

Entering the room Beth looks around at everything from what was on the walls to what was on the tables just taking it all in and observing the details. Though the room was like Sarah's it was still different to this indavidual.

Following Zach's lead and coming over to his Uncle Beth squats down and gives a sweet smile to the older man. There was something about him, so much wisdom in his eyes that seemed to just be suppressed. In a way Beth felt a little sad but she wouldn't let it show.

"Hi Uncle Harry its very nice to meet you."

Looking to where Zach's uncle had pointed at the birds Beth gives another smile just looking at them for a long moment and watching the birds come to and fro. What a nice thing for him to be able to watch.

"They sure are pretty huh? It's so nice you have a feeder out there to be able to watch them."

Hearing the comment about being fine and that Zach's following comment Beth can feel her cheeks turning red. A warmth ran through her heart too though. Though she wasn't quite sure why but it felt good. Family, something she had been missing for a long time and maybe just maybe this was a glimpse that made her feel good.

As Eric brings Remington out Ashlee's eyes widen just a little bit. She'd seen Mick ride the horse before and he seem pretty active. He was a big horse But Ashlee did her best to swallow what little bit of fear she had. Sticking out her hand she lets the horse smell it and can't help the laugh the slips out when his whiskers tickle her hand as well.

"He feels softer than the rest."

Once the horse was all clean Ashlee follows Eric to the barn. Being given the direction and shes a nod. A big of excitement grew as she wondered what they were going to do next. Going into the tack room Ashlee gives a big deep breath before continuing to find the box. Than before leaving she does it again than exits.

"I found them Eric. Now what?"

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