
No one but you

Letting Reese in on what was going on and being in the clear to leave Dalton heads to brookshire. It normaly took two hours but driving faster than normal he makes it there in the time he had promised.

Entering the building and seeing Justin Dalton takes his hand and gives it a quick shake before following him down the long hall. As they walk he plays things over in his own mind. What he would say, how he could get Scott to see how important it was for him to eat.

Getting to the door and entering Dalton stops and just looks at Scott for a moment laying so still in the bed. He looked so small and everything thought he would say was gone and his heart broke more for his friend. Putting the best smile on he could and acting like he always would Dalton comes into the room pulling a chair over to the bed.

"Hey little Buddy, I hope I'm not waking you. I got some new classical music yesterday and I thought maybe you would like to listen to it with me. No one appreciates with me like you do."

Dalton pull the new cd from his pocket and holds it along with his little cd player. He's grabbing it before leaving today knowing maybe it would come in handy. All Scott needed was a friend not another person to lecture him, not yet anyways.

Hearing that Alec was lonely Ryan wonders for a moment if he had been why he had come sooner. Tucking her hands in her pockets she looks down for a moment before up at Alec again searching his eyes. Wondering if he had missed her, and if he was here because he cared.

Thinking about his question for a moment Ryan hated the short silly questions they were throwing back and forth. For them it seemed silly.

"I've been pretty miserable."

Looking away again and leaning against the wall for a moment Ryan closes her eyes. This awkwardness she hated, why wasn't it normal again? Hearing Leo's words in her head again from the night before Ryan looks to Alec and searchs his face. She was hurt, she was sad...but maybe she needed to take the first step? Pushing off the wall Ryan takes a few steps twords Alec and slides her arms around Alec burring her face into his shoulder.

"I've missed you Alec and I thought you didn't care about me anymore."

Not really saying much more Destiny takes a plate and gets one for Jason too. She did like bacon and eggs her mom use to make them too. Bringing the plate back to Jason she holds them as he puts the eggs and bacon on them.

"Were you going to eat with me at the table?"

She voice lacked emotion but she was trying at least. Bringing the plats to the table Destiny goes back and gets some milk for them both before bring that to the table and siting down too.

Looking down at the food Destiny moves it around on her plate for a moment before taking a peace of bacon and taking a small bit. Looking up at Jason Destiny did think it was nice he made this for her.

"Thank you!"

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