
Up to you

"Well..." Justin thinks for a moment, glancing at his watch. "I'll probably be done with Scott around noon if all goes well. I gotta go home, give a couple people some calls and clean out my gutters." That's why he'd said three o'clock, but if she didn't have anything else to do, he wouldn't push her away for several hours. He shrugs.

"You can tag along if you want - I don't mind a bit." He didn't know if she'd be comfortable coming to his place or not, but he'd leave it up to her. "The dogs would be glad for extra company and then we can just head to the fishing hole from there. Totally up to you though."

Alec crunches on a chip and shrugs lamely at Dalton. "Yeah well... I'm bored to death and the big guy lowered the boom, so it's either this or sitting downstairs for the rest of the day while I go completely insane."

He nods, taking a sip of his pop. "Passive torture. The Agency ought to try that sometime - unfortunately, it works."

Wandering in closer to the desk, he rolls his eyes and sets his pop and chips aside, wiping his hands on his jeans. The classical music was enough to make him go just as insane as being bored, but maybe it was better than silence.

Sitting down in what used to be Scott's chair, he slides the files closer and starts to sift through them. He wasn't sure exactly what Dalton was trying to do, but again, this was better than nothing. Going through more pages, he curses under his breath. "This is a mess... these numbers over here are access codes and they're mixed in with personnel administration codes. Who sorted these things?"

Both men look up quickly as Trey enters the control room, and immediately, both are on guard. Hearing the request, Hal tries not to sigh. "I'm Hal. This is Pete." He looks over to Pete, his eyes asking him to help out. "Would you mind escorting Trey outside then making sure he gets back in again?"

Pete nods. Normally he'd be out on the street, but just his luck, he'd wound up in today and now had to help look after the new guy whom he really didn't know why was here in the first place. "Yeah, okay." Standing, he looks up to Trey. Some people might find Trey's height unusual, but around here with Con, Jason and Dalton, everyone was used to tall people. There was something strangely familiar about Trey though - something even Pete caught on to. He shrugs it off though, adjusting his sidearm in clear view to make a silent statement that he wouldn't take any crap.

"Alright, let's go." Leading the way down the hall, Pete keeps a close eye on Trey, taking him across the main floor and taking the few stairs instead of the elevator. Once outside, he holds the door open for Trey then sets his hands on his hips, just studying the younger man.

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