
A post full of sadness!

Shutting the door quietly behind him as he left Laura's room Nate just stands there for a long moment. His eyes were tired, black circles under them. Sleep had not come in a long time and blame on himself was the only thing that remained in his heart.

Wondering down the hall very slowly Nate comes to the glass windows where his newborn son was and Con was standing too. Quiet he looks in the window binging his hand to the glass. He hadnt even been able to hold him yet and he was still to fragel to the new world and it pained Nate's heart even more. Not looking away from the little bundle on the other side Nate gives a sigh and finally speaks.

"It's my fault Con. I should of talked about it with Laura, taken precautions, I should of taken responsibility enough to have talked with her. Now my son might not make it, and the woman I love more than anything is on the edge and there is nothing I can do but pray."

Nate was so talked some of his words he didn't even know he was speaking or maybe he did but what he was telling them to Con he didn't know. Maybe it was to try to bring his ownself comfort, or maybe the look in Con's eye told him everything that the blame really was on him, and he was trying to tell his friend, his brother in law sorry for not being able to protect his sister like he should of.

Hearing people moving around in the other room Destiny sits straight up as her heart starts to race. Voice, new voice...Chance...where was he. Looking around the room reality seemed to slap her in the face the the memories of what had happened early in the day played back in her mind. Hearing the voices again She could make out one of them as Jason's.

Bringing her knees close to her chest Destiny rests her head on them not moving from the bed. She didn't want to know what was going on or who was coming and going. For all she cared the Agency could storm in here now for her and she'd willingly go.

She new sooner or later Chance would of left and she would of been prepared for that but this...this was a totally different thing now and she felt like the last little bit of light she had left, now had gone out. Now...now she truly was alone.

Looking up as Reese comes into the office Dalton raises and eyebrow for a moment as he tells Alec to stand. He and Alec had just been messing around with some free time they had so he now wondered what was up.

Watching Reese as he takes the cuff off of Alec he and hears about the key to his apartment Dalton can't help the smile that passed over his lips. He was happy for Alec that he was finally got to have his own place.

Once Reese was gone and the bewildered look was on Alec's face Dalton couldn't help but laugh finally. Shaking his head he leans back in his chair a little bit putting his hands behind his head.

"Yes, yes, and yes. Told you helping me would get you on the boss good side. Congrats man. So what are you going to do with your first night of freedom?"

Giving a laugh and getting into her car Ryan pulls up right before Miles on one side, and waits for Leo to get on the other side. Waiting for the ready, and than the go Ryan squeals her tires before taking off leaving Leo behind. Keeping an eye out for cops Ryan speeds down the road making her way to the pizza box.

Not taking long with the high speed Ryan gets there quickly. Looking around and not seeing Leo's car she gives a little smile. Getting out thought and leaning on her own car for a moment she waits but its longer than expected and she can't help but worry about Leo for a moment. Figuring everything surly was ok Ryan heads inside to wait.

Looking up as the other enter the restraint Ryan gives a smile but seeing Leo still not here she worrys a little more but trys not to let it show to much as she jokes around with the other.

"Maybe this time I blew him to kingdom come?"

Stopping for a moment Ryan thinks before shaking her head and rolling her eyes at herself.

"Now that wouldn't be a good thing. Leo's the only good competition I got around work."

Ryan gives a smirk to the other guys knowing they would have something to say about that. But before anything else can be said, or even though about Leo entered. Giving a little sigh of releaf Ryan was happy to know he was ok after all.

"Hey Jed, sometimes the guy who finish in last place is the winner all along."

Turning and giving a small grin to Leo Ryan can't help the small twinkle that danced in her eye. In the back of her head she wondered if Leo hadn't lost on perpus though she wouldn't bring any attachen to it.

"Come on I already pulled an extra chair to the table, and saved a seat for the rest of you. So pick a spot and park it, just don't sit on the far inside on the right thats my spot and I'd hate to have to beat someone to a palp right here and now."

Putting her arm around Leo a little and giving his back a little pat Ryan chuckles before heading over to the table and sliding in. She was happy her friendship had returned with Leo, she missed it. She'd miss him.

Two pitchers of pop along with ice were already on the table along with a few menus for the crew to get there order started.

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