

Following Leo back once again to the car Cassy is quiet as she just takes in the night sky still and the quiet sounds. It was so nice and peaceful, to just listen to everything around them she enjoyed it. Being helped into the car once again she thanks Leo. It was very sweet of him to help her and she enjoyed having that kind of pamper, it made her feel good and special.

Keeping up the small talk in the car was nice too. For Cassy it didn't have to be important, life changing stuff they talked about, just going back and forth between the little things was nice too. Soon though they were parked outside her studio once and again and though she didn't really feel like being alone yet Cassy new Leo wanted to go. She couldn't force him to stay.

"Drive safe Leo! If I don't see you this weekend, I am sure I'll be calling you wondering where you ran off too."

Giving a chuckle Cassy gets out of the car closing the door behind her. Stepping away a little bit she gives a wave to Leo before turning and going inside the studio. Maybe she'd do a little work right now to keep her mind busy before going home.

Crash could feel his own face turn pale as they started forward again through the people making it to there park spot. It was worse they had to uncover the thing in front of everyone. This was just going to make matters worse and the embarrassment greater.

"We are dead, no...we are worse. Should of left this at the shop and got out of dodge while we could. There is no where to run now."

Getting out with Sketch Crash moves slower than normal only hopping someone else would take the tarp off before him. He was the last person that wanted to do that. So helping with the ramps and fiddling with something else he looks over to his friend only to see he was not taking he tarp off ether.

"I don't have all day morons so lets not wait until Christmas."

Hearing Roth's irritated tone Crash gives a jump his hand going to the tarp. It was now or never, and they might as well get it over with. Slowly moving his side of the tarp back Crash closes his eyes, before opening them again and seeing the pink car. It was still there and he felt so sick to his stomach. Keeping his eyes down he waits for Sketch to take his side down and what to do next.

Sitting on the hood of her own car Ryan gives a large smile as she see Roth's truck with the car loaded on the back. Giving Alec a little elbow as he sat next to her Ryan looks to her right at her brother. The humor she felt inside with the whole thing she tried to keep at bay as much as she could.

"It's show time boys. Get ready to see some fireworks. Though I have to admit I kind of feel sorry for Roth's lackeys. Only a little bit though."

As the tarp is pulled away a little bit and the hello kitty is revealed Ryan lets out a small snicker. Leaning over Alec a little bit to one of the other races Ryan gives whispers to them and points to the car. Knowing now that the whispers would spread and she could hear the laughter start to roll.

Looking around the racing area Roth can see the people whispering, pointing in his direction and for a moment has no idea whats going on. Finally turning and see the car Roth's eyes go large and curse words start to come from his lips.

Seeing Roth come there way Crash moves to the other side with Sketch the words seeming lost as the look on Roth's face chills his bones.

"What is this? Is this kind of some sick joke you two are playing..."

Swinning himself up onto the bed of the truck Roth looks into the car and see indeed its his car. More curse words come from his mouth as fire burns in his eyes and the other people start laughing once again.

"You guys are dead....You didn't bother checking before you brought the car? Or did you want to embarrass me??? Idiot...stupid...idiots."

Not being able to help it anymore Ryan's laughter grows even more. Reaching into her pocket Ryan pulls out a box of Hello Kitty bandages from her pocket.

"Hey Roth, here...there are for that broken ego of yours."

Throwing the bandages to the car they land on the bed of the car. Looking down on the Roth's anger grows as he looks at up at Ryan with fire in his eyes. Taking a few steps twords her his anger burns.

"Why you little...."

Taking a few long strides to Ryan Roth stops seeing her unafraid of him and not moving. Looking to her left and seeing Alec, and than to her right to see Eli He stops and backs up a little bit. His eyes still on Eli it was easy to see he new who had done this to his car now. If looks could kill Eli surly would of been dead.

"You'll pay for this."

"Not if you know whats good for you."

Ryan snickers.

Stopping and turning around Roth points to the car, than Crash ans Sketch. He was still peeved and hated looking like a fool, but there was nothing he could do right now about it.

"Get the tarp back on the car stupid's don't just stand there. Lets go let go."

Giving a jump Crash starts to put the tarp back on the car as he looks over to Sketch wondering what would happen to them once they got back to the shop.

Ryan's smile remains as she laughs some more. She wished Eli's girl was here to see this but surely he would relive everything to her.

"Mission accomplished."

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