
Then something happened once

Seeing Beth laugh too did Justin's heart good, and he grins at her, not teasing anymore, but not trying to ignore the humor either. Her comment of food brings him back down from the laughter and he shrugs, taking a bite of meatball. "Well, to be rightfully honest, I don't have a whole lot of favorites." He pauses. "Except cherry pie," he adds. "I'll eat most anything... but I guess food's never been a priority. Ma always gives me a bad time for not eating enough."

He grins again. "She's always leaned towards her Greek cooking, but I like anything from that to Chinese to Mexican to good old American to..." He holds up a forkful of spaghetti. "Italian. I guess I just never keep regular meals, come to think of it." He cocks his head a little, giving her something like a reassuring smile. "So I guess whatever you decide to cook will always be a winner."

For some reason, as soon as those words were out of his mouth, he felt heat crawling up the back of his neck. He complimented her all the time to help build her confidence - why was this time any different? His eyes lock with hers before he drops his gaze and concentrates on his food. "So, um... found any hobbies lately?"

Alec's smile widens as he hears Ryan's words. Wrapping his arms around her, he just hugs her tightly. He couldn't remember when he'd heard those words before, least of all from someone who actually meant it. So this is what it felt like.

Kissing the top of her head, he draws back a little so he can see her eyes. "Ya know... if someone would have told me a few years ago that I'd be here right now, feeling like I do... I would have reported them and had 'em shipped to the loony bin."

His foot moves to run up and down her lower leg. "I got some ice cream in the freezer... wanna share a bowl?"

Susanne grins back at Chuck and shakes her head. "I don't know what to ask," she admits. She stares into those dark, luring eyes and can feel herself falling into his gaze all over again. "If your eyes were a stream of those questions, it would last an eternity and I'd never reach the end no matter how fast I rowed."

She would have blushed again at her poetic words, but she meant them. Still resting her chin on her hand, she blinked slowly, though her eyes went back to his. "Yesterday you denied treating every woman like this. I still find that hard to believe." She cocks her head slightly, remembering the hint of lost love. "But if what you said was true..." Her voice becomes even softer. "Then something happened once that snuffed out a spark, because someone like you can't naturally keep that charm hidden."

The band was sitting around the living room of Erik and Theo's , hanging out for the evening. They'd had practice again earlier, and again, it had gone well. After a little more working with Kip, things really had improved, and now, a week later, the group was back to their laughing selves, no secrets and no awkward silences at practice.

Chattering and laughing, it was good down time to sit back, relax and be themselves for a while. Though they were with each other almost 24/7, no one seemed to tire of being together, and it was apparent that God was blessing them daily with the close-knit bonds.

Though Kip leaves the room when his cell phone rings, the chatter doesn't cease and some start talking about going out to a movie tonight, or pizza or maybe even both. Once Kip wanders back in though with a smile on his face, the conversations naturally quiet.

"It was my dad." Kip announces, seeing a few questioning glances. He flops down on the hand-me-down couch next to Karla again, enthusiasm in his voice. "He's planning a camping trip and he wanted me to go with him for the weekend!"

Erik blinks and looks to Russ, Twila, Kyle then back to Kip. He'd told Kip when he'd gotten the new phone not to give his dad the number. "How did he find you?"

"Oh, I sent him my number a few weeks ago."

Erik could strangle him, but he holds his tongue. "So a camping trip... this weekend? Seriously?"

"Uh-huh." Kip nods and grabs a pillow to hold on his lap, giving Karla a happy sidelong glance. "Since we're done recording and on a short break from the studio, it's perfect timing and everything."

Kyle can sense the tension in the others and he gives Alice a wary look before clearing his throat. "Where... is he going camping? Somewhere around here?"

"Naw - Wyoming. My uncle's got a cabin up there."

Erik tries not to pounce. "So there will be others there?"

"No, just Dad and me." Kip beams. "He really wants to spend time with me. I think me being gone from home and stuff, maybe he got thinking, ya know?"

Twila bites her lip as she sits on the floor and her eyes glance over to Karla, hoping she understood what was really going on like the others did. "Kip... you think that's a good idea?"

"Sure, why not?" Kip shrugs. "I think he's really changed his mind. He sounded different on the phone this time. He even apologized to me and everything."

It wasn't true. Erik could feel it in his gut that Kip's dad really hadn't changed. But how could he just out and say it without upsetting Kip? "How are you getting there?"

"I'll just drive up there there myself." Kip had been saving up, and being supported by the band helped. "I mean, I'm not doing anything else, and I figure it's worth it, right? It's right close to the southern border so it should only take about six hours."

"Mm." Erik doesn't agree or disagree with that one. It seemed an awfully long road trip for his friend to be taking alone, not to mention the whole other issue of Kip's dad. "Well, camping is always fun. Maybe your dad wouldn't mind some company and a few of us others could tag along or something."

Kip's eyes dim slightly as he looks at his older friend. He suddenly realized what was going on, and his smile fades. "I'll be fine by myself, thank you very much."

"I didn't say you wouldn't, Kip. I was just suggesting that-"

"That I bring my babysitters along with me," Kip retorts. "No, thank you. You didn't hear my dad on the phone, alright? I know he's changed. It's different this time, so forget about talking me out of it. I'm going and I'm gonna have a good time with my dad for once."

Erik opens his mouth then closes it again. There was nothing he could do.

Though Theo works hard at picking the chatter back up again, the atmosphere in the room had shifted and it wasn't quite as carefree anymore. Kip sits a bit sulkily, his hand finding Karla's, though he doesn't look at her directly. While the others still talk of supper and an activity for the evening, Kip stands. "I think I'm just gonna go back to Gram and Gramp's."

Russ' eyebrows rise. He'd just happened to give Kip a ride today. "Want me to drive you back?"

"Naw. I'll just... walk."

"But it'll take you-"

Kip throws him a glare then looks over his shoulder to give Karla an apologetic look. "I'll be fine, Russ. Thanks." He'd talk to Karla more later... but not here... not in front of anyone else. No one else understood.

As he walks out, Twila sighs and looks to Karla, whom she'd brought with her from Alice's. "Wanna stick around for pizza or are you gonna go after that moron?" She didn't intend it in a mean way... but Kip could be stubborn and sometimes just didn't think straight. They all loved him, but it was hard watching him run into the same brick wall over and over again. Maybe they could still convince him not to go camping with his dad.

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