

Tal manages a bit of a crooked grin while looking up at Ryan, still laying on his side. He gives her hand a squeeze. "Yeah... maybe I'll look a little scarier now, huh?" Though in pain, he knew it could have been worse than just a couple broken ribs and cuts and bruises. Even though he didn't want to admit it, he knew that Alec was well-trained and could have easily killed him had he wanted. Tal was bigger than Alec, but Alec had the skill.

Trying to sigh without it hurting much, Tal just studies Ryan for a moment, feeling badly that this had upset her so much. He could tell that it bothered her to see him hurt. That it made her angry. He was sure Eli was angry too. He wished he could have stood up for himself. Eli would have been able to. Was it really that Tal didn't know how or that he didn't have the guts? He wondered.

"I gotta get home and take care of the pups," he muses. "Gonna come help me?"

Alec hadn't been expecting anyone, so hearing a knock made him just a little leery. It had only been a half day or working the roadside, and he'd just been dropped off a few minutes ago. Still in his dirty clothes, he wanders to the door.

He was surprised to see Trey standing there. What was happening? Had something gone wrong with the plan last night?

He doesn't have enough time to speak before Trey does. Realizing Trey's anger, and his refusal of the payment, Alec can feel his blood start to boil. Seriously? Trey cared? How he found out, Alec wasn't sure, unless someone had complained to TJY or even took Tal in. Either way, Alec wouldn't be surprised, but no one would have any proof, so it didn't worry him. But to have Trey react like this... it was not what he would have expected.

Taking the cigarettes that were shoved back to him, his eyes narrow in displeasure. Was Trey daring to threaten him? Was he really daring to give him a warning? Did Trey think he'd be scared off? Besides all that, why did Trey even care one way or the other what Alec had done? It was baffling, aside from irritating.

Opening his mouth, Alec can't even reply as Trey walks away. Slamming his door shut again, he tosses the carton aside and goes to the window to look out, folding his arms in disgust. He sees Pete's convertible and wonders if Trey had spilled the beans. No... if he had, he'd already have Reese breathing down his neck. For some reason, Trey had kept quiet, despite his obvious displeasure.

No matter... Alec continues to scowl. Tal would have gotten the message. And Alec would find a way to take care of matters again if Tal refused to pay head to his threat.

Waiting until Trey gets back in the car, Pete pulls from the lot and heads back to TJY. He remains quiet for a few minutes, studying Trey through his peripheral vision.

"Everything okay?"

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