
Three things

Just sitting quietly, Justin is very surprised at how open Beth is tonight. He doesn't talk but just listens, taking in her body language, voice, downcast eyes... everything while she tells him the story of her past. He was glad he already knew so that nothing would be a surprise - the only surprise was that she was telling him these things. Perhaps she finally had been honest with herself and combined with finally trusting him... maybe it was simply the right combination and right timing for her.

Hearing he was her only friend sends a pang to Justin's heart. Beth was too nice of a woman to be so alone. Without friends, the world was a dark and very lonely place - no wonder she had walls so thick. It was a sad reality and also made Justin glad that he hadn't walked away. If he'd turned his back, she wouldn't even have him. He had to remain... he had to see this through... for her.

Leaning back in his seat, Justin curls his palms around his coffee cup and cocks his head just a little. For the longest time he just stays completely quiet, though there is no shock in his eyes, nor disapproval in his gaze. He simply gives words a chance to rest and regain wisdom before breaking the silence that hovered over the table.

"And I'm still here, Beth," he confirms quietly. "I'm not going anywhere."

He ducks his head a little so he can find her eyes that had been staring at her coffee. "You are very strong and very brave," he commends. A peace flowed through his tone. "And I'm glad that we're friends." Her past he would not hold against her. Her walls he would not hate. All that she had been through, he would not count against her. Justin felt it was important that she know he was still glad to be here, even after everything she'd just told him.

Quiet again, he takes a sip of his coffee before speaking once more. His eyes remain on her, should she look up for him to see her gaze. "If there were three things you could have in this world... anything... what would they be?"

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