

Leo quirks an eyebrow and pauses his rummaging. Ryan didn't have a date? Nor one the day before? That was odd. Come to think of it, he didn't think he'd seen her on her phone at all today either. Were she and Alec on the outs? Or was he just in trouble again?

Ryan's comment about her and Eli makes Leo laugh. "I've got a few loose wires up top, but not that many."

Finally finding his scribbled note, he holds it up in triumph. "This is what I'm doing here. Figured if I waited until tomorrow, it mighta gotten even more lost or thrown away. You know how Ron's always 'cleaning' things up."

Ambling with the intention of heading back out again, Leo stops by the car Ryan was working on, and runs his hand on the edge for a moment. Looking over to her, he eyes her with curiosity. Something just felt a little... off. She hadn't said anything was wrong, and she'd laughed and smiled all day but...

He cocks his head inquisitively. "Everything okay?"

Alec stands in the middle of the tiny apartment, his eyes circling from one corner to the other and back again. It was quiet. Still.

His backpack slides off his shoulder and onto the floor. There was one long room that would serve as both living room and bedroom, one small bathroom with a shower, and a tiny kitchen. It was almost exactly like Gage's, that was only a couple doors down.

Reese, or rather, the Elite, had supplied Alec with an air mattress, pillow and a couple of blankets. He had a small allowance... enough to get by with the bare necessities until he got a job.

This was better than the lower level of TJY... right?

Alec tries to convince himself it was. In no time, he's got the mattress aired up, his few clothes in one corner and... he looks around. That was about it.

Flopping down, he digs out his tennis ball and tosses it against the wall beside the window. After a few throws, he gets up and stares out the glass onto the front lawn, parking lot and street. And for a moment... he wishes he were back with the Agency. No place of his own, but he'd felt like he belonged. And right at this point in time, he didn't feel like he belonged to anything at all.

Sighing, he goes to the kitchen and scrounges around, finding just a few utensils - everything was clean... he imagined someone had brought them before he and Reese came. By the little ribbon on the silverware, he would guess it to be Susanne.

Finding a little jar that looked like it had been there and forgotten for at least a year, he unscrews the lid and digs in his pocket to pull out a thick roll of cash. Depositing it in the jar, he puts it back in the cupboard. It was just as well that Reese didn't know he had that.

After a little while longer of wandering around in circles, Alec finally heads outside to go for a walk. He needed to do laundry sometime... he was short one set of clothes that were still over at Ryan's, as far as he knew. He sighs. Ryan.

Jason watches Destiny as she leaves, pauses in the living room, then goes back to her bedroom. He'd tried... maybe tomorrow would be better for her. He could only hope.

Miss you tonight...

He wanders back to the couch after having found nothing for supper.

I wouldn't call the police if you wanted to stop by... maybe with a pizza for company... I think Destiny's finished for the night and all I'm doing is staring at a still security monitor.

Chance leans his head against the jet window, closing his eyes. The flight wouldn't be long, but if he could doze, it would go even faster. His mind, however, wouldn't let him sleep. What was he supposed to do, once he got home? If he did nothing, he had lost his freedom. Yet he had no job now. If he did anything with the Underground, he would be caught. He wasn't sure who Reese or Toby would have tailing him, but he knew they'd be there somewhere. Maybe this was worse than jail. And maybe that was Reese's whole point.

The plane touches down at the airport. An Elite vehicle comes. Chance is taken to his apartment. It felt dark and lonely tonight. It had never felt that way before.

After making himself some tea, he goes to the living room to sort through a pile of mail. He leaves it, and his half-finished tea with disinterest though, and wanders to his bedroom where he lies down, sore and miserable. To top it off, he'd lost his necklace... the one with the tiny silver starfish he'd picked up for good luck somewhere along the way - how appropriate.

And the one thing he didn't want to think about tonight, continued to cloud his mind: Destiny. He'd seen pain today... a pain that ultimately the Underground had caused, though he had contributed. The Underground wasn't supposed to be that way though... at least he hadn't thought so. It was supposed to be clean cut. Those they killed were only the ones who deserved it. But... did others have families left behind like Destiny had been?

Chance rolls over and winces, forgetting about the sore spot on his ribs from one of Jason's punches. It was going to be a long night.

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