

"Yes." Hunter nods, grinning. "Yes, that's about right." 

"Well, there's not a finer place to be, I'll guarantee that." Jay gives Katie's shoulders a squeeze before kissing the top of her head and smiling down at her. "I gotta go throw my stuff in one of the bunkhouses. I'm gonna stick around for a few days." 

Having been concentrating hard on his work to keep his mind off more unpleasant things, Misty's knocking yanks Jason's attention from the computer screen. He looks up quickly, startled, even though he shouldn't be. 

The invite, though, makes him smile and he nods. "That sounds like fun. I can grill some hamburgers or something, if you want. As a matter of fact, I have to go to the store after work anyway - I can pick up some meat." 

In one sense, it felt kind of odd to be so casual with Misty and doing so much with her lately. For so long, she'd had her own life, and of course wouldn't be hanging out with Jason, being married to Carson. But now that it was all different, they'd sort of... found each other. And in another sense, it felt good. They had some common ground here, whether it was negative or not. And one thing Jason knew for sure - thinking of Katie upset him. Thinking of Misty made him feel good. 

He thinks for a moment, unsure how much meat to get though. "Just you and me, or Alec too?"


Taking the glass from Hunter Katie takes a sip and smiles. She loved this lemonade it always tasted so good. So much better than the powder stuff she would drink back home. This, this was just....homemade with love and care.

Watching Hunter and the horse interact Katie can't help but laugh as she smacks her lips together. It was funny yet comforting to see how comfortable Hunter was around he horses. Taking one look at him someone might think that he wouldn't be able to see the head from the hind end but boy would they be in for a shocker on that one.

   "Well if you want to finish up whatever you were doing in the barn we can leave in an hour or so. That way when we get to the hospital it will be around lunch time."

Giving a smile back to Hunter Katie gets an odd sensation. Almost like she was being watched. It was strange and gave her chills down her spin. Turn to look and see why she was feeling that way Kaite's eyes meet Jay's. A even wider smile spreads across her face as she puts her glass of lemonade down on the fence post and goes around the horse to give him a big hug.

   "Dad? Oh my goodness....It's so good to see you. Wow..."

It had been a long time since Katie last saw Jay but she tried her best to call every once in a while though she new it was not nearly enough. Things had been rough with them and even now that she new Jeff was her rather father he was still her dad and she loved him so much.

Turning back around to Hunter her arm still around Jay her eyes give a sparkle. Now she could introduce them too. It was exciting being able to let Hunter meet her whole family.

   "Hunter this is my adopted dad Jay. Dad this is my friend Hunter who has come to the ranch for a little bit."

Giving a knock on the door Misty opens Jason's office and steps in giving a smile. Today had been a pretty good day. She was going to be leaving work a little early to go to a drs appointment for the baby but for the rest of the day she would be free. 

   "Hey Jase I was wondering if maybe tonight you'd like to hang out and do something. It's gonna be to nice of a day to hide inside the whole time. I was thinking maybe a cook out at the part down the road or something."

It was normal now to have Jason come with her when she was going anywhere. Just his company and his friendship were nice and welcomed. Misty liked it that she could ask him and he would help fill that empty space. She was a good friend and she was thankful for that.


Jason flips open his phone for the umpteenth time, reading Katie's message yet again. He'd received it several hours earlier but still had not replied. If he wanted to be completely honest, he didn't want to reply. He felt badly for her and he was concerned about Jeff, but right now, he really didn't want direct communication with Katie. After all that had happened... after her possessiveness and jealousy... after her blatant rejection... no... he didn't want to text her back.

Sighing, he shuts his phone and just sits for several quiet moments. It was a busy morning at work. He should be concentrating on that instead of his personal life. Yet without having this settled, it made it nearly impossible to concentrate on his tasks.

Eventually, he picks up his phone again. Scrolling through numbers, he picks the one he wants and waits. 


"Hey, Eric? It's Jason." 

"Well hi, Jason. What's up?" 

"Got a text from Katie about Jeff - how's he doing?" 

"Ah. He's doing okay. It was a mild heart attack but he's sticking around the hospital a day or two. Doc says he was pretty lucky. As long as he doesn't get too worked, up, he's going to be just fine." 

Jason was relieved to hear that. "Oh, good. Glad to know it wasn't worse." 

"Yeah. Hey, did you want to talk to Katie? I think she's around here close somewhere with Hunter." 

Jason is taken aback. "Hunter?" 

"Oh, um.... yeah..."

"He came out there with her?" 

"Uh.... well... he just came yesterday." 

"I see." Jason's eyes narrow at the phone. "I need to get back to work. Thanks, Eric. Tell  Jeff I'm thinking about him."


"Bye." Closing his phone, Jason glares at his desk. Hunter. Hunter was in Texas at the ranch. And Jason was supposed to believe there really was nothing between him and Katie? Seriously? Apparently they really did know each other well. Better than he and Sandy, he'd be willing to bet. Yet Katie had been upset with him. She had more nerve than he'd thought.

Scoffing, Jason turns back to his computer. This really wasn't worth dwelling on any more. Work was more important.

"One cool glass of lemonade for one cool lady." Hunter grins as he hands Katie the sweating glass. He'd at least thrown some cold water on his face and washed his hands before coming out here. It was a far cry from a shower, but he did feel a little better.

Coming up to the fence and leaning back on it, he's greeted with the filly nuzzling and sniffing his shirt. He chuckles and reaches out to give her some loving scratching on her cheeks and down her neck. "Mmm, you're a friendly little thing, aren't you?" It had been a long time since he'd been around any horses, but he was not afraid of them. Cautious, but the big animals simply didn't scare him.

The filly bobs her head in pleasure at the attention then goes to rub her head on his shoulder. 

"Hey now," he chides, gently pushing her head back. "You're gonna knock me over." Taking a sip of lemonade, he smiles at Katie. "So... sounds like I can have more to do in the barn, but I wasn't sure when you wanted to go back to the hospital." 

Jay smiles at his sister and nods. "I'll be fine. You get some rest." He was... glad he was here too. 

Once Rosetta had walked away, his eyes move back to where he'd seen Katie before. He'd worry about getting his bag to the bunkhouse later. Wandering towards the fence, he still isn't sure who the young man is. Maybe he was a new ranch hand. 

Realizing they were talking, Jay comes up behind Katie but doesn't interrupt. Instead, he pats one of the yearlings' hindquarters and leans on him, just waiting until there was a pause or until Katie would turn around and see him. He hoped she would be as glad to see him as he was her. They'd had their rough times, to be sure. But at least their relationship was better now than ever before, even if they didn't see each other often. 


Victoria didn't want to go, she never wanted to leave Garret. When he was sick, or hurt it only magnified that feeling and made it worse. Freedom....the word rang in her ears.

   "I love you too Garret. I'll be back again soon."

Standing and placing the cloth back down Victoria just looks at Garret for a long moment. Giving him one last smile before she turned away. Walking to the door she collects her own thought knowing if she wasn't clean minded she might make a mistake.

Slipping from the room Victoria takes the shadows she had come in on. Tonight it was slightly cloudy and she was thankful for that. It made  a little extra coverage for her encase her timing was off. Only getting back to the house and the safety to the inside does she finally look back. Victoria's heart ached.

Continuing to rub the horse Katie smiles as Hunter walks away. It was a nice day out and a little bit of lemonade sounded like it would make it even better. Hunter had to be one of her best friends, and he's come when she needed him. That was important to her  why hadn't Jason understood that.

The thought of Jason makes Katie stop for a second as her heart felt heavy. She missed him, She had Hunter to keep her company but she did still miss Jason. She'd been with him for a long time and now...now there was just a void. 

Shaking her head Katie trys to remove the thought from her mind. She had so much going on right now thats not what she wanted to think about. No matter how much she missed Jason what was done, was done and they were both to blame. No one new but maybe she blamed herself a little more than Jason.

