

Sitting down with Quinn Anastasia enjoys the quiet at the table while it was here. The quiet was comforting to her when she was around Quinn, if wasn't awkward and she liked it.

Looking down at her menu finally to figure out what she wanted. Today was one of those days that everything looked good. Settling on a club sandwich she closes the menu to look up at Quinn again taking in his words for a long moment.

"I can see where your coming from. You see him and its just makes you angry to think about what he did. But than I guess you can stop and remember when Jesus was on the cross her forgave the one criminal who was there with him. He new what he did but he also new he was sorry. We need to remember that too when dealing with those we need to forgive."

Cocking her head to one side for a moment she thinks just searching Quinn's eyes. She could see the term oil that layed in them. She didn't know him all that way but it bothered her and made her sad to see it.

"Yeah its hard I understand that, and when you think about what he did it makes you pretty angry, but everyone deserves to be forgiven. Your brother has payed his dues, and I would say changed. It's God job to judge him not us."

Putting the helmet on and getting onto the back of the bike Ryan wraps her arms around Alec and gives a little squeeze letting him know she was ready. Holding on and just enjoying the scenes that passed by and just being so close to Alec.

Getting to the park Ryan pulls the helmet off once they were parked and gives a smile. He was so romantic in his own rough way and she loved every moment of it. Sliding off the bike Ryan walks to the picnic bench and hoped up on it letting her legs dangle over the edge.

"I think that sounds perfect. This is all perfect. Thank you Alec for the nice surprise. Did you get the bike today?"

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