

Looking up at Justin as she hears his laugh Beth can't help it that her cheeks get ever more read. She couldn't believe she had refused to him as being a bunny, and cut on top of it, now he was laughing to top it all off.

"Well...I....I meant..."

Shaking her head a little bit Beth does her best to try and recover. It was hard, to try and do this come back from something like this. Beth had never embarrassed herself before. Finally though Beth can't help but let a laugh slip from her lips. How is happened Beth wasn't sure but it stated with the embarrassment and turned into a tickle. Now laughing it just seemed to funny.

Glancing up Beth's eyes give a twinkle, some tears forming in them but not from being sad. They were more...happy, or laughing so hard they formed. It was a good feeling something Beth had never had before.

"I'm happy you like the food. It's nice to know I did it the right way. Maybe next time I can cook something you'd like me to cook. I'm not...not sure what you really like to eat."

As Alec's kiss trailed from Ryan's lips to her cheek than to her neck before going back up again she couldn't help the small giggle that escaped her lips. She liked when Alec did that but she couldn't help it tickled too.

"I don't plan on running anywhere unless its after you."

Shifting around on the couch so now Ryan was on top her smiles grows a little more as she looked down into Alec's eyes. Leaning on her elbow Ryan brings her free hand to Alec's face and traces every curve with her thumb mapping it all out.

"I'm happy I got to be the one to teach. You have helped me in so many ways as well Alec, more than you know as well...so thank you."

Bitting her lip for a moment Ryan just continues to look down at Alec. Leaning in closer to him and bringin her own lips to his ear her voice is soft.

"Alec, I love you too."

Listing to Susanne's answer Chuck gives a little nod of understanding. He never looked at going to church with someone else as claiming another as there own. Just simply going with a friend but he did understand what Susanne was saying, and he would not bock her for that.

"I understand where your coming from, and I respect that. So we can keep the offer tucked back in our heads for a later date when you think you will be ready to go with me. I really would like it if one time you did come with me. Even if it was just once it was be nice to shair something so special to me like that."

Taking a sip of his water Chuck's smile holds on his face. It felt nice to be here with someone and enjoy a meal. He'd eaten with Ana all the time and he loved it but just something about being with someone who could form into a little more, someone like Susanne was extra nice.

Letting a his smile slip into something a little more on the silly side Chuck cocks his head a little bit as he looked back at Susanne. The dim lights reflecting off his eyes and just making them dance with life.

"Now it would be no fun if I did all the question asking....you have to have some of your own to get to know me a little more too."

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