Giving a smile and a nod Rosetta didn't mind how long Jay stayed. It would be for a day but she would wish more more. It would be a week and she would hope he'd come again soon. She loved her brothers all of them no matter what and they were always welcomed here with anyone choose to bring.

Finally getting back to the ranch Rosetta didn't mind much that the talk in the car had been light. Though she was feeling slightly warn out she would guess it was from not getting the best of sleep last night. Hearing Jay's question she thinks for a second trying to remember if there had been anyone leaving today.

   "Bunk one should be open and cleaned up for you. The people who were there left this morning I believe."

Rosetta wanted to stay with her brother and chat some more but she could feel how warn our her body was and she new she needed to relax and catch a small nap or she would end up like Jeff. Jay would be around for another few days that meant they could catch up more.

   "I hate to leave you Jay but I think I need a nap, I am starting to hear my bed calling to me."

Rosetta gives a chuckle.

   "If you need anything well...you know what to do. We can do some more catching up later if you like. I really am happy your here Jay."

Only Friends

Just listening to Rosetta, Jay nods, envisioning all the changes. He'd known they worked on improvements all the time - it was a shame he missed out on all of that. Yes, it had been a while. "Yeah..." What could he say to that? 

"Well, I'll have fun seeing all the new stuff. I brought clothes for a few days - I hope you don't mind." 

The rest of the ride was as pleasant as it could be, with Jeff still back at the hospital. It wasn't bad though, and Jay did enjoy the time alone with his sister, even if conversation was kept to light matters.

Once pulling back into the ranch, Jay parks near the house. Getting out with Rosetta, he takes a long breath of the ranch air. That was one thing that didn't change. Glancing over by the barns, he thinks he sees Katie with some horses, and someone else. She was next on his agenda to see. But first...

"Where would you like me to throw my stuff?" His eyes had come back to Rosetta. "If you don't have a bunk open I can always sleep in the living room off the dining hall or something. I don't mind." 

"Sure." Hunter nods and gives the filly one last pat before turning. "I'll be back with a glass for ya." He thought he knew where he was going. He was pretty sure, anyway. And Mick had said it was alright. He did still feel just a bit awkward though, helping himself. But, he was here, and he was going to jump in with both feet.

Heading to the main building, he finds the kitchen again, although it's not empty.

Dylan had just poured his own glass of lemonade and was leaning back against the counter. Seeing Hunter, he looks up, cocking his head slightly. "Hey."

"Hi." Hunter aims for the fridge. "Any of that left?"

"Plenty. Becky always makes a ton 'cause she knows we drink it."

Hunter grins and finds the lemonade, setting it on the counter. "You're... Dylan, right?"

"Yup." They hadn't met officially, but Dylan had been told Hunter was here as a guest of Katie's. He studies Hunter as he finds the glasses and pours the two drinks. "You Katie's new boyfriend?"

Hunter's eyebrows shoot up and he gives Dylan a sidelong glance. "Who told you that?"

"Nobody." Dylan shrugs. "I know she broke up with Jason though, and as far as I know, she doesn't usually have other guys out here visiting." He downs the rest of his lemonade and sets the glass in the sink.

Hunter gives him a wry grin and shakes his head. "Well, I guess there's always a first for everything. Katie and I are... good friends."

"Ah." Dylan continues to study Hunter, his eyes narrowing slightly. "If you say so."

Hunter's brow furrows and he turns, setting his hands on his hips. "Now what's that suppose to mean?"

Dylan's mouth twitches and he shrugs. "Nothin. I'll see ya later."

Watching him go, Hunter smirks. "Yeah... later." Silly kid.

As he's walking back to Katie with the lemonade though, he can't help but think about the brief exchange with Dylan. The kid probably wasn't the only person who thought he and Katie were dating. But they weren't. They were only friends... right?

Garret returns a kiss to Victoria's lips, drinking in their last few moments. It would have to last until she could sneak away to see him again. His hand moves to cradle the side of her face and as she pulls back, his thumb continues to rest on her cheek. She hadn't really answered his question. 

"And you're my light," he whispers. Yet how discouraging, not being able to embrace whenever they wanted, let alone thing of a future. There was simply no hope. And a hopeless life was slowly becoming a miserable one. 

"Go before the doctor comes," he prompts. "I'll be okay." 

He swallows hard. "Thank you... for coming. I love you."



The ride in the car was quiet and Rosetta didn't mind to much. Her mind wondered on many things along with the excitement of Jay coming to the ranch. Though it was strange at the same time she new the feeling would pass as soon as they got home. There was be far to much excitment.

Hearing Jay's question Rosetta looks to him and gives a smile. A lot really had changed since he had been there last and the ranch had expanded a lot more too. Though it still held some of the old building and what not this was going to be like a whole new place to visit.

   "Well, Cindy has her own house with Kaylee tucked back in the woods.Wes built it for them.  Sparky and Faith are working on there own house, Clint and Wendy have theirs. We have a few more barns, bunks, and we expanded on our dinning hall."

Stopping for a second and thinking Rosetta new there was more she was leaving out. It was hard to get everything in when there was so much that was different now. 

   "The rest you will just have to explore when you get there. It's been a while."

Seeing Hunter Katie gives a bright smile. Though he looked and smelled like he had been hard at work she thought it made him a little extra good looking than normal. There was just something about a working guy that always seemed to catch Katie's eye and she wasn't sure why.

   "Mmmm...Lemonade! That sounds refreshing right about now. If you wouldn't mind could you bring me a glass? I have to wait till these girls dry before I leave them."

Katie gives another smile to Hunter as she runs her hand along the back of the horse. She was still wet enough to get muddy but not overly wet. Still after just cleaning them she didn't want to run the risk of them getting dirty once more.

Victoria sometimes hated there busy work times, and she hated they couldn't be honest about there love. She hated when she had to kiss another guy, or show him affection when the hold time is was Garret she was thinking about and felt like she was wronging even if it was her job. 

Still though Garret's question seemed to surprise her. She'd though about leaving before, and thinking about it made her heart beat faster again as if her body could taste the freedom that was being talked about. That was more dangerous than anything. To leave, escape, be free, live in the light. As exciting as it sounded it scared her all the same.

   "I've dreamed about it but left it at that. Never have I dwelled for fear my scenes would be lost and death would find me. Nore do I think the light would welcome me...not after all I've done."

Leaning down Victoria gives Garret a soft kiss on the lips. She new there time was drawing short and she had stayed longer than she should have already but leaving always seemed to get harder and harder. No matter how much they did it, or how use to it she was. To fall asleep with Garret just holding her...that was another dream she wondered was just that.

   "You're my light Garret...As long as I got you I'm not truly in darkness."


Getting into the car with Rosetta, Jay responds with a little sigh. "Yeah... I apologized to him for our spat when he was out at my place." He shrugs as he starts the engine. "If I made all this worse, I really do feel badly. I told him to just be himself and we all wanted to keep him around. He seemed a little better but I guess if it were me lying in there, I'd probably be depressed too."

Pulling out onto the main road, Jay knew the route well, and they were soon headed back to the ranch. Though Jay kept his eyes on the road, his mind wandered many place. "So... how are things at the ranch anyway? Jeff isn't the greatest when it comes to details." 

Mick wanders back down the bairn aisle, and coming upon the last few stalls, his eyebrows rise slightly. Hunter was just finishing up the second stall - Mick had figured the young man might get the first one done, but no more than that. "Hey, how's it going?"

Hunter looks up and wipes some sweat from his face with his shirt. "Not bad." He dumps the last shovelful of manure into the wheelbarrow and pushes it out of the stall. "Just finished up this one." 

"I see that." Mick surveys the work and chuckles. "I wish all my ranch hands worked that hard."

Hunter laughs. "Well, I don't know if I'd work this hard if I had to do it every day."

Mick grins and pats Hunter's shoulder. "Well thank you for your help - this is great."

"No problem." Hunter had actually enjoyed it. It had been too long since he'd just had a good hard physical task to do. It made him feel like he accomplished something, and the muscle weariness felt good. "Got anything else you want me to do?"

Mick's surprise comes back. "After all that, I thought I might have scared you away."

