
The brawn

Hope walks happily with Kip, not minding at all that he set his own pace. It was a little faster than she would set herself, but for at least a little bit, she would be able to keep up before she became tired. She can tell Kip was nervous and not sure what to say, so letting him go how he wanted to was alright and she hoped it would make him more comfortable.

"Well let's see... you're one of the first people I have talked to in depth with since I have returned to work. I'd been out for a while because I was sick, but God healed me. I guess he decided he wasn't ready for me."

Giving a smile and looking at the sky for a moment, Hope gives a smile. She was at peace with what happened to her and though going to her eternal home was something she looked forward to, seeing why God wasn't ready made her even more excited. "I don't really like calling myself a counselor. I like saying I am more of a friend that's easy to talk to. Listening is something that's always come easy to me and my own personal experiences help me help others."

As Hope talked, her eyes sparkled, not that she was talking about herself, but she was being able to talk and share her faith with someone else. A lot had been going on, and she was still missing one important piece in her life, but she still did her best to move on through the day, trusting God would let everything turn out how it should.

Looking up at Eric as he stops, Stacy gives a genuine smile as the lights dance across his face and his eyes for a moment. The first smile she had seen from him, and it put him well over a ten or eleven even, but saving him from embarrassment, she wouldn't say it. "I'd have to say you aren't either. We're just a little wiser now."

Standing and giving a small yawn, Stacy knew she should continue her rounds as well, to make sure all was well before heading to bed. Tomorrow would be an early one, going out and putting in some of the new security fences where she thought there could be a breach. "Well, I guess I should probably head out myself..."

She moves towards the kitchen and stands next to Eric at the sink, rinsing out her cup before setting it down. Turning a little to look at him, she studies him for a moment. A strange pull seemed to be in his eyes. They were deep and almost called to her, beckoning her to come closer.

Breaking her gaze though, she knew she would be treading on dangerous ground if she continued to look into his eyes that night as the moon played its dance of light. She couldn't slip - she was here for a job, not to make a love connection. Love...ha...she hardly even knew Eric. What was she thinking? Giving a laugh, she moves away from the sink but stops in the doorway, turning to look over her shoulder at Eric.

"Thanks for the talk, Eric. It was nice opening up to someone. That's something I haven't done...ever, I think. I think I liked it though."

And with that, Stacy turned again to continue her night before heading to bed. The image of Eric that night though, erased her previous one - it was a picture often played in her mind as she moved slowly through the night air, nature singing in her ear.

Pulling away from her brother a little bit and just studying him for a moment, taking in his apology, Sapphire really wondered if Scott would think she was still mad at him or hadn't forgiven him already. He was her best friend and he always would be - of course she did.

"I already forgave you, Scott. You're my brother - nothing could keep me from loving you." She really meant it, too. Maybe things had changed and both of them had grown apart a little bit, but still no matter what, she knew they were closer than anyone else. If there was a problem, he would know, and if he needed her, she would always be there.

"I was going to meet Gage for lunch but I think I'd rather have lunch with you today. I can always see him for dinner. That is, if you're feeling up to it? I don't mind if we go out, bring it back here, or go back to my place. You pick...I'd like to do what you want to do."

Knowing her brother was comfortable in whatever the did was Sapphire's top priority. This afternoon would be special wherever they went and she would call Gage and meet him for dinner instead of lunch. She knew he would understand.

Glancing at Bree and Gunner as they start to put up the tents with ease, Amanda can only shake her head, finding JT's statement rather funny. "I think they are going to have no problems staying alive. Us, however, might be another story. I haven't been camping since I was a little girl. I'm not even sure I remember what it's like."

Hearing JT's comment, Amanda can't help but let her own eyes get big for a moment. Though JT was absolutely right, it still made color come to her cheeks and she lost her train of thought. Maybe it was just the simple idea that JT wasn't a patient.

"Yeah, I am gonna... uhhh...go change over there...in the car... I'll see ya later."

Seeing her brother jump from the corner of her eye, Ryan couldn't help but snicker as she leaned against Tal, not making any attempt to move. She was comfortable and warm on the couch. Moving was the last thing on her mind.

"You're such a good brother, not making me get up. You know if Scarlet were here and you guys were cuddled all comfortably, I would get up for you, too."

Once Eli was out of sight, Ryan can't help the grin that moves to her lips as she sat up only enough to turn a little and press her lips against Tal's. "I thought he would never leave."

Giving him another kiss, she doesn't let it linger long as Eli comes back into the room, the look on his face a completely different one now. Hearing who was at the door makes Ryan tense herself just a little. She hadn't expected Alec to show up, let alone have the guts to do so. Now he was here, and he wanted to talk to her?

She didn't owe him anything and she knew it, but the curiosity of wanting to know why he had shown up was what made her move to sit up. Looking down at Tal for a moment, she gives him a look of apology for having to move. "Yeah, okay, give me a second. Don't you move a muscle. This won't take long."

Getting up from the couch and walking towards the door, Ryan shakes her head slightly and lets out a sigh as she passes her brother. Though she wondered why Alec was there, somewhere inside, she knew why, and she knew her answer even if emotions tried to tell her differently.

Stepping outside, Ryan lets the door close slightly behind her, but enough was still open to let the glow from inside cast its light on the front steps. "What are you doing here, Alec?"

Hearing that Rick needed to talk to her, Katie's heart raced as a million questions ran through her mind. Did something happen to Jason? Was he okay? Katie couldn't help but think the worst as she sat down in the chair across from Rick. If she hadn't been here and something happened, she would never live it down.

Just listening, she soaks in everything Rick says and her heart pounds even faster for a whole other reason. Jason could be saved - at the cost of their connection, but J living was more important and knowing her love would be with her longer was worth every moment.

"Of course I am okay with it, Rick. It's to save Jason's life. How could I say no? That would make me a cold, heartless person." Though Rick was trying to make this her choice, Katie knew somewhere in the back of her mind she didn't have a choice. But it was okay, right? She loved Jason and keeping him around with her a while longer was so very important.

"So when are we going to do this and there is no way Jason is going alone. I want to go, too."

Normal people... Katie lets that linger in her mind for a long moment, thinking about it as she waited for Rick's reply. This was normal to her, so what would life really be like? Would anything change or would things be the same without the connection?

Nate taps his pen absentmindedly on the desk as he looks across at Wyatt. He knew their reasons would be different, but the goal was still the same and really that's what Nate was aiming for.

"Well, I think if we were to just feed him to the Underground, that would be letting him off easy. So, we can do this two ways - go in guns blazing or one of us gets Destiny out of harm's way because I certainly don't want her getting any more hurt than she has been already, while the other keeps an eye on the building."

This was dangerous and Nate knew it. They knew nothing about the building, how it was set up or even about the people in the Underground. But maybe if they could get a little more information about it, that would help. "What do you think? You've always been the brains. I'm just the brawn."

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