
After work

Though on the inside Hunter was boiling mad at being arrested, he knew better than to fight. He'd been drinking - a lot. But he wasn't so drunk that he couldn't think, and right now he knew his best bet was to play nice guy so he wouldn't be detained any longer than necessary. He didn't much care about his record. It was already marred with a couple DUI's and a couple more instances of disturbing the peace. One more really didn't seem that big of a deal, especially when nobody got hurt.

Nobody? His mind suddenly flashes back to Kyle and his gut twists. He'd had no intention of running into Kyle ever again, let alone tonight of all nights. And when he'd seen Alice... he'd just... gone mad. He'd tried to forget the past. He'd tried to shove it as far back as he could, but tonight, seeing them... it had just brought it all back to the surface. Kyle had gotten everything handed to him on a silver platter while Hunter had just struggled to survive. It hadn't been fair, and still wasn't. And yet... deep down... there was a different kind of churning. One that reminded him he wasn't only feeling upset. He was feeling the pangs of guilt too.

His attention suddenly snaps back as he's shoved inside the car and he grumbles his displeasure. Situating himself in the middle of the seat, he waits for Katie, quirking an eyebrow as he looked at her in the rearview mirror.

"Bummer. You coulda had a fun motorcycle ride tonight. Nice warm breeze. Starry sky."

He jolts a little as the car starts forward, and he scoots up, resting his forehead against the metal bars between the front and back seats. He'd heard her comment to Gunner, and that, mixed with a bit of alcohol made for a looser tongue than normal. "Somebody who likes to work late needs a life. Seriously. What are you doing after you get off work tonight?"

Seeing Hunter and one of the other guys taken away, Kyle trudges beside Alice and Twila back to his pickup. He looks to Twila, making sure she was okay. "You be alright driving?"

"Yeah... yeah, I think so." She was still a bit shaky, but was better now. "I'll see you guys later."

Kyle nods and opens the passenger door for Alice before going around the other side. Sliding in behind the steering wheel, he starts up the engine, remaining quiet. The silence keeps up all across town until they're pulled up to the curb for Kyle to drop off Alice at her place.

Fiddling with the steering wheel a moment or two, Kyle finally turns his gaze to Alice. He knew that his eyes would give him away, but there wasn't much he could do about that. Alice knew him better than he knew himself. "I guess when Hunter and I parted ways, I never thought I'd later be looking up at him from the ground, only to realize it was him who'd put me there." The pain in his gut had subsided. But not in his heart. His heart still hurt - a lot. What had happened to their friend? What had he done to himself? Why was he hanging out with such a group of people? Kyle hadn't even known he was back in Nevada at all. Why hadn't he contacted him? Did he really think nothing of their friendship anymore? There were so many questions.

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