

Coming around to the other side of the couch, Stacy eases down, resting against the arm and turning slightly to look at Eric. Watching the firelight flicker in his eyes, she could make out a deeper pain that was there.

Hearing his apology, she goes to tell him it was okay but falls silent again, seeing there was more he wanted to say. Just continuing to listen, Stacy was surprised to hear about Eric being married, but doesn't let it show. Now knowing a little bit about his background, she understood why he had jumped at Jeff and she couldn't blame him.

"Well, I guess we can be damaged goods together." She tries to give at least half a smile even if the comment even stung her a little bit. "I'm really sorry that happened to you, Eric. I know it can't feel good. At least you found out now though, rather than of years down the road, right?"

Coming across as a question, it was more of a matter of fact statement. Personal experience had taught her that one. "Don't worry too much about earlier. It's already forgotten because I understand where you're coming from." Shifting a little to get comfortable and taking a sip of her coffee, Stacy is quiet for a moment, just staring into the fire.

"I was married once, too. Longer than you by four years. We were pretty happy, young and in love. He was pretty avid about not wanting kids. And though it made me sad, I respected it." Letting her words drift off, Stacy is quiet again. She had never told anyone this before and why she was telling a stranger, she didn't know, but it felt right. "But God had other plans and I ended up getting pregnant. As soon as Rich found out, he was gone. Ash has never seen him, talked to him. Nothing. She was the best thing to happen to me though. I'd never wanna go back and change it. Ash is my world now."

Looking to Eric, she gives a soft smile. Everything happened for a reason, and tonight she had found her reason for the company. "Good will somehow, somewhere come from your situation, even if you can't see it now."

Taking a step back and looking at Tal, Ryan's eyes give a twinkle. She really was amazed by him and how sweet he was. His thoughtfulness and how much of a gentleman he was just made her feel good.

"All right, here comes some pancakes."

Moving around the kitchen, it takes Ryan no time to get comfortable and find everything. Twenty minutes later, she puts the last pancake onto a plate before handing it to Tal. "Alright, eat up. I promise they do taste good."

She plops down next to Tal, crossing her legs. Using her fork to cut off a piece and pop it into her mouth, she savors the taste.

Trying her best to mind her own business, Aerith can't help but take note to the woman who walked in and now was talking to Carson. Something seemed a little off about the whole situation. It was none of her nevermind though, just something she observed.

Getting out of the car and making sure Amanda was close behind, Bree gives a stretch before walking over to Gunner. Hearing his comment, she can't help but giggle as she leans up to give him a lingering kiss.

"Mmmmm...I guess we can save the blood sucking for another time. We at least have to let them enjoy themselves a little. Come on, Vamp, help me with the tents."

Turning, she heads back to the car to grab the tents, giving her uncle a wink as she passes.

Still stunned by the whole thing, Amanda slowly walks over to JT and stands there for a long moment before saying anything. "So do we consider this a kidnapping or a vacation?"

Amanda can't help the smile that spreads across her lips. This might have been a crazy way to get them together, but in a way, it was a little exciting, too. "I guess we should get changed. Not together, of course."

Stepping out of the elevator and seeing Justin, Beth gives a smile. It felt like a long time since the last time she had seen him, but now having him in front of her was nice. "Hey."

Walking with Justin to the waiting room, Beth eases down in the chair next to him. Listening to what happened, she shakes her head. She might not have cared for Jared, but she never would have wanted anything bad to happen.

"I really hope Jared will be okay. Even if he was a ding dong." Letting out a sigh, Beth siths back for a moment. She was happy she was here and Justin had called. It gave her a chance to say what she wanted, too.

"Justin...I'm really sorry. I didn't mean any disrespect to you. I was just trying to help and I guess I just went about it the wrong way. So for that, I am sorry."

Not even hearing Rick at first, Trey stands unmoved. He really had nothing else to say, but he stood there anyway. Finally seeing the movement out of the corner of his eye, he turns his head quickly. Met with Rick's words, he takes a step back from Jason, the look in his eye short-lived as now it was gone.

"No, I don't need to stay a while." Shifting his weight a little, he felt strange. The crinkle of paper in his pocket reminds him why he had come. "Here. Some guy told me to give this to you. I've had it for a few days now and I guessed I better give it to you before I get pegged for murder."

Trey holds the paper out to Rick, waiting for him to take it. He just wanted to be done with this whole thing. What would happen next he didn't know. But he didn't really know if he cared either. Or maybe somewhere tucked away deep in side, he did.

Nate looks across the table at Chance for a long moment. Letting Chance go with the Underground just did not seem right. It just did not set right with him. Looking over at Wyatt, he could see he felt the same, even if it was for a different reason.

Standing, he looks around the table again before looking back at Wyatt. "Wyatt, can you come with me to my office for a moment? I wanted to talk to you about something." Leaving the room, he knew Wyatt would follow. Getting to his office, he shuts the door behind him before going to his desk and sitting down. "It doesn't feel right, Wyatt, letting him go to the Underground. I didn't want to bother arguing with your dad, though."

Nate is silent for a moment as he brings his folded hands to his mouth - something he often did when he was deep in thought. "We can't walk away not even trying to get him out again. I can see you feel the same. Maybe for a different reason, but the same outcome. So, I think we should fill Dalton in and take it into our own hands. Make it a surprise so no one can argue."

Nate just looks at Wyatt, wondering what he was thinking and even if he would go along with the whole thing.

Getting out of her car, Hope scans the parking lot before landing on the lone man at one of the tables. That must be Kip. Giving a friendly smile, she makes her way over to him, taking in his body language but not giving off a threatening air.

She had to admit, having Kip want to meet at the park was a Godsend. Since she had been back to work, most of her time was spent in her office doing paperwork. Getting out and enjoying the fresh air was nice.

"Hello, you must be Kip, I'm Hope Garrison. Would you like to walk while we get to know each other better? I'll even go first if you want."

Working hard on a closed case she had finished, Sapphire didn't even notice anyone walk up. But hearing that voice, her head snaps up and her heart pounds like a drum in her chest.


Her words held much surprise as she could feel the hot tears form in her eyes. Not wasting a moment, she gets up and wraps her arms around Scott. She was so very happy to see him. It had been a long time... too long.

"It's so good to see you. I've missed you so much." Sapphire really meant that, too. From the moment he said not to come, it had been too long.

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