Hunter grins and shakes his head. "Naw. It takes more than that to scare me away. Besides, if I'm gonna be totally honest, it's more for me than helping out anyway. I can't sit still - gotta be keeping my hands busy or I'll go nuts." 

"Well then you've come to the right place." Mick chuckles again. "How about I give you a break now though? I bet there's some lemonade in the kitchen over in the dining hall - you can help yourself." 

"A finer suggestion, I've never heard." Hunter smiles and grabs hold of the wheelbarrow. "After I dump this out." 

As he heads away, Mick watches him, cocking his head. Finally though, he turns and goes back to his own tasks. 

Once Hunter was satisfied that his job was done, he wanders around the outside of the barn, finding Katie near the yearlings at the fence. Coming up alongside her, he greets the first filly with a pat on the back, giving her a loving rub. "Headed inside for some lemonade," he mentions. "Want some too?"

Garret shakes his head a little. "Don't know when I'm supposed to be back out again. I was supposed to get a couple weeks break here soon but I don't know when." 

His fingers trail over Victoria's on her free hand. "If you had the chance... would you leave this place?" It was a dangerous question, and he knew it. But he'd never outright asked before, and he wanted an answer. 

Jared laughs with Grace as he enjoys this time, finally able to relax. "You? What about me? I haven't seen the sun in ages. Come to think of it... I don't even know if I burn easy or not." He pauses in thought. "Maybe I get a super nice tan and look like a super model or something." 

He lifts his head to look at Grace teasingly. "Or not."


Rosetta can't help but give a laugh. Jeff new no matter what she told anyone if someone was going to come and spend all day with him they would. It's just how the family worked when anyone was hurt, and it was that care that made them closer than anyone else.

On the same hand though he seemed to be in the depressed stage and she wondered if maybe that was worse than denial. She loved the happy joking around Jeff, and now...she was said to see him gone. Rosetta could only hope he would be back again soon.

   "We are all puppets in a bigger plan and the one who pulls our strings is the almighty. Remember that Jeff...God never gives us something we can't handle."

Tasking note to the nurse that came in to check on Jeff Rosetta gives a little sigh. She new he would be ok but she hated leaving anyways. Though if she stayed it might be even worse for Jeff. The whole thing was one big circle and it was hard to know witch way to go.

   "Alright I'll be back later. Keep you head up got it?"

Smiling Rosetta leaves the room and joins Jay once more. Slowly walking with him down the hall and outside Rosetta was quiet though before getting into the car she looked to Jay and squinted a little in the sun light.

   "Jeff's hit the depression stage, not sure if I like that more or less than him pushing himself. I hope it doesn't last long for him."

 Victoria gives a small laugh as she continued to pat Garret's head continuing to go back and forth between the basin making sure the cloth was still cold. She wasn't to sure if she believe this was just due to getting sick, but anything could happen and Garret wasn't great so she said nothing.

   "Ha, I can dodge the Dr's even easier than the guards. Really they are clueless."

It was true that most of the unimportant people here were clueless or blinded by the millions they made and the pride they felt by being treated like kings here. But that was the standered here and sometimes Victoria hated it. The only good part was Garret being here to or this really would be a living nightmare.

   "Grandfather is not sending you out again so soon...is he?"

Grace can't help but let out a loud rolling laugh. The quick banter was nice, and it was fun to watch the clouds with someone else. She'd done this before but alone just guessing to herself was not early as fun as it was with another person.

   "Oh alright, I'll give you this one. A frog on a rock it is."

Shaking her head with humor Grace lets out a long sigh. Hearing Jared's comment she thinks for a long moment. To be trapped in a moment, with a friend, a good time would be so nice. Though it was not possable to always be there enjoying it while could was imporant.

   "We can stay out here till they kick us back inside, but if I show up tomorrow looking like a lobster you better not laugh."

Katie gives a nod to Luke with a smile that followed. She'd stay and continuing drying the horses and making sure they stayed put at least for now so they could look nice before being shipped off to be sold. She didn't know how much longer Hunter was going to be but she could only hope he was being well taken care of.

   "Yeah I can stick around here for a short while yet and watch the horses. Doesn't seem like Hunter is done working yet."


Poor Boy

Garret doesn't answer Victoria right away, just letting his eyes fall shut as he feels the cool cloth on his face. Would he ever have her for all time? Would she ever have him forever? Or were they destined to continue living in this nightmare until they both died? 

Sighing deeply, his hand finds hers again, giving it a little squeeze. "Nothing went wrong but me," he responds quietly. "Got sick yesterday but I had to stay and finish the job." He licks his dry lips, thinking about the men he'd gunned down as he had narrowly escaped that warehouse. "So by the time I could get back here... I've been ordered several days of bed rest."

His eyes drift to his open door and to the hallway as he listens. No... that must have been his imagination. "Deacon's gone for two days and Chris is on duty at the main house." He'd forgotten about that. For the time being, he had the guard house to himself. "Just watch for the doctor... I don't know how often he's gonna be in and out of here."

Gazing up at Victoria, he studies how the moonlight from the window casts a glow on her face. "I'll be good as new in no time." His voice was still quiet and somewhat groggy. "I have to be." 

Life was short... and would soon be gone. Jared wondered what that meant for him. Would his last days be spent like this? Helpless in a wheelchair? Would he be able to live life to the fullest or be confined the rest of his life? What happened after that? Was he just gone or was stuff about Heaven true? He wondered. 

Hearing Grace's perspective, he scoffs. "Ladybugs don't have long tails! Look at that." He points again, except by now the clouds had reshaped themselves. "Well okay... it doesn't look like a dragon anymore... but it's more like a toad than a ladybug... from the side... sitting on a rock." 

Still staring at the sky, he closes his eyes, letting his face soak in the warmth of the sun. "Can I just stay out here?" he asks quietly. "I don't want to go back inside... ever." 

"Yeah... I know." Jeff wriggles Rosetta's hand lovingly. "I guess I just always thought life would be different. And now instead of just being booted out of this life, I've been kept around to just be more restricted and taunted a little bit longer." He sighs. "Feels like I'm just a puppet on a string - given the chance to taste freedom but never live it." 

Catching her eye, he smirks a little and shakes his head. He knew all that sounded extremely depressing and he didn't want Rosetta admitting him to the psych ward. Gaining a grin, he rolls his eyes. "But don't worry. This puppet knows he's not alone." 

Seeing a nurse coming into the room, he gives Rosetta's hand a final squeeze. "You better get going. Don't let anybody at the ranch think I need company all day - I'm fine being alone for a while." 

"...No." Mick shakes his head. "I left him on those stalls I was working on."

Eric takes a sip from his water bottle while he and Mick and Sparky stood in the break room of the barn. He rolls his eyes and grins. "Poor guy. Did he know you were ditching him?"

Mick chuckles. "I didn't ditch him. I had other work to do."

"Uh-huh." Sparky thumps Mick's arm. "Of all things to have him do. Those stalls haven't been touched in ages."

"I know. But hey... they need to be done, right?"

Eric nods. "Of course they do."

Sparky eyes Eric suspiciously. "And where were you?"

"I was working on some other stalls."

"Oh, I see. You rope Hunter into helping with the tough stuff, then you go clean out the stalls that were just done two days ago, making him think that you were working just as hard as he."

"Hey now.... He's what? Half my age?"

"I don't think it's quite that much difference."

"Well regardless, he's a young buck and I'm a tired old truck driver."

Mick snickers and stands from the table, grabbing his gloves. A ten minutes break was enough and there was too much else to do today than sit around here. "Think I should rescue him?"

Eric glances at his watch. "Eh... give him another fifteen minutes."

"You guys!" Sparky throws up his hands. "I'm going to the back pasture to look at those fences. If I come back and find the poor boy's had a heat stroke, I know who to blame."

Eric and Mick stifle their laughter as Sparky exits, and then exchange humorous glances before also leaving the break room.

