
Poor Girl

Reese mulls over everything as Angelica speaks, appreciating her input and perspective. "We couldn't take them to court unless something happened - we have no grounds for that," he reasons. "We really don't have one legitimate complaint. It's just a lot of little things and a judge won't take the time for something like that."

Considering Phinox, his eyes squint a little as he thinks. "I don't know... about having agents there, that is. He and I discussed it once upon a time when he was just barely getting started with his idea of a ranch. I know he needs help and I like some of his ideas, but I'll admit I'm selfish and want to keep the best agents here. We're shorthanded the way it is." He shrugs. "I do agree that his place would be the ideal setup for the rehabilitation program for Agency members we bring in - some good hard work and people to counsel them. I guess maybe I haven't seen a good solid plan yet so I'm hesitant to invest in it, you know? I like the concept and I think Phinox has a good head on his shoulders, I just haven't seen enough to want to give away any of my men or set up a branch of the Elite there."

Shaking his head, he gets back on track. "As far as the board goes, someone would have to be elected - we can't just let someone in favor of the Elite waltz in there and plop themselves in a seat. Granted, they probably would allow another member, but even then, it really wouldn't matter all that much. Brown has been our spokesman for the most part and I doubt anyone else could do more than he has."

Fiddling with his fork again, he continues to think. "Maybe just having some different levels of security would solve it. Maybe we wouldn't have to run in 'secrecy.' But the board wouldn't be able to have top level clearance and I don't know if they'd accept that or not. Someone other than me would need top clearance. Maybe they'd be happy with Brown - I'm not sure."

The crowd was still fairly thick as the race had just gotten over. A brief celebration and exchanging of bets circled around the reigning champ - Ryan had won as usual. Hunter had given her a run for her money, but had missed his one chance to pull ahead. Slowly, the racers and onlookers begin to disperse, making plans for that night, or the next time they'd all gather here again.

Tal pulls himself away from the group to amble towards his car, planning to meet up with Eli and Ryan later for a late movie. He didn't have to work tomorrow, so it was a perfect night to be up.

Sidling through the mess of parked cars, he approaches his from behind and gets in without paying much attention to his surroundings. Only when he starts the engine and tugs at his seatbelt does he realize that he's boxed in. But what was in front of him wasn't another car. He lets his seatbelt snap back into place before gripping the steering wheel tightly. He grits his teeth, knowing that this was no coincidence.

Alec sits lazily on his parked motorcycle, lengthwise in front of Tal's car. Squinting a little in the headlights, he looks to the windshield, just able to make out Tal's face. He gives a slight wave before folding his arms and planting his feet on the ground.

Tal cuts the motor but leaves the headlights on, sighing deeply. There was a car to his right, a car to his left, and one in the back. He knew that Alec knew good and well he couldn't get out. But what was his point?

Finally, he opens his door and steps out. "You're in my way," he states flatly.

Alec cocks his head, his expression showing very little. "And you're in mine."

"And how's that?"

Alec swings his gaze over to the crowd, able to just see Ryan by her car. Then he looks back at Tal. "I think you know."

"Aw, no..." Tal shakes his head. "You are not going to start this up."

"Hey, I didn't start it."

"Oh, I think you did."

"Wanna make something out of it?"

Tal hesitates. He didn't want to fight. First, it was wrong, and second, he didn't think he could take Alec. "No. I don't. So please get out of my way before I run your bike over."

Alec laughs. "You don't have the guts."

"Don't I?"

"Hey." Eli had broken away from the other group as soon as he'd seen Alec and Tal together. Just seeing Alec at all made his blood boil. "Problem, gentlemen?"

Alec gives him a look of disgust. "What? You this little boy's babysitter now?"

Eli crosses his arms. There were few people he would defend to the death - Ryan was one, and so was Tal. "You're the only one I see that needs a babysitter. What's with the macho act?"

Alec's eyes narrow. "I don't think this is any of your business."

"Oh, I know it isn't. But I like sticking my nose where it doesn't belong." Eli keeps his temper in check and glances over to Tal, then back to Alec. "How about you just get your bike on out of here before something... unfortunate happens?"

Whether Alec wanted a fight or not, he knew he probably wouldn't be able to take down Eli and Tal together, and whoever else would decide to join in. "Fine. But this isn't over."

"I hope it is. For your sake."

Alec gives him one last glare before firing up his motorcycle. His eyes swing back to where Ryan was, then he dons his helmet and takes off after revving his engine more than need be.

Eli's gaze travels after him until he's gone. His folded arms hid his clenched fists. He glances back to Tal. "You alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Maybe I should just go home though."

"What? And let him win?"

Tal sighs deeply. He wasn't used to this type of thing and really didn't know how to fight it. But maybe Eli was right. "Yeah, okay. Thanks for stepping in - I really didn't want to run him over."

Eli can't help his grin. "See you back at the apartment." He points at him. "Be there. Or I'll have to deal with a grouchy sister and you know I won't be happy about that."

Tal finally smiles. "Alright. Tell her I'm bringing the ice cream."

"You got it." Eli throws him a salute before ambling back into the crowd, heading for Ryan. Had she seen the little encounter? Regardless, he wasn't willing to let it spoil his evening. He gives his sister's shoulder a teasing light punch. "Way to go there, Sis. Looked good out there tonight."

Zach swivels back and forth on the stool up at the coffee bar. The music was pleasant, the lighting was soft and there were more people here than he thought, but it wasn't too crowded. Lots of coffee options too - that was always a plus.

Unfortunately, he really wasn't sure just what he was doing here. He'd asked a complete stranger out tonight - how smart was that? He'd asked bartender out... a girl he didn't even know. What if she wasn't as sweet as she seemed? What if she really did have an irate boyfriend waiting at home? What if she was looser than he'd thought and she just wanted to have a "good time" later tonight... er... morning? What would his mother say?

That last thought makes him grin. His mother would have a fit, and the mental image was pretty amusing. He was bored... lonely... he just wanted some pleasant company. Was that all bad? He really wasn't in the habit of asking anybody out, let alone a stranger. Come to think of it, this wasn't like him at all. He was scared of asking out girls. Maybe settling in a new town was getting him out of his box for once. And who knew? Maybe he really would make a new friend.

Spinning around one more time, his eyes catch someone coming in through the door. Seeing it was Beth, a smile emerges. She'd actually come. He'd had his doubts. Sliding off the stool, he wanders over to her, hooking his hands in his jeans pockets. "You made it!" Overexcited? He takes it down a notch. He didn't want to scare the poor girl. If she really was a poor girl. Or maybe she -

He cuts of his own thoughts and gestures to a nearby table. "Care to sit with me?"

"Slow?" Eric smirks at Ashlee. "You ever seen me move in the morning? A caterpillar has more chance of getting to the barn than I do."

Grinning, he stands up again and offers Ashlee a hand. "Come on. The tack room never has and never will require speed. It just requires an extra set of hands that I don't got."

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