
Moo...Moon light?

Looking up at Cindy hearing her voice and feeling her hand rest on her arm Katie gives her a small nod. Her eyes were still tired, and lacked some of the spark that was normally there but maybe it was just from being drained still.

"Ok I'll see what I can do."

Once Cindy was gone Katie shifted a little bit on the couch but kept Jason's head in her lap. Looking down at his still form watching him sleep it was so very strange not to be able to feel his emotions, to know if he was really ok, if he was in pain or what was going on inside him. In a way is scared Katie even more not knowing than if she did. She still hated the feeling of being normal, but she had done what she thought was best.

"J...your mom is making some soup. Try and wake up? J..babe..."

Giving Jason's arm a gentile shake Katie waited to see if Jason movies, but not seeing him move hear him Katie could feel her heart pick up a little. Cindy had told her what Rick said made Katie worried, and feeling Jason was ok...was worse.

Moving slowly and setting Jason's head down on the couch. Leaning down she gives Jason a kiss on the forehead. It made her very nervous that he didn't wake but Katie new she had to keep her cool. Even if her emotions couldn't cause any harm to anyone else she still new to be level headed.

"Cindy, I couldn't get Jason to wake. He's still breathing normally and everything but he's in a really sound sleep. I can try again in a little while, and if still nothing we can bring him to Angel ok?"

Katie tried to stay calm though there was worry in her eyes. What was to come, or was happening now was uncertain and to not be able to see that was something she feared more than anything else. What if she could of been helping Jason right now? Had she done the right thing? She could only hope.

Listing to Susanne and some of the stuff she liked to so Chuck didn't find her boring only much different from himself, But that wasn't a bad thing. Sometimes liking things that were different was a good thing and a good way to do new things.

Cocking his head a little bit Chuck's eyes give a twinkle in the dull light. He felt at peace right now, comfortable and happy. It was nice eating with Susanne even after all the strange encounters.

"Well...maybe one time you can come on a bike trip with me, and in return you can show me your rose bushes. As for being lonely...we all get lonely but as long as your don't fine me to repulsive I can help fill that empty time for both of us."

Reaching out to Susanne Chuck pushes a peace of stray hair out of her face as he continues to smile. Her skin was soft under his fingertips. Realizing he let his hand linger longer than he had intended Chuck pulls it away. Susanne had just started opening up he didn't want to scare her away already.

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