Luke had always enjoyed Katie's company, and today was no different. Working with her was easy since she knew her way around, and in no time, they had the yearlings all cleaned up and tied near the fence to await the buyers. 

Leaning on the fence, Luke nods to Katie. "Thanks for your help. I think I'm gonna go see Angel and get off my feet for a bit. Just keep an eye on these fellas here while you're around here, will ya? They should be okay -  just don't want them getting to antsy."


So many things could be seen in the one look Jeff could see from Rosetta. Anger, sadness, depression and the longing to just be normal. It pained Rosetta to know it just wasn't possable for Jeff. He'd always been sick and yes they had made him a little better when they removed the chip but he wasn't one hundred percent and he probley never would be.

   "Yeah I am going to head back with Jay for a little bit. I'll be back later though, you just can't get rid of your sister you know."

Trying to give a smile Rosetta lays a hand on her brother's hand. She really did care about about her brother and she didn't want anything to happen to him.

    "Hey I know things are hard right now....and it tough for you. But I know your strong so hang in there ok? You have a lot of people who love you. I know its not easy...I've been there with my own heart. So don't think your alone ok?"

Taking some of the soap and a brush Katie starts to lather up the horse and slowly but strongly comb it through the hair, taking careful note to the dirt and making the coat look sleek. Katie loved the way the wet soapy fur felt under her fingers. 

   "Well if you have to sit down or something don't feel bad about it. I don't mind finishing up the horses and than leave you to looking them over."

Katie new that sometimes Luke had to take it easy because of his legs and she understood. She'd help and if he had to go than that was find with her. She liked working with the horses best and making them look good enough to sell later in the day gave her pleasure.

Leaning her head to the side Grace looks at Jared for a long moment and gives a smile. She understood where Jared was coming from and she understood his frustration. She couldn't imagine being in that position herself and not having any frustration at all. In her mind she thought Jared was taking it pretty well. Better than most even.

   "Being slow doesn't get old...it helps us remember the finer things in life. It helps us to remember, look around and just simply enjoy. Life is so short to be in a rush, and before you know it...it will all be gone."

Studying the clouds Grace cocks her head for a second deep in through. Studying the cloud that Jared had said was a dragon she chuckles for a second.

   "That's definitely not a dragon thats a lady bug. You can see the spots right there."

   "I know I shouldn't but you know I don't follow the rules all the time."

Running her hand down Garret's face again she whipes a little of the sweat away. She wasn't sure what had happened but she new it hurt to see him like this. The fear of the one person she loved, the one person no one else new she cared for more than anything. 

   "What happened this time? Did something go wrong?"

Sitting down softly on the side of his bed Victoria takes the towel that had been laying on the night stand with the basin that had ice in it and got it wet a little. Bringing it to his forehead she gently dabs away the sweat trying to cool him down little by little.



One Day

Jeff turns his head to see Rosetta and quirks an eyebrow at her before shrugging. "Eh... I guess if being this tired is feeling better, then yeah." 

Sighing, he studies his bedsheets for a few moments before looking back up at his sister. He really didn't know what to say. He was miserable. Exhausted. Didn't want to be here. Didn't want others to be worrying about him. But he knew he needed to bite his tongue, too. 

"You going back to the ranch?" 

Turning, Luke smiles at Katie. "Hey, good morning, Katie." He nods as he turns off the nozzle on the hose. "Yeah, some help would be great, actually. I got some soap here and a couple brushes if you wanna work on one side of her and I'll take the other." 

Grabbing the necessary items, he goes around the other side of the sopping wet filly to begin scrubbing her. "Maybe with your help I can get these few horses done by the time my legs give out on me," he muses. 

...After wiping sweat from his brow, Hunter throws another pitchfork full of manure into the wheelbarrow. He didn't know how many times he'd already walked back and forth to the manure pile, and they were only on the second stall. He wasn't about to quit until told to though - if Mick could do all this work, then so could he. 

Mick watches Hunter as they work, every once in a while, a small smile slipping through. They had chatted just a little bit since working, but conversation could be difficult when trying to concentrate on the task, let alone talking while breathing heavily from the hot work. 

"So... you know how to ride a horse?" 

Hunter pauses his work just for a moment before shaking his head. "Nah. I know how to sit on a horse, make it go and stop and steer. But that's about it." 

Mick chuckles. "Most people think that is riding a horse." 

Hunter smirks and sets to work again. "Then they don't realize all there is to it. I don't pretend to know - it's safer that way." 

Mick just grins, secretly impressed with Hunter's honesty. Many a city-slicker who had ridden a time or two in their life, considered themselves knowing how to ride and wound up just making a fool out of themselves. "Who taught you what you do know?"

"An uncle of mine. He owned a little farm where I used to spend some of my summers. He had a couple horses so he taught me how to get on and go." Hunter smile a little at the memory as he throws more manure into the wheelbarrow. "Been quite a while though."

"Wanna ride while you're here?"

"Maybe, if there's time. I don't want to bother anybody."

Mick rolls his eyes. "As if. We like riders - it exercises the horses." He gives Hunter a sidelong glance. "I give riding lessons... got one happening tomorrow if you want to join in for a refresher course." 

Hunter lifts his eyebrows, unsure. And then... he really would like to get back in the saddle again. He'd always enjoyed it as a kid. And maybe if he was okay with it, he and Katie might get to ride together too, and that would definitely be fun. "Um... sure. If I'm not at the hospital with Katie, that is."

Mick nods. "If you are, we'll work something else out." 

...An hour later, Hunter was drenched in sweat, but still working hard, though by now his stomach was complaining that he'd had nothing to eat yet today. Somehow though, the physical work felt good. He wasn't just sitting around his apartment doing nothing. And while some would hate this kind of work... he was rather enjoying it, even when Mick went to do something else and he was left on his own for a while. It felt a little awkward, yet nice at the same time. 

Watching Grace and listening, Jared begins to see some of what made her so different. She was happy with the simple things. Most people weren't. But she not only was happy with the simple things, but she took the time to enjoy and embrace them. The clouds. Flowers. Her passing reference to God makes him wonder about her religious beliefs, but regardless, she definitely had an element of peace about her. 

Setting aside his plate too, Jared looks around for a moment, trying to figure out how he could do this. Finally using his arms to shift himself around, it was a bit awkward, and surely didn't look pretty, but he eventually gets himself turned around to lie on his back next to Grace. Aimed in the opposite direction, his shoulder was near her hand and vice versa. 

Staring up at the clouds, he sighs. "Maybe you're right... but if slow is the only pace, it gets old kinda fast." 

With eyes still searching, he grins and points to the sky. "I see a dragon." 

Hearing Victoria's voice, Garret's eyes open a bit groggily. Her voice was relaxing... her cool touch was soothing to his feverishly hot skin. "I'll be okay," he assures quietly. He didn't know if she knew what had happened or not. Did she know it was not a bullet wound or an accident? He wasn't sure.

Taking her hand in his, his palm is overly warm. Putting her fingers to his lips, he kisses them softly. "You shouldn't be in here," he warns. She knew better than to come to his quarters. Why had she? Had she been that worried about him? He hated it that they'd had so few quiet moments together lately. It was unfair.

Squinting at her in the dark, he lifts his free hand to cradle her face as his thumb runs along her cheek. "But I'm glad you are," he relents. A bead of sweat trickles down the side of his face and he swallows hard. "One day... one day we'll be able to see each other in the light."


Rosetta gives a laugh again before standing and giving a little stretch. The night of sleeping in a chair had really done a number on her back so now standing and stretching really felt good.

   "Alright I"ll be right back than."

Walking past Jay Rosetta knocks and than enters Jeff room giving a small smile to him. If was was going to leave for a little bit she wanted to let him know. Even if he didn't want her to be here to begin with it was still the right thing to do.

   "Morning! Feeling any better?"

   "Alright I'll see if Luke needs any help than. Just take it easy on him Eric I mean he still needs to drive me to the hospital after all."

Katie gives a smirk and shakes her head as Eric turns to leave before looking at Hunter again. Taking the last sip of her coffee. She wasn't worried about Hunter being with Eric and Mick. She new they would take good care of him for her.

