
Heart of Stone

Dan rolls his eyes at Dylan. If the poor kid wasn't in tough shape right now he would of wracked him over the head. Sooner or later he was going to have to understand that Mick wasn't going to hate him for every little thing he did wrong. Nobody was perfect all the time, not even Mick himself.

"I know you have Dylan, I new from the moment I picked you up at the gas station but you wanna know what...I don't think any differently of you. I don't hate you either and Mick wont either because he knows already too. You gotta ask for his help Dylan."

Whipping a few more beads of sweat from Dylan's for head again Dan cocks his own to try and look at the young man in the eyes. He new he was feeling crappy and dizzy but he wanted to catch his gaze even for a moment to let him know things would be ok and would work out.

"If you wont tell Mick you need his help now, than I will. You might think you can do this alone but you wont be able too. No that doesn't make you weak either. Asking for help and leaning on others is what makes you strong. So...are you going to tell you dad, or am I going to have too?"

Dan holds out his cell phone to Dylan. He new the young man wouldn't be able to walk anywhere and he wasn't going to leave him before anyone else came to sit with him so his phone was the next best thing. Mick's number was already programmed into it all he had to do was push the button.

Enter the sunrise and scanning the area Trey's eyes fall onto Ariel. He felt his nerves start to rise and he hated it. It was a feeling he didn't like at all and didn't understand why when it came to her it happened.

Giving a glace to Pete and than back to Ariel Trey gives a short nod. He's catch up with Pete a little bit later. Taking a few steps forward looks down at the bag in his hand. Was he being cheese? To much? Over doing it? He didn't know but he had to try. Pulling a pretty bunch og daisy's out of the bag a single red rose stood out in the middle of them. Tossing the bag in a near by garbage Trey continues on his way to Ariel sliding in beside her on another stool.

"Hey Ariel..."

Hey Ariel....wow great start. Trey couldn't help but feel stupid, valnarubule, and such a nerd right now. Looking down at the flowers Trey trys to get his thoughts together and say the right thing. Maybe he was over thinking this whole thing. What if Ariel rejected him and he looked stupid. Well if she did it was his own fault, so why not just do it. He couldn't look worse than he did the night at her place.

"Ariel...these are for you. I...I know they wont make up for how I acted the other night I was a real jerk and...if your not willing to turst me again than I understand but...I wanted to tell you sorry anyways. Thats why I had Pete ask you to come tonight."

As the bartender comes over to him Trey really could go for a beer but opts out at least for now. Instead he orders a coke with a shot of vanilla in it. Getting the syrup put in after always tasted better he had found out.

"These flowers are for you too. I wanted to tell you that in a group full of girls I've met they have all been the smile like these daisy's, but than I met you and...you just stand out from the rest. Your special like the rose and I'm sorry for letting my anger get the best of me Ariel. I really am..."

Trey could feel his heart beat a mile a minute in his chest. He thought for sure he would of passed out by now if he didn't think it would make him look any sillier than he already did.

"...and I've got a lot of work at friendship, trust, forgiveness, and trying to soften up my heart of stone. But if your willing to put up with me...I...I'd still like to have you as a friend!"

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