
Never Ask

Taking note of Katie's second beer, Hunter says nothing, just letting her drink. He knew it wouldn't take much to make her tipsy and it probably wouldn't require much more to get her completely drunk. But for now he wouldn't interfere. He could always drive her home if it got too bad. 

Listening to what had happened, he shakes his head a little and sighs. He was glad she'd told Jason it was over - in his mind, that's what she needed. To break ties with the guy who was just constantly hurting her feelings. Even so, he knew that breaking up wasn't easy and it was tearing Katie apart. 

"No, you're not broken," he responds gently. "You're far from it, and you have every right to be angry. I guess I don't know everything and I wasn't there but... as far as I'm concerned, you've done nothing to deserve any of this. You're one of the neatest women I've ever met and Jason's stupid for hurting you." 

Finishing off his beer, he sets aside the bottle and waves away the offer for a second. He suddenly had the urge to stay sober tonight. Tonight, clarity was needed. "I know it sucks but if he's been that much of a jerk then this is what's best for you, right?"

How could Victoria be glad he was chosen to murder her own mother? Garret wasn't sure he'd ever understand. He was relieved to know that she wouldn't hold the act against him... that she would still love him just the same... but what he questioned was whether or not he'd be able to live with himself and see her every day knowing that he had taken her mother's life. 

"Thank you." It felt such a trite answer, but what else could he say? "I hope I will be able to forgive myself as you can forgive me." 

Rubbing his own blood between his fingers, he then ignores the small wound. He must move on. "I'll see you later." Whether it was fear of someone seeing them or fear of losing control of his emotions, he wasn't sure, but choosing to leave the scene was best... 

The day would move on, but it felt as though there were a dark cloud hanging over the estate. Despite Cassandra having the rest of this day, she would not be found by anyone, not even Victoria. It wouldn't be until the next morning that she would be seen, and it was simply to walk from the house to the waiting van where Garret joined her in the back for a blind ride to the airstrip. He had not seen Victoria yet this morning, but he could feel her eyes, and he knew that she was aware they were leaving. And he knew that she would always remember seeing this van pull away, taking with it her mother's life...

Garret's hands grip the steering wheel a little tighter than normal as he drives down the quiet road, staring through his sunglasses. He'd been here before, and knew his way around the winding back roads, but wasn't sure about the exact location. He only knew it had been a half an hour since they'd left the airstrip after landing.

Glancing in the rearview mirror, all he sees is the black divider, keeping his eyes from seeing his victim. It was just as well. He wasn't sure if he could stand to see the eyes that reminded him so much of Victoria. How many lives had he taken? How many eyes had he stared into before pulling the trigger? And none had felt like this.

"You're going to kill me, aren't you?"

Cassandra's voice through the speaker comes as a surprise. What wasn't surprising was that she'd figured out she was not being taken to some political negotiations as she'd been told. Garret finally answers her. "Yes."

There was a long stretch of silence before she speaks again. "Please make it clean and quick."

Garret grits his teeth as his eyes remain glued to the road. "I will."

It was not long enough before he was pulling the car off onto an old dirt road and driving a  ways into the secluded area. No one would find a body here, especially if it was buried. And even if they did, it would be untraceable.

Parking the car, Garret sits for several moments, checking his handgun to make sure it was loaded. Finally getting out, he opens the back door for Cassandra. Stepping into the sunlight, she had as much poise as if taking an afternoon stroll. With no words spoken, Garret leads her a short distance away before retrieving his gun from his hip and cocking it.

"Please take care of Victoria for me."

Garret's gaze rises to Cassandra. As far as he was aware, Victoria had never even told her about them. "You knew?"

Cassandra smiles before reaching up and removing Garret's sunglasses from his face so she could see his eyes. "It's a mother's talent to know things like that."

Garret swallows hard. "You have my word, I'll do all I can to protect her."

Cassandra nods. "Thank you. I know you will."

Taking several steps back, Garret cocks his gun and raises it to stare down the length of his arm. He would not keep her waiting. "Goodbye, Cassandra."

She holds herself tall and takes a deep breath as she waits for the end. A single tear slowly slides down her cheek. "Goodbye, Garret."

The trigger is squeezed. The shot echoes through the air. And Cassandra's body slumps to the ground.

Lowering his gun, Garret has to take several moments before approaching once more. Kneeling beside the body, he retrieves his sunglasses from Cassandra's limp hand before standing again.

It would take over an hour for him to dig a grave and cover it again. And when it was done, Garret was once more behind the wheel of the car, heading back to the airstrip. The entire incident would be swept under the rug to keep any questions at bay. Soon, no one would remember the day Cassandra had not returned to the estate. But the day would always be burned into Garret's mind, never to be forgotten...

...Stepping out from the back door of the van, Garret's eyes sweep the area. He was back at the estate once more, and still just as clueless as always about the location. But for once, he was not glad to be back within the safety of these walls. Heading towards the house to report to Medridge, he spots Victoria on the steps, and his heart aches all the more. Never had it been so hard to maintain his composure and pretend that everything was fine.

Taking the steps, he pauses for only a moment in front of her. Reaching for her hand, in it he places the silver locket that her mother had always worn, and he curls her fingers around it, giving her hand a squeeze. Looking her in the eye, his gaze was cold and dark. "Never ask me about today." It was more than a request. It was a warning. For he would not speak of it.

Letting her go, he continues his route inside before any attention was drawn to them. Medridge needed to hear that the job was done before Garret could seek out the privacy of his own quarters. He had yet to decide if he would sleep, cry or get drunk. But he knew none would erase the day.

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