   "If you need help with anything don't hesitate to ask. My uncles are good like that and would be more than willing to help. They might work you hard but not to death."

Putting her cup in the sink Katie takes Hunters and wells to joins her. Walking past him Katie's arm brushes his as she looks over she shoulder at him and gives another smile. She again was happy Hunter had come. It was a good place for him, it was a good place for anything who just needed that extra time to find them self.

   "I'll see you in a little bit."

...Having her own work cloths on and her boots Katie heads for the area she figured Luke would be cleaning the horses. It was one of the few spots that had little mud when water was applied. Coming around the corner and seeing she had guess correctly Katie gives a wave to Luke.

   "Morning Luke! I though this morning you'd like some help with the horses. "

Giving another smile to Jared Graces eyes sparkled. It was unusual for her to offer friendship to one of her patents once there therapy was done. But the connection she felt with Jared seemed so strong of a friendship to turn it away would be a wast.

   "I wouldn't mind pushing you around. Sometimes slow is better you know. How can you smell a flower if your passing it to quickly right?"

Placing her empty plate back into the basket Grace gives a content sigh and lays back on the blanket making sure her dress was tucked around her dress around her. Just looking up at the clouds go by Grace's smile grows even more. 

   "Life's to short not to take it slow and enjoy the little thing God has given us. Even if its something simple like time with a friend, watching the clouds drift by, or walking the great wall of china. Slow, sometimes is good."

Slipping through the shadows the only thing saw was mabe the tale ends of a whisping nightgown. Walking in the shadows had become all to common and this was just how life for some people was. If there was a daylight to walk in one might even know how.

Silently entering Garrets room Victoria has long mastered the art of silence. It was life, it was living even if it was the wrong way. To go against it would mean death and Victoria was not ready to join her mother yet. 


Moving slowly over to his bed it seemed lately laying, healing was becoming more common for Garret. Victoria hated it and it hurt every time she silently saw him return a little worse than the last time.

Running her hand down the side of Garret's face She gives a smile. He looked slightly better than when he first arrived home but still not his best. 

   "Hey...I this time for sure I was going to lose you. You didn't look so hot returning."


Jay's jaw drops in mock shock at the suggestion he was old, and he points a teasing finger at Rosetta, warning her. "Very funny..." 

Nodding, he thumbs to Jeff's room. "Well, I don't know what time you want to go, but he's awake now. Don't know what kind of mood he'll be in after our little talk, but he seemed okay a few minutes ago. I can stay as long as you want though before we go." 

Eric mulls over Katie's offer for a moment, but shakes his head, his eyes gaining a strange glint that he doesn't explain. "Naw, we just need another strong back. You go ahead and do whatever you want with the horses. I think Luke is actually trying to clean up a couple of those yearlings before a buyer comes to look at them today - you might see if he needs a hand." 

Glancing back to Hunter, he gives him a once-over. "You got work clothes with ya?" 

Hunter nods. "Yeah..." He'd brought some work boots and some old jeans and shirts just in case he wound up working - looked like it had been a good idea. "Just lemme go change and I can meet you in the barn." 

"Good deal." Eric nods and turns to head out again. "See you guys out there." 

Watching him leave, Hunter takes another long swallow of coffee and grimaces as it goes down. Looking to Katie, he nods though. "Looks like I got something to keep me busy for a while." He grins and forces himself to finish his morning drink. He was happy for the opportunity to do something right now. He'd sit with Katie in the hospital all day long if she wanted, but keeping his hands busy would at least keep his mind from wandering to less pleasant topics... 

...It was just a short while later and Hunter was in the barn, wandering down the aisles to find Eric. Instead, he comes upon Mick instead, back in the far stalls. 

Mick, ankle deep in manure, looks up and grins at Hunter. "Mornin'." 

"Hey... Eric said he needed help...?"

"Oh yeah. He's got Jim helping him down at the other end, so you can stick around and help me." Mick gestures to a shovel and pitchfork in the corner. "Help yourself." 

Surveying the stall and the wheelbarrow Mick was using, Hunter nods. It wasn't as if this was hard to figure out. Grabbing a pitchfork, he comes in and sets to work. 

Outside, Luke aims the hose at the filly, soaking down her coat that was full of dried mud and grass. He'd actually gotten himself up out of bed at dawn this morning and had wanted to take advantage of a good day and not stay in bed when he didn't have to. It wasn't often anymore that he was able to do a whole lot of useful tasks around the barn, but with Jeff out of the game right now, Luke felt an even greater responsibility. 

Having been concentrating on his sandwich, Jared's eyes look up quickly at Grace. Her words were rather poetic and they surprised him. Surely she was just kidding though, right? She was just his physical therapist - when the job was over, that was it. She probably just wanted to encourage him and be nice... right? He notices her cheeks are red, which contradicted his theory. 

Finishing the half sandwich, a new grin spreads on his face. "I guess I'll need somebody to show me the world," he reasons, "since I don't remember any of it." He cocks his head, his gaze remaining on her face. "Of course... that just means I'll have to get on my feet that much sooner. I can't have you pushing me around all over the place all the time. That would just slow us down." 

Still grinning, his tone teases her. And yet, behind the teasing... behind his eyes... behind that veil of confidence and flirting... there was someone who was scared of that world out there. Scared of what he no longer knew. Scared of feeling just as alone out there as he did in that hospital room.

In a place like the Agency, time never seems to exist, despite the rising and setting of the sun. No job is ever wholly complete. No goal is ever wholly reached. Caught in this tragic form of manipulation, agents are like hamsters running on wheels that expend total energy yet lead them nowhere. Only worse are those agents that have realized through sheer willpower that they are trapped. And when that realization begins to take root, eyes see only beyond these confines, creating a gnawing in the gut - a drive to break free. But to risk rebellion is to risk one's life. So one must keep on running. Keep on heeding commands. Keep on towards unattainable goals. For survival is the only option...

The black van pulls into the drive way, having just come from the airstrip. It was normal. Common. Almost boring in a way. It never changed.

Life at the Estate had become dully consistent. Medridge spent more and more time here and less time traveling to labs or facilities. During the past month, he had traveled some, but not as he used to. Was it his age? No one dare ask.

Agents had come and gone. Some had never returned. Others, like Garret and Victoria continued an unpredictable cycle of being called away to missions then whisked back to the Estate once more. What used to be an infrequent hideaway had become their own home base - but even that  was never a sure thing. No one knew when they would be permanently relocated. But if anyone preferred the Estate, best behavior was a must. And most everyone there knew that this luxurious location was better than most Agency establishments.

Stepping out of the van first was Deacon - he had been the head driver for the past three weeks and rarely spoke to any other agents. His silence made him a favorite of Medridge - perfect for a driver that could never speak of their location.

Coming to the side of the van, Deacon slid open the door, just in time to catch Garret before he fell out. Garret clung to the big man to keep himself from slumping to the ground. Sweat trickled down the sides of his face and his eyes held a strange blur. He'd been gone for five days. To where, only he knew.

Slinging one of Garret's arms over his shoulders, Deacon leads Garret to the house, half helping, half dragging him. A medic meets them at the door and he is ushered inside where he disappears into the confines of the basement lab.

Only several hours later would Garret lie in his own bed in the smaller house at the edge of the property. Medridge's personal doctor would be seen coming and going, but only every so often, leaving Garret on his own for most of the day and into the evening.


The World

Hearing the Jay was infact going to come see everyone at the ranch Rosetta couldn't help but be a little excited. Sitting up from the chair a little bit straighter her smile widens. A lot had changed since he was last there but this was something to look forward too and she couldn't help but feel like a little kid.

   "Well Trent and Eric said to call when I was ready so if I don't call than I don't have a ride. We can head there together if you want. I don't know if in your old age you remember the way."

Shying away a little bit Rosetta grins as her eyes dance a little bit with humor. Jay was only a year older than she and she always did like to pick on him about it. All in good fun though and she new he could take it. 

