
Came Bewteen Us

Michaela can't help but chuckle again. She wasn't laughing at Rocky but she was laughing with him. Maybe she was hiding her own nerves in this whole thing but she was happy she was not the only one.

"Yes I think I would like that. I was wondering when you might as or if I was going to have to do it."

Her lips curl up in a bright smile as she looks across the table at Rocky. A little humor shone in her eyes to prove she was joking around with him but she was happy he asked her. She hadn't really had many boyfriends herself so this was pretty new to her too.

"To me you did a pretty good job in asking me. There is no perfect way so you did great."

Comfortable on the couch with Tal Ryan runs her hand though his hair softly. Looking down at him as he talks a smile spreads across her face. She was happy that he wasn't going to listen to Alec. Ryan just hoped at the same time Alec would get the point and not trying anything else stupid.

"That means a lot Tal that you wont back down. I am happy for that because you mean a lot to me too and I'd be heart broken if Alec came between us."

Leaning down Ryan places a soft kiss on Tal's lips just letting it linger for a moment before pulling away. Tonight she was going to spend it at Tal's encase he needed anything. The couch or chair would be her bed and she didn't mind at all. As long as she new he was going to be ok.

"I am sorry though that Alec is acting like this. I never thought he would stoop this low."

Wondering out of the barn with a brush in her hair Ashlee wasn't paying much attachen as she was pulling the hair from the brush and letting the wind carry it away. Looking up at the last second she was able to stop though a few feet infront of Dylan as to not run into him. Giving a smile and a wave.

"Sorry about that. I guess I was in my own little world. It's really good to see you up and around. How are you feeling?"

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