

Finishing off the bottle of beer Katie waves the bartender over for another. Getting that one she takes another swig of it before turning her head to look at Hunter. His words were comforting but it didn't make the pain any less, but it was nice to hear them anyways.

   "I yelled at him, walked away, told him it was over. He tried to stop me and tell me it wasn't what it looked like. I told him to just leave me alone, what else could it be than it looked like. Even if he didn't want Sandy to kiss him he had to have given her the impression he liked her or something and thats just as bad."

Letting out yet another heavy sigh followed by another swig of beer Katie mind started to get slightly foggy. Some might say she was a light weight and they were right. For her first time drinking, a beer and a few swigs the liqueur would hit fast and make he tipsy for sure. She wasn't there yet but she could definitely feel something.

   "After everything I've done for him Hunter...I just dont get what I did wrong to cause this. Am...I broken or something that he would need to seek another woman? I mean...and after the lecture he gave me about hanging out with you when what we did was completely innocent. The nerve...It just...makes me hurt, and mad the more and more I think about it."

Watching Garret and walking along her side of the flowers Victoria was happy that they separated her and Garret or she would of fallen into his arms right there. Even the strong had to break down, even the thick hearted had a weak spot.

   "Tomorrow...thats so soon. He's not even going to question her himself?"

It was surprising to head that her mothers death would be quick and there would be no dragging it out. In a way she was thankful her mother would not have to endure any more than she already had. There would be no torchure, no endless questions. In the snap of the fingers it would be over.

Stopping and seeing the blood trickle down Garret's finger Victoria let out a silent tear on the inside hearing he had been the one chosen to do this job. A mixed amount of emotions played inside her. Anger, hate, pain but not twords Garret it was not his fault, he was only following orders but it was her grandfathers she held these emotions for a little more than she had.

   "I'm glad you were chosen. You will show mercy and wont let it drag on any longer than it has to. And when you get back, it will be washed away and I will continue to love you because this is our job but does not define who we are. Like a rose bush has thorns that hurt, tear, and leave marks on the skin it does not look any less beautiful making us forget the danger it holds till finally with great care it is taken and loved."

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