   "Before we go though I just want to make sure everything is ok with Jeff."

Hearing Eric's voice Katie turns around and gives a smile and a nod. She often saw her uncles and other workers in the morning but this morning it was a surprise. It was a late start and she hadn't exspected to see anyone till around lunch time. Though this was a nice suprise.

   "Good Morning Uncle Eric, yeah I though maybe doing some work in the barn would be nice before dinner. Show Hunter the ropes a little bit."

Katie gives a grin at Eric and than back to Hunter. It was nice how everyone seemed to be taking quickly to Hunter. It was almost like he was meant to be here, and people had known him forever. It was a feeling Katie really did enjoy.

   "I don't mind if you steal him away for a little while. As long as you dont over work him. I could help to if you want? I am sure my normal chores are done already since its so late. And if you would just rather had some guy time I bet I know a few horses that need there shoes picked."

Taking a sip of her water bottle Grace gives a smile setting it down and leaning back on her arms for a second. Today really had turned out to be a nice day and the clouded that threatened the morning seemed to clear up. Grace was happy and hearing Jared's comment made her smile more.

Truth was when Jared could walk again she was going to miss there interaction too. He was smart, funny, easy to get a long with and there was something about him she liked. This simple friendship God had brought her Grace still couldn't help but feel like there was something more.

   "Well you know once you can walk again we can still be friends if you want."

Sitting up and picking a few blades of grass Grace slowly works on tieing them together into a long chain. Finding a few small flowers she works them into the grass as well. Looking up again and holding up the small bracelet of flowers and grass she gives a small laugh. It was a childish thing to do but it had kept her busy for a moment. 

   "Once you got out of the hospital too we might be able to do a few more things together to become better friends. Here there is only a limited amount of places I could take you. Out there though...I could show you the world."

Realizing that maybe her comment had come across a little more flirty that she wanted it to Grace could feel her cheeks turn a little shade of red once again. If anything was obvious it was that she could be embarrassed easily even if she never brought attachen to it.



Jay catches Rosetta's eyes and just lets her question linger for a moment. It would be very much like him to decline. He had a family waiting for him back home. A business. Safety. But something in his eyes was different today. "Yeah... yeah, I'll come to the ranch. You need a ride or is someone else coming back to get you?"

Hunter accepts a cup of coffee, keeping it black. Taking a long swig, the taste is bitter, but he liked it stronger anyway. Especially when his tastebuds were looking for a beer instead.

"Mm... spending time in the barn is good, and yes... taking your dad some better food is definitely a must. Hospital food is always nasty."

"Well, good morning, you two!"

Hunter is surprised enough by Eric's entrance that he just about chokes on his coffee. "Good morning."

Eric grins and nods to them both. "Did I hear someone wants to work in the barn?"

Hunter gives him a wary look. "Maybe. Before we go back to the hospital."

"Well then, it's your lucky day..." Eric had already been in the barn for an hour, as was evident by his gloves and sweaty brow. "Know how to clean stalls?"

"Oh, I bet it would come back to me."

"Good, good." Eric pats Hunter's shoulder before looking at Katie. "Mind if I borrow him for a while? Mick suddenly decided he wants to use those back stalls and they haven't been cleaned in ages. Needless to say, it's more than a one-man job. And if you're gonna wait a while to back to town, then..."

Jared maintains a smile, noticing Grace's red cheeks, but glad that his dumb chatter didn't bother her. The problem was, she was extremely easy to flirt with. And maybe there was just a part of him that really did enjoy paying her compliments - she certainly deserved them. 

Focusing again, he eyes the food she presents. "Mmm... most of the stuff you've brought before I've liked, so I betcha I'm gonna like all this too." At least he was gaining back a small appetite. It had been slow going, but he'd been able to eat a few good-sized portions lately as long as he was careful. 

A few minutes later as he chews on part of a sandwich, he nods. "Yep... this is good." Leaning back on the tree again, he sighs. "You're gonna spoil me, ya know. Nice sunny day. Good food. Pretty girl. I wanna walk, but I'm gonna miss the special treatment, ya know." 


Opening the small basket that had the food in it Grace pulls out the packages. Maybe he was trying to hide how frustrated and silly he felt but she found humor in him and rather enjoyed his innocent banter. It was rather enjoyable and different from the normal for her.

   "Nah, if I tell you to shut up than I can't enjoy you talking anymore."

Glancing over her shoulder Grace gives a little smile as her cheeks turn slightly red again. But it didn't make her falter her cheeks turning red was hardly anything. 

   "So today I made egg salad, peanut butter cookies, chips, and apples. I hope you like it."

Having the door held open for her Katie smiles and walks in giving a thank you. Hunter was being such a gentlemen it was rather nice. though she wondered if it was just friendly or part of there conversation yesterday.

Making her way to the kitchen with Hunter Katie pulls out two coffee mugs and pours some coffee. Putting some cream and sugar in her own she offers some to Hunter as well so he can have whatever he would like in his own.

   "Well I was thinking about spending a little time in the barn so at least I am helping a little today and than maybe head to see how my dad is doing."

Taking a sip of her coffee Katie closes her eyes for a second. The warm drink felt good and she could feel the caffeine kick in a little bit already. This was one of her favorite ways to wake up.

   "Oh we have to stop and get dad some food though because I promised him I wouldn't make him eat that yucky hospital food."

Turning and looking at her brother once he sits down Rosetta gives a smile. Jay could always read her so well she guessed it was just a Pent trate to look deeper and see into someones heart.

   "Ha, you kidding me. I may have gotten a new ticket of my own but I still got my own problems to worry about."

Giving Jay a little elbow and leaning her head back Rosetta closes her eyes for a second. She was rather tired and she new she needed sleep of her own. She'd just promised Katie she would say the night so she wanted to keep off on her word.

Turning her head to Jay again she study's him for a long moment. She wondered if he would be making a trip back home again or staying around for a little while. It was a long shot but she was going to ask anyways.

   "Want to come back to the ranch and say hi to everyone?"

All I Can

Being helped to sit up, Jared bites his tongue to keep from laughing. Perhaps he felt sillier as a cover-up from any embarrassment. Leaning back against the tree so he doesn't fall over from lack of leverage from his legs, he shakes his head. "I'm not coming along that good... you didn't let me stay." 

A wry grin twitches on his lips, and he knows he better put on the brakes lest he really get slapped. Clearing his throat, he looks around and plucks a blade of grass, holding it between his fingers. "I wonder how long it's been since I enjoyed the feeling of grass," he muses. Lifting his eyebrows, he chuckles. "And that was a rather stupid statement. Although apparently that's a knack of mine this morning. Stupid statements. Grace, tell me to shut up before I really make a fool of myself." 

"Yes, no news is good news," Hunter agrees as he walks alongside Katie. "And by the way... if you really thought I'd be scared off, I'm gonna have to work harder at giving you a better impression of me." 

Glancing to his side, he gives her a smile. Realizing she'd led them to the dining room, he holds the door open for her. "After you, Melady... and then tell me what the days is gonna look like." 

Jay sighs, shaking his head as he leans back against the wall. "Stupid," he mutters under his breath. "I thought he knew better than all that. And if it's my fault for what I told him, I'm... I'm sorry."

Rubbing tired hands over his face, he gives Rosetta an apologetic look. "Give me a few minutes, will ya? I'm gonna go talk to him, even if I do have to wake him up."

"Jeff..." Jay lays a hand on his brother's shoulder.

"Hmm?" Jeff groggily opens his eyes and blinks, his mind rather foggy.

"Hey, Bro."

Realizing who it was, Jeff rolls his eyes. "Who called you?" he mumbles.

"Family," Jay states flatly. Shaking his head, he pulls a chair close to the bed and eases down to sit. "Came to see you on your death bed."

Jeff grunts. "Then you came to the wrong place. People around here wouldn't let me die if I paid 'em a million bucks."

"So that's what you've got? A death wish?"

"What else have I got?"

