

Eying Rosetta almost suspiciously at first, Jeff sighs. He knew she loved him and that's why she was here. It was just... hard. It was hard having his family see him like this. Weak. 

"I guess I kinda gave me a scare too," he admits. He hadn't said that to anyone else, and he probably wouldn't. Just her.

Shifting his hand to give hers a return pat, his eyes start to droop again. "You might wanna... settle in," he suggests. "Whatever they've got me on is gonna knock me out in about..." He looks up at her groggily. "Two minutes." 

As predicted, any further conversation was minimal as Jeff drifts off, exhausted from the day's ordeal. When the doctor checks on him later though, he expresses that it's best Jeff was asleep so he'd at least remain calm so his body could recover. 

Hunter laughs outright, taking Katie's comment as more of a joke than compliment. "You know it," he teases. Grabbing another fry, he hears Katie's stomach growl and grins, but doesn't comment. They'd both missed supper and he was glad she was at least eating a little bit. He knew how stress like this could mess up one's routines or even desire to eat, and he didn't want to see her go down any more than she already was. 

The rest of the ride home, Hunter makes light conversation - partially to lighten the mood and partially to keep himself awake. He hadn't gotten a rest at all after making so many miles to the ranch in the first place, so driving more at night was bound to make him sleepy. 

Once back at the ranch, he has Katie show him where he'd be staying, and has no problems getting settled in - only after he told her that if anything happened to come wake him up so he could go with her back to the hospital. 

As it was, there was only one instance in the night when the nurses and doctor came into Jeff's room. Everything happened so quickly though that by the time they explained to Rosetta that Jeff's blood pressure had suddenly dropped, he was stable again, without the need to call the family back. Utterly exhausted, Jeff slept the rest of the night through, too tired to complain or make any trouble, despite being poked and prodded and checked on multiple times...

It was early morning when Jay pulled into the hospital parking lot. He'd driven half the night to get here, but coffee and ice had kept him awake. 

After entering the hospital and asking a few questions, he heads down the hall and to the elevator. Reaching the right floor, he hunts for the correct room number. Finally finding it, he pauses at the door that was sitting ajar and glances inside. Seeing Rosetta first, a small smile appears on his face. He wasn't surprised that she was the one who had stayed here.

Entering slowly, he sees that Jeff is asleep in the bed. And for a moment, images of the past flash through Jay's mind. His brother looked pale and weak, just like he used to years ago when they didn't know what was wrong with him. It was a bit unsettling to see him like this, especially when he'd appeared well only a couple weeks ago. Jay was glad Jeff was here though where he was being taken care of.

Coming quietly to Rosetta's chair, he lays a gentle hand on her shoulder, trying not to startle her. "Pssst." He grins down at her. It had been way too long since he'd seen her. "Hey you," he whispers. "I got here as fast as I could..."

At the ranch, the sun was rising, as were most of those who had been up half the night already with worry. Hunter rolls over in his bed, suddenly realizing that sunlight was streaming through his window. His mind told him he needed to get up. He really should. He needed to see how Katie was. Find out how Jeff had fared through the night. Yet his body resisted. He wasn't used to getting up early, especially when he'd been so tired the night before. 

Finally rolling out of bed, he shuffles to the bathroom to take a shower and was soon dressed, pulling on his boots and wondering where he'd find Katie. 

Seeing Grace, Jared immediately perks up and gives her a smile. Though he wasn't feeling a whole lot better than yesterday, knowing she was here without an agenda to work on him was enough to give him something happy to concentrate on. 

"Of course I'm ready." He nods and doesn't resist as the male nurses help him out of his bed and into the wheelchair. It was pretty much routine now, and even though Jared didn't exactly like it, he wouldn't complain and risk being told he couldn't go outside.

Getting settled in, he gives Grace a once-over.  She was looking awfully pretty today. "You better get behind me and steer before I make a pass at you," he warns.

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