
For the Night

Sapphire shakes her head again and gives a laugh accepting Gage's kiss and returning with her own. She'd asked Gage if he wanted to go home and sleep but she happy Gage didn't want to and dinner was still on.

"Your going to be dead tomorrow, but I wont argue with you. Lets go get some pizza."

Turning back to the car and getting in Sapphire waits for Gage to get in as well an buckle up before she is off again heading twords Mom and Pop's. Not taking to long to get back there Sapphire pulls into the parking lot and hops out of the car making her way inside with Gage and taking her seat.

"Can I get you guys something to drink to start?"

Sapphire looks up at Thirteen and gives a smile and a nod. She was pretty thirsty after being in the sun all afternoon.

"I'll have an iced tea please."

Giving a nod and than taking Gage's order as well Thirteen was gone. Turning back to Gage Sapphire gives a smile.

"So what should we have on our pizza today? Anything you want we can have on it."

Enjoying the movie and even dozing here and there Ryan moves her head just a little hit as the credits start to roll. She didn't want to move yet, she was way to comfortable. Hearing her brothers question though Ryan gives a small sigh.

"I'd like to just lay right here for the night, but I guess I can't."

Now that night was coming to an end again Ryan's mind was able to work. This was be one of the first night she went to bed not talking to Alec at all that day. She fall asleep without his arms around her, and just this time it seemed so different.

"I guess I should probably head to bed. Thanks for spending the night with me though Eli. It means a lot."

Nikki can't help but laugh as she places a plate in front of Pete, one in front of her mom, and than one at her own place. She was happy Pete would eat a little more so the cheese cake wouldn't go to wast.

"I hope it turned out ok, it was the first time making a cheese cake. I tasted a little before I put it in the pie shell and it tasted ok to me."

Returning the look to Pete Nikki's smile grows a little more as the warm feeling enters her heart. Seeing the sparkle in his eye it made her own heart pump just a little bit faster as her returned look to him was one that said she really was pleased he was here.

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