

Walking around the pond without anything happening was nice and Bree was happy for that. Just the moment together was pleasent and getting this before they had to go back home she was thankful for. Work would start up again, days would be busy, nights would be filled with tv, snuggling and mostly someone falling sleep. Not that she minded it helped her enjoy the times like this.

"It's moments like this that make me love you even more."

Coming to the rocks and stepping out on them with Gunner Bree can only smile listing to Gunner and trying peace together everything he was saying. Seeing him start to slip though Bree's eyes go wide and there was no saving him. It all happened way to fast for her to even try.

"Do you want...."

Bree's words were cut off by JT's yelling. Hearing him yell about saying yes to Gunner her eyes get large. Had she heard her Uncle right? Looking to Gunner again and his question that follows confermes what she had heard was right.

Just standing there for a long moment finally a large smile spreads across her face as she takes aim and jumps into the water right next to Gunner with a scream.


Now soaked herself Bree moves closer to Gunner and throws her arms around his neck pulling him into a big hug and burying her head into his neck before finally pulling away. Pressing her lips to his for a long moment she breaks away in a little more quiet voice she whispers.

"Yes, I will."

Seeing Bree's reaction Amanda can't help but laugh her eyes twinkling. After everything she had seen Gunner and Bree go through she was so happy that they had found there happyness. It was nice to know they would be both taking care of.

"I guess she said yes?!"

As Mick stops and looks at the horse Ashlee does her best not to laugh. She was proud of her work on the horse even if she found it silly too. But as Eric keeps egging Mick on Ashlee just can't hold it in anymore and she lets out a laugh as she trys to speak.

"Well, I...I think he looks good in pink."

Laughing to hard Ashlee can't say anything else. This hole thing just seemed to hit her funny bone just right. Hearing about the apples Ashlee walks away trying to compose herself and gather the treats.

Not gone for long she comes back out again with an apple. Her face red but contained at the moment. Holding out the apple for Remington she waits for him to take it knowing his soft lips would probable tickle her fingers again.

Getting to the sub shop and ordering her roast beef with extra mayo, lettuces, avocado, tomatoes and onions she licks her lips. She hadn't had a sub in a long while and this one looked extra good.

About to take a bit seeing Zach out of the corner of her eye Beth can't help but laugh as she continues to watch him try to fit the sub into his mouth. It was rather humorous wondering herself how on earth he was going to eat that.

"Obviously your sister was wrong because your still having a problem with that."

Giving a laugh Beth finally takes a bit of her own sub having a little easier of a time with it. Hearing Zach's question she whips her mouth off giving her a little extra time to think. He had noticed Justin acting strangely as well. Beth cringes a little bit on the inside.

"Honestly, this is the first time I've ever introduced him to anyone but my sister. Before I met you he was the only friend I had. I do know today he was acting strangely but I don't know why. He's been with me through a lot over the last months I guess maybe he's just trying to look out for me. Dosn't want anything bad to happen and he knows how leary of people I am."

Taking a sip of her water and picking up some lettuces from her plate to eat. Letting out a small sigh she figured maybe she should tell Zach about her past now. It might help him understand a few things.

"See when I was younger My mom but faith in someone other than my father. She lost almost all the money we had. When my dad found out he went out and got super drunk and went crazy. He came home drunk and with a loaded gun. I wasn't home at the time but Sarah was. My mom new how angry dad was and she hide Sarah under the bed. Unfortunately though all it did was saved her life but she saw my dad shoot my mom, and than shoot himself. Sarah hasn't spoken a word since than and I've taking care of her, gone to see her and been with her since that day....and thats where Justin comes in."

Beth goes into more detail about how she use to work, see Sara come home and lock herself into her apartment. Never talking to anyone, never going any place, never facing the outside world more than she had too. Than she talked about how Justin became her friend and showed her how to live again. He really had helped her open up and not be quite as scared to live.

"...So Justin has been a really good friend since than. He's helped me a lot and he knows I still struggle with a few things."

Falling silent again Beth just lets Zach take everything in. Searching his face she wondered what he might be thinking. She'd understand if it was all to much for him to take in and handle. It was understandable. There were still days she wondered how she handled it herself.

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