"A family that loves you very much." Jay says nothing more until Jeff turns to look at him. "We're all worried about you, Jeff. Now what's going on?"

"I got a bad heart. What more do you want?" Jeff pulls himself up a little. "Not my fault it decided to give out."

"Maybe not. But from what I hear, you're not exactly trying to keep it from giving out either."

Jeff shrugs. "So?"

"So you're killing yourself!" Jay stops, reminding himself to keep his tone down. "Look... I just want to know what's really going on here. This isn't like you."

Jeff picks at the hem of the bedsheet before throwing a glare at his brother. "I'm fine. I'm still alive. You've seen it for yourself. Now you can leave."

Jay's eyes narrow. "I drove half the night to come down here. You're stuck with me for longer than five minutes. Now...." He sits back and folds his arms. "Someone tells me that perhaps something I said to you while you were visiting has got you all feeling like you're worthless. That true?"

Jeff shrugs again. "I dunno."

"Well... regardless, I'm sorry."

Jeff's eyes move back to his brother curiously. "Why?"

"Because I shouldn't have called you down like I did."

"I thought I embarrassed you."

"You did. But... maybe that's just 'cause none of the rest of us have the guts to be as outgoing as you."

Jeff isn't sure what to think as he studies his brother. "I don't understand."

"You think you're weak. You think you can't offer anybody anything. The truth of the matter is, you've got something the rest of us don't."

"What's that?"

"Life." Jay smiles a little. "You have loved life since I can remember. No matter how sick you got, no matter what happened, you still loved life and you were never afraid to show it."

Jeff swallows hard. "I still embarrassed you and your family. How many other people have I-"

"The only people you've embarrassed are the ones that don't know how to live life like they should."

"That... includes you, ya know."

"I know it does. And I'm admitting it. So sometimes I think you should tone down your silliness. So when we're in public, sometimes I think you shouldn't kid around so much. But that's only because I'm not as brave as you to not be so stuffy that I forget life's about more than being serious all the time." 

Jeff really wasn't sure if Jay was being serious or if he was just using nice words to get him to feel better. "I don't know what to say."

"Say you'll stop this stupid nonsense of trying to prove something. You have nothing to prove, Jeff. I know life's been hard, I know you wanna do more than you can, but if you're gonna live any longer, you need to stop all this and... and go back to being the brother and uncle and father we all know and love."

Jeff swallows hard and eyes his bedsheets again. "Katie said I'm selfish for not taking care of myself."

"I suppose there's truth in that. She's selfish too though."


"She wants to keep you around. She doesn't want to lose you. I guess we're all being selfish. You'll just have to forgive us for not wanting to give up one of our family members."

Jeff sighs deeply. "I'm tired, Jay... I'm tired of not doing what I want. I'm tired of having to watch everything I do to not overdo it. I'm tired of having Angel watching me like a hawk."

"So forgive us for caring. Look... I'm not trying to say I know how it feels, and I'm not trying to say it's easy because I know it's not. But you have so much more to offer than a healthy body. Out of us four brothers, your heart's the biggest, I guarantee. And whether any of us want to admit it or not, you're the example we know we should look up to." Jay nods solemnly. "I was wrong to be embarrassed. To tell you the truth, Josh got mad at me for chiding you - he thinks you're the coolest uncle ever."

Jeff has to give a bit of a wry grin at that one. "Yeah well... I guess sometimes I should tone it down a little." He chews on his lip. "I suppose I always figured if I could make somebody smile that... well, that I was worth something then. If I couldn't help out with work, at least I could provide some laughter. Maybe I just went overboard and-"

"You stop doing what you do best and I'll give you the next heart attack myself." Jay looks at him sternly. "We all like you just the way you are and so help me, Jeffrey Pent..." He huffs a sigh. "I'd strangle you now if it wouldn't set off the alarms in here."

Jeff grits his teeth to keep a laugh hidden. "Keep getting worked up like that, and you'll be the one in this bed instead of me."

Jay chuckles before shaking his head. "So do you accept my apology or not?"

"Of course I do. I'm still frustrated though."

"I know. But killing yourself isn't the answer."

Jeff nods. "Yeah... I don't think I'm gonna be working too much anymore. I know it was stupid."

"Eh... I probably would have done the same thing. You're just lucky you got a group of people around you that won't let you go."

"Not lucky... blessed."

Jay smiles. "Blessed." Seeing the tiredness in his brother's eyes, he lays off. "Now... if you promise not to die, I'll leave you be for a while."

Jeff scoffs. "Okay. You sticking around or heading home?"

"Figure I came all this way I might as well stop by the ranch. I'll see you again." Jay rises from his chair and gives his brother's arm a pat. "Be nice to the doctors."

"Yeah, yeah." Jeff waves him away.

Back out in the hall, Jay finds Rosetta and flops down next to her in a chair. "Well... I've done all I can. It's up to him now." Turning his head, he studies his sister's face. "This might have taken years off his life... don't let it takes years off yours too, eh?"

No news

Heading outside the room with Jay Rosetta was really happy to her brother. It had been a long time, a far to long of a time. Rosetta would of rather been chatting over coffee and seeing how the family was but she new right now it was just not the time.

Letting out a small sigh Rosetta gives a nod to Jay. She new he would be pretty much in the dark on what was going on but it would be easier to try and explain it all to him while he was here anyways. So in a way she was thankful it wasn't over the phone.

   "Well its pretty much like I said one the phone. Since he got back from you place he's been pushing himself harder and more. Finally his heart gave out. So he's had a heart attach, his blood pressure was through the roof, he was over exhausted like he hadn't slept in days and he was dehydrated."

Taking a deep breath Rosetta new she had said everything in one shot but she had to get it out while she was thinking about it. There were so many things that ran through her mind about everything that was going on right now she was lucky she new her own name.

Shaking her head and giving a smirk to Jay she lets out another small sigh. 

   "And the first thing he asked was when he was going home. He's gonna end up killing himself."

Seeing Hunter open the door Katie gives a smile. She'd hoped when she came to the room he would still be there and after last night not deiced to take off. It had been a crazy one for sure and she did feel bad.

   "Morning, Happy to see you haven't been scared off. I though maybe you would like some coffee."

Giving another smile to Hunter Katie leads the way out of his bunk when he's ready. Keeping her hands in her pockets Katie walks with Hunter. She wanted to head back to the hospital but spending a little time away before going back wasn't bad either.

   "No word but I guess no news is good new right?"

Being very pashent with Jared as he takes his time to get up Grace does her best to steady him and do her best to support him. Watching him she was pleased with her efforts but as he gives way and falls forward Grace was not ready and falls with him. Once hitting the ground though and catching her breath Grace can't help but laugh as she looks up at him.

   "I'd say ouch but this is kinda funny."

Looking up at Jared for a second Grace's eye catches Jared's and for a moment she can feel her heart flutter.  Giving a little shake of her head though Grace gives another little laugh before she shifts a little and helps Jared upright once again.

Clearing her throat and straightening out her dress giving another little laugh and a little flustered sigh. It was funny but she could sure tell her face now was beat red too.

   "Well....um all in all that was a really great first try. You really are coming along good Jared."


Jay welcomes Rosetta into his arms, returning just as strong and long of a hug. Smiling as she pulls away, he's so glad she welcomed him so warmly. Despite being on good terms with everyone, he knew that he was an outsider in many ways, so knowing his sister wanted him there was a relief. 

"I'm glad to see you too." He nods to the hallway, leading her out of Jeff's room where they could talk louder without disturbing him. 

"So what's going on? I called Mick late last night and he said Jeff had a heart attack but thought everything was going to be okay?" 

Looking up at the door, Hunter quickly finishes tying his boot. Going to the door and opening it, he grins, seeing Katie. "Mornin', you. I was just ready to come looking for you." 

Stepping out onto the porch, he takes a deep breath of the fresh air. It really was different from city air. "So... what's on the agenda for today? Anything about your dad?" 

Perhaps Jared's smile was a little bigger since Grace couldn't see it. She'd known his comment would be coming... which made teasing and flirting with her all the more fun. 

