
You too

Laughing at the comment about her not axeing him Anastasia holds up her hands and looks at her fingers. Turning them over and looking under the nails before putting her hands down again to take her coffee cup.

"I must of done a good job at cleaning up this time than."

Looking over her coffee cup as she took a sip her eyes sparkled in the light of the coffee shop and danced they way they always did when she was joking around. It was nice having someone who understood her humor and didn't look at her strange. To see someone teasing her back in the same manor.

Letting her cup come down to the table and hearing the tone in Quinn's voice change Anastasia could tell now he was becoming a little more serous in what he was saying to her. Revealing the past, and letting her know another peace about him. Maybe because he might never see her again it was a little easier to not care what one might think.

Hearing Quinn's reason for his brother being in jail Anastasia's expression doesn't change other than a normal blink now and than. She continues to just listen taking everything in, and thinking her own mind. Her eyes only leaving Quinn's face now and than to take a drink of her coffee.

"I guess the first questions would be I have is....did he really do it? That topic can be so touchy and is often used as a way to get out of trouble for one person involved."

Thinking again for a moment Anastasia was quiet again continuing to just think and take everything in. She did feel bad for Quinn in a way with everything he was dealing with right now and the shock of knowing his brother was here was almost like and overdrive for him. But maybe there was a bigger explanation to this picture that right now only one person new.

"You don't want to see your brother but your staying just in case he calls. I think somewhere deep inside for that reason alone, you do want to see him. Out of all the places you could end up next you end up here, in Nevada where your brother happens to be and you just happen to bump into someone who knows him so you can give him your number. Thats a lot of just happens. I think God has a bigger plan here."

Anastasia wasn't sure if Quinn believe in God or not but if he didn't maybe this would be good for him to hear, and if he did maybe it was a good refresher for them both.

"I think a very big picture is being painted here, and it wont be till the end that we understand no matter the outcome. But there is a reason your sitting here in Nevada, found out your brother lives here, are in that booth, sitting across from a woman you never met before. Just don't give up in trusting God and what he has planned. For all we know maybe all he wanted was for you to know your brother is well, met a new friend and find a Ricky Nelson record. Whatever it is, we need to have faith in him on whats happening."

Continuing to look out the window Destiny might of looked like she wasn't listing to anything Jason was saying but she was. The wheels in her mind were turning, trying to make scene of everything as her eyes just watched the passing scenes.

"It feels so empty, yet...full at the same time. I do want to get out of this ditch its just...hard gluing yourself back together."

Finally looking away from the window and turning to Jason Destiny gives a little sigh though there is a little bit of surprise for what Jason had been though as well. She never would of guessed something like that had happened to him. He seemed to have gotten past it, and was doing great now. Did that mean she could too in time?

"I...don't want to be stuck in this hole forever. I just want to start life again and its hard having someone there all the time but...Maybe I can give it just a little while longer till I am feeling better I guess. Everything is just a mess inside me right now."

Things seemed so complicated almost like the last bubbles of life she had been on had poped and now she was drowning. But if she tryed to put some faith in Jason, tryed to mend her wounds with him around could she really get back up onto another bubble?

"Maybe...tomorrow can we go to my parents house? I...still don't know if I am going to sell it or not and I think sitting in the hot tub is a must at this point."

Trying to give a smile as they stop in the mall parking lot Destiny lets out another sigh her eyes still tired, and still full of emotion but she had to at least try right?

"I'll be pashent with me....if...you can be too? I know its hard to be around me right now, but just...don't you leave too.....ok?"

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