
Still worried

Jason had no awareness of the others in the room, being moved to the couch or being checked over by Angel. His emotions were calm, but there was no telling what was backbuilding below the surface.

His subconscious seems to sense some kind of brief, minor pain on his skin but it's quickly gone, followed by a rather chilled sensation. The lights were being turned out, but it wasn't bad. There was something missing... something being drained... but not something to be feared. His body seems to relax even more, now able to concentrate on healing rather than fighting off raging emotions.

Watching from a few feet away, Cindy's tears continue their silent route down her cheeks. It had been a very long time since she had been this frightened, and a very long time since she had worried about Jason on this level. And to think that it had all started with the Agency, tagging Derek and Jeff without them even knowing it, hoping for their offspring to be made into lab rats. It made Cindy livid. Her son was suffering in more ways than one, all because of the Agency and she hated them even more.

Going to the kitchen, she gathers a few cleaning supplies and returns to the living room to clean up the mess, trying to keep her hands busy, even though her eyes kept blurring over. Sniffing and wiping her eyes with her sleeve, she sits on her knees and stares at the half-cleaned mess, then over to Jason's still form.

Getting up again, she goes to Angel in the hallway, trying to remain composed. "Thank you for coming," she manages while wiping her eyes again. "Between you and Katie, it looks like he'll be okay." She sniffs and wraps her arms around herself. "I've never seen him like this though... before Katie got here, it was awful. I think... I think he was having seizures. Do you think Rick should come?" She searches Angel's eyes, still so worried. "Heaven knows I trust you, but if Rick has any more information or... or.... the equipment at TJY, or..." She bites her lip. Was she grasping at straws, or did something else really need to be done? She didn't know.

Hanging on tightly to Chuck, Susanne leans her head against his back and closes her eyes as they head down the road. The brief stop to get their food is only a quick pause in the ride and by the time they reach the pond, she'd had her eyes open half the time and was quite proud of it.

Joining Chuck on the blanket, she sits carefully and looks out that dimming sky that was dark purple, streaked with warm shades of gold. It was pretty on the pond. Peaceful. After the rough start with Chuck earlier, one might think by now Susanne would be beside herself with fear. But she wasn't. Looking over at him as he sat with her, she offers a little smile. No, she wasn't afraid... not really. A little nervous still, but not like she had been. She was glad she'd come.

Nodding her consent, she thanks God for the meal and also for the time with Chuck and his patience with her. After her "amen," she gives Chuck a sheepish little grin and reaches for her sandwich so she doesn't fidget.

"Thank you for bringing me here," she mentions quietly. "It really is pretty." She glances around their surroundings before her eyes find their way back to Chuck's face. "You've told me all about your niece... but surely you have other people in your life. What do you do when your niece is out and you've closed up shop for the night?"

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