Once outside, the sunshine felt so warm and good. Jared didn't know if he'd ever appreciated the outdoors before, but he certainly did now. Being cooped up inside 24/7 was getting to him. Arriving at the shady spot and having Grace offer him a hand, he looks at it for a moment before looking up at her a bit wide-eyed. Seriously? She wanted him to try getting himself out of the wheelchair? He could barely move his ankles, let alone his legs. He didn't know if he had any strength left in his muscles at all - probably not much. He hadn't yet been able to try walking at all. And yet she was asking him to try this? 

All those thoughts flash silently across his face and in his eyes, there was a bit of fear for the first time. He'd known she would push him but... but this? 

Swallowing hard, he looks down at the ground then back up at her again. He didn't know if he'd been a strong person before, or a wimp... but the adrenaline rushing through his veins right now told him that at least now, he was not one to turn down a challenge.

"Alrighty..." He musters up his bravery. "If you say so." 

Taking her hand, he braces his other on the arm of the wheelchair, not even quite sure how to do this. Somehow he does manage to turn just a little and hold himself up on his one arm while using Grace's hand to help him gain balance and leverage. Slowly, slowly, he pulls himself up, using his legs to keep himself upright, despite not even being able to feel what he was doing. 

Halfway there though, he can't hold himself anymore. With a little wail, he falls forward into Grace, knocking her to the ground. Only after landing does he take a moment to regain his senses and he realizes that he'd landed on top of her. Blinking, he raises himself up on his arms, but that's all he can do. Looking down at her, his cheeks flush with embarrassment, but that doesn't stop his wit. 

"Well now... this is just a little awkward." A sheepish grin emerges and he bites his lip. "Your beauty has left me rather paralyzed so, um... I'm gonna need a little help here getting off... that is, if you really want me off." His sheepishness turns into a teasing sparkle in his eye as he turns the situation around to his advantage. 

At least try...

Groggy and half between sleep and trying to stay alert Rosetta doesn't hear anyone come into Jeff's room. It's not till Jay lays a hand on her shoulder, and speaks that she even realize anyone was there. Giving a small jump and looking behind her Rosetta couldn't help the look of surprise. It had been a long time since she had seen her brother.


Standing Rosetta wraps her arms around her brothers neck and pulls him in for a big hug. Just holding him for a few long minutes she couldn't let go to soon for fear it would be a dream, and he would be gone. Finally though letting go and stepping back a little she smiles. 

   "Although I wish it was a different reason you were here, I am happy to see you."

Grace can feel her cheeks go red as she just shakes her head at Jared. Even in a bad mood he had that same flirtatiousness that seemed to come out. Moving around to the back of him Grace starts to push forward out of the room and down the hall noding to a few Dr, and nurses as she went.

   "It was to nice of a day out to bog myself down with pants, so I opted on the dress. Even though I did know I'd get some kind of comment from you. No that I mind to much though."

Exiting the hosptiel and going to a small picnic area  Grace doesn't stop at one of the tables but goes to a slightly shaded area in a far corner. Putting a blanket out she sents down the small basket she had been holding before holding her hand out to Jared to join her.

   "I'll help you out, you can lean on me but I want you to at least try for me."

She'd help Jared for sure but his muscles needed to get strong again so he had to at least try to move them. It wouldn't be easy this first time and she new it but she also had faith he would try and even if it was a little, it was better than nothing. 

 Finally rolling out of bed Katie stands and goes to the window. No one had called through the night so that was a good thing. Still though there was a looming cloud that just wouldn't go away that Katie hated feeling. Maybe thats why she stayed in bed a little extra the planned.

Pulling out her phone Katie's finger hovers over a number for a long second before finally hitting the button for a text.

My dad had a heart attack last night. He's doing ok just have to try and get him to slow down now. I just...thought you should know.

Sending the text and putting her phone down Katie felt strange for texting Jason. Why she wasn't sure but she did. It was only right he new though since she new Jason had been close to him too. She didn't exspect a responce from him but at least she had said something.
Finally getting herself together though she wonders out of her bunk and heads in the direction of Hunter's giving a knock on the door. Maybe he would like to grab some breakfest or coffee before working a little this morning. Than later they could back and see Jeff.


Eying Rosetta almost suspiciously at first, Jeff sighs. He knew she loved him and that's why she was here. It was just... hard. It was hard having his family see him like this. Weak. 

"I guess I kinda gave me a scare too," he admits. He hadn't said that to anyone else, and he probably wouldn't. Just her.

Shifting his hand to give hers a return pat, his eyes start to droop again. "You might wanna... settle in," he suggests. "Whatever they've got me on is gonna knock me out in about..." He looks up at her groggily. "Two minutes." 

As predicted, any further conversation was minimal as Jeff drifts off, exhausted from the day's ordeal. When the doctor checks on him later though, he expresses that it's best Jeff was asleep so he'd at least remain calm so his body could recover. 

Hunter laughs outright, taking Katie's comment as more of a joke than compliment. "You know it," he teases. Grabbing another fry, he hears Katie's stomach growl and grins, but doesn't comment. They'd both missed supper and he was glad she was at least eating a little bit. He knew how stress like this could mess up one's routines or even desire to eat, and he didn't want to see her go down any more than she already was. 

The rest of the ride home, Hunter makes light conversation - partially to lighten the mood and partially to keep himself awake. He hadn't gotten a rest at all after making so many miles to the ranch in the first place, so driving more at night was bound to make him sleepy. 

Once back at the ranch, he has Katie show him where he'd be staying, and has no problems getting settled in - only after he told her that if anything happened to come wake him up so he could go with her back to the hospital. 

As it was, there was only one instance in the night when the nurses and doctor came into Jeff's room. Everything happened so quickly though that by the time they explained to Rosetta that Jeff's blood pressure had suddenly dropped, he was stable again, without the need to call the family back. Utterly exhausted, Jeff slept the rest of the night through, too tired to complain or make any trouble, despite being poked and prodded and checked on multiple times...

It was early morning when Jay pulled into the hospital parking lot. He'd driven half the night to get here, but coffee and ice had kept him awake. 

After entering the hospital and asking a few questions, he heads down the hall and to the elevator. Reaching the right floor, he hunts for the correct room number. Finally finding it, he pauses at the door that was sitting ajar and glances inside. Seeing Rosetta first, a small smile appears on his face. He wasn't surprised that she was the one who had stayed here.

Entering slowly, he sees that Jeff is asleep in the bed. And for a moment, images of the past flash through Jay's mind. His brother looked pale and weak, just like he used to years ago when they didn't know what was wrong with him. It was a bit unsettling to see him like this, especially when he'd appeared well only a couple weeks ago. Jay was glad Jeff was here though where he was being taken care of.

Coming quietly to Rosetta's chair, he lays a gentle hand on her shoulder, trying not to startle her. "Pssst." He grins down at her. It had been way too long since he'd seen her. "Hey you," he whispers. "I got here as fast as I could..."

At the ranch, the sun was rising, as were most of those who had been up half the night already with worry. Hunter rolls over in his bed, suddenly realizing that sunlight was streaming through his window. His mind told him he needed to get up. He really should. He needed to see how Katie was. Find out how Jeff had fared through the night. Yet his body resisted. He wasn't used to getting up early, especially when he'd been so tired the night before. 

Finally rolling out of bed, he shuffles to the bathroom to take a shower and was soon dressed, pulling on his boots and wondering where he'd find Katie. 

Seeing Grace, Jared immediately perks up and gives her a smile. Though he wasn't feeling a whole lot better than yesterday, knowing she was here without an agenda to work on him was enough to give him something happy to concentrate on. 

"Of course I'm ready." He nods and doesn't resist as the male nurses help him out of his bed and into the wheelchair. It was pretty much routine now, and even though Jared didn't exactly like it, he wouldn't complain and risk being told he couldn't go outside.

Getting settled in, he gives Grace a once-over.  She was looking awfully pretty today. "You better get behind me and steer before I make a pass at you," he warns.