
The World

Hearing the Jay was infact going to come see everyone at the ranch Rosetta couldn't help but be a little excited. Sitting up from the chair a little bit straighter her smile widens. A lot had changed since he was last there but this was something to look forward too and she couldn't help but feel like a little kid.

   "Well Trent and Eric said to call when I was ready so if I don't call than I don't have a ride. We can head there together if you want. I don't know if in your old age you remember the way."

Shying away a little bit Rosetta grins as her eyes dance a little bit with humor. Jay was only a year older than she and she always did like to pick on him about it. All in good fun though and she new he could take it. 

   "Before we go though I just want to make sure everything is ok with Jeff."

Hearing Eric's voice Katie turns around and gives a smile and a nod. She often saw her uncles and other workers in the morning but this morning it was a surprise. It was a late start and she hadn't exspected to see anyone till around lunch time. Though this was a nice suprise.

   "Good Morning Uncle Eric, yeah I though maybe doing some work in the barn would be nice before dinner. Show Hunter the ropes a little bit."

Katie gives a grin at Eric and than back to Hunter. It was nice how everyone seemed to be taking quickly to Hunter. It was almost like he was meant to be here, and people had known him forever. It was a feeling Katie really did enjoy.

   "I don't mind if you steal him away for a little while. As long as you dont over work him. I could help to if you want? I am sure my normal chores are done already since its so late. And if you would just rather had some guy time I bet I know a few horses that need there shoes picked."

Taking a sip of her water bottle Grace gives a smile setting it down and leaning back on her arms for a second. Today really had turned out to be a nice day and the clouded that threatened the morning seemed to clear up. Grace was happy and hearing Jared's comment made her smile more.

Truth was when Jared could walk again she was going to miss there interaction too. He was smart, funny, easy to get a long with and there was something about him she liked. This simple friendship God had brought her Grace still couldn't help but feel like there was something more.

   "Well you know once you can walk again we can still be friends if you want."

Sitting up and picking a few blades of grass Grace slowly works on tieing them together into a long chain. Finding a few small flowers she works them into the grass as well. Looking up again and holding up the small bracelet of flowers and grass she gives a small laugh. It was a childish thing to do but it had kept her busy for a moment. 

   "Once you got out of the hospital too we might be able to do a few more things together to become better friends. Here there is only a limited amount of places I could take you. Out there though...I could show you the world."

Realizing that maybe her comment had come across a little more flirty that she wanted it to Grace could feel her cheeks turn a little shade of red once again. If anything was obvious it was that she could be embarrassed easily even if she never brought attachen to it.

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