

Continuing to just look at Ty Ryan lets out a small low sigh. It was hard to keep everything in check right now when it seemed she was mixed with so many emotions. It was hard to figure out what emotions over road the other. But pain....pain seemed to ring through clearly. Pain for her heart being broken, or pain from anger she was not sure.

"Yeah alright. A few days and than back here at midnight. Thanks Ty, I owe you one."

Giving a nod and turning Ryan makes her way back across the floor again and back up the steps. Getting outside and taking in a deep breath of cool air it stung her lungs but she didn't let it bother her. Just closing her eyes and standing there for a long moment she tried to calm her quivering breath.

Starting up again Ryan gets to her car and gets in. Taking a swipe at her eyes and wipes the escaped tear from her eye. She felt foolish for crying. It wouldn't change anything so why would she? Starting the car it doesn't take Ryan long to get home. She didn't know if Eli was home or not but it didn't matter she really didn't want to talk one way or another.

Getting into the house and going right to the kitchen Ryan grabs on of the beers. Opening it and just taking a sip a new felling seemed to settle in. She was alone, Alec was always over, he always spend the night...but now...she was...alone. It had been a long time since she had felt like this, and she swore never to feel alone again but now...now she remember why she had made that vow. Because it hurt more than anything.

Giving a sigh Katie sits up a little bit and searches Jason eyes. She new if she didn't go spend a little time with her family she might make Jason feel worse, but how was she to have a nice time when she would be worrying even if he told her not too.

"Ok, I'll go visit with them for a little bit. But if you need anything or anything changes will you please call my cell phone?"

Katie new Jason didn't want her to worry but she would. It was hard not to while they weren't connected. Not to mention on top of that she felt so...different. Like she didn't even know who she was. She felt like a whole different person.

Coming down the sidewalk Beth's stride was slow like normal but today there was something slightly different about her. Taking a closer look someone might notice she got her hair cut. It was now shoulder length with a cute style. Much different from the normal but it made her feel good, and pretty in a way. It had been a giant step for her but she had done it.

Getting to the bench Beth gives a smile. It was good to see him here again. That meant that his friend really did want his help again and Beth new that would make him happy. She also wondered if Justin would notice and if he would like it.

"It seems like such a long time ago was the first time I ment you here. When really, it hasn't even been a year yet."

Giving both the dogs a gentile pat on the head Beth moves around to the other side of the bench and sits down next to Justin. Over the last few days they had really become good friends. Mean with each other, talks it really was nice to just have someone else there. It really did make her feel good.

"So how did it go? Better?"

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