
Just about anything

Chuck's teasing only proves to make Susanne more flustered, and she's about ready to pray that the floor would just open up and swallow her. Focusing on the money she was retrieving, she doesn't look up right away as Chuck nears, his hand moving to rest on hers. His mere touch sent her heart racing and she just stares at their hands for a moment. Swallowing hard, she finally lifts her eyes again.

"None of my friends will be at Mom and Pop's until seven," she reasons quietly. "I am a total mess unfit for public viewing, and if I don't file this report, my boss is gonna kill me."

Still looking into those eyes that went on forever, she dares to move her hand just a little, feeling his warm palm shift on her knuckles. It was a rough palm that held strength yet it was gentle to hold compassion.

"But... but if you meet me there later..." She hesitates, wondering what on earth she was doing. Was she actually going to say yes to him? Well, he was right that she'd win, no matter the outcome of the evening. If she wasn't careful, she'd just keep right on melting right here and say yes to just about anything. She couldn't leave work now... and she really was a sight. "I need to go home and clean up," she reasons weakly. "And... and find my marbles before I embarrass myself any more." Her gaze lowers again and her stomach does a little flip. "Besides, what's there to do for two hours?"

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