

Continuing to watch her step son Rosetta listened to his words and understand where he might get the idea Mick wouldn't believe him. But what Dylan didn't know was that over the last few years Mick had changed Dylan just wasn't able to see that yet.

"I believe you Dylan, as long as your completely honest with me and don't leave anything out. If you want me to believe you, than I have to know the whole story so there are no surprises. Are you willing to do that?"

Searching his eyes Rosetta new there was more to the story now Dylan just had to tell her. She believed him this far, and she would saw if he was to continue she would too but he had to tell her. Rosetta motions to one of the chairs for Dylan to sit in. She wasn't busy right now and was willing to listen.

Karla gives a giggle as she continued to run her hand through Kip's hair and over his skin. She loved comforting him, and offering what she could. It made her feel like she was wanted and could do some good.

"I think ordering in and snuggling on the couch sounds like a great plan to me."

Leaning down again and giving Kip another kiss before retreating Karla couldn't help the smile that ran across her face. She felt so happy when she was around Kip it was hard to hide it.

Seeing Susanne chuckle a little and smile Chuck was happy to see that. She was relaxing and in this whole mess if it was only a show to her or not that was his main goal was to just get her to relax a little.

As he is offered the pizza a grin forms on Chuck's lips as his heart picks up a little again. This was all a joke to Susanne but something inside Chuck bubbled, and loved every moment of this remembering how he did miss having someone to spend his time with.

"Don't mind if I do."

Taking a bit and chewing he looks up as one of Susanne's friends come over he gives a grin. Just letting Susanne talk he gives a nod keeping his arm around her in a hello. Watching as Darlene walks away Chuck trys to swallow his own laugh. This was fun, and it was funny to see the reaction of the others.

"Well that was fun."

As Susanne leans into his shoulder Chuck can't help but feel the warmth from her and like it. Bringing his arm around her a little more half playing to the other table and half just wanting an arm around her Chuck leans his head on top of hers as he gives his own chuckle again.

"I think you did a great job. Maybe you should see if your boss will give you a raise!"

Hearing Ariel's laugh Trey's attachen snaps up to her. His eyes narrow a little bit as he looked unamused but still there was some kind of twinkle there. Standing and just letting the water drop off to a moment Trey goes to take another step almost slipping again he gets his balance this time and continues out of the water.

"Oh I am sure you do wish you had a camera so you could blackmail me or something right? You know this is your fault right?"

Standing there and looking at Ariel a mischief smile forms on his lips as he looks down at himself and than her again. Taking a few swift movements Trey steps twords Ariel to wraps his arms around her and get her wet as well.

"Come here you...I think you owe me a hug."

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