

Jess can feel her cheeks turn a little red. It was nice to get such a good comment from Axel. She new he always though she looked good but it just felt good when he noticed he had just done a little extra. Axel always made her feel good, and she liked it.

"You looks pretty dashing yourself tonight."

Looking twords the table where Axel pointed to the flowers Jess smile grew even more. Going over and leaning closer to smell the aroma of the flowers Jess already new right where she was going to put them. On her night stand so she could go to bed looking at them and wake up the same way.

"I think I'll take some juice if you have some."

Sitting down at her spot at the table Jess smells the flowers again. It had been so sweet of Axel to do this. He just made her heart melt all the time. The feelings she got when he would surprise her it was just amazing. Now that the mood was set Jess didn't want to ask about his strange mood lately. Maybe after dinner would be a better time?

Sitting and just listing to Pete Trey fiddles with the coffee cup before taking another sip. He wanted to be mad, he wanted to be angry and yell at Pete. If it had been yesterday he was sure he would, but today...something about today he didn't feel much like yelling.

Looking out the window and letting out a sigh Trey wasn't quite sure how to feel. He'd enjoyed his time with Ariel and Pete, than last night with Ariel being so sweet and now Pete not telling Reese he was even gone and drunk off his butt it made Trey wonder if he even had a right to be mad anymore.

"Thanks for not telling Reese."

Just continuing to look out the window Trey falls quiet again as they drive. The silence was something Trey welcomed normally, being alone was something he was use to but now...he'd tasted what it was like to have people around, to have friends, to have someone care and being alone just...didn't feel the same anymore.

Letting the silence linger a little more Trey lets out another sigh as he finally looks to Pete. He new he looked like crap, and he felt it. Not just pyscaly but emotionally too.

"Got wind that tomorrow there is going to be a really killer party down town. I doubt I'll drink but wanna come with me?"

Trey is silent again for a moment before speaking again. He new he was skipping around but its how his brain was working right now.

"Bare with me...this whole people caring thing and putting trust in them...its new."

Fingering her phone Misty gives a smile to Con and Jamie. She felt bad that they were kind of just sitting there. She was hungry they must be, she wanted to do something a little more entertaining they probable did too. Some fun night this turned out to be.

As Misty looks down at the phone again she only hopped Carson was ok. It was unlike him not to call if he was going to be late and it made Misty worry. She'd tried calling him but it went right to voice mail.

"I'm sure Carson will be here any second. I'm sorry about this guys."

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