
Come or Stay

Snuggling on the couch with Alec after the chocolate cake Ryan was completely comfortable. It felt nice to just relax with him. She liked having her brother around but it was nice having the place to herself at times with Alec too. The quiet was just...nice.

..Being totally wrapped up in the moment with Alec that when the phone rang it made her jump a little. Most of the time people didn't call this late unless something was wrong. Not minding Alec answered the phone Ryan gave a little kiss to his neck while he talked till the phone was passed off to her.

Hearing it was her brother and taking the phone she couldn't help but be a little worried even if she did know he could handle himself. It was that womanly instinct that liked to show up now and than in cretin things.

"Yo, Bro whats up?"

Hearing where Eli was Ryan moved her legs from over Alec and back to the floor sitting up a little bit. Leo...with out his bike?

"What are you doing at Leo's? Is everything ok? Yeah...yeah I'll come and get you. Giving me about fifteen minutes and I'll be there."

Hanging up the phone Ryan still sits on the couch for a long moment a bit confused and really not wanting to move at all. She was comfortable and in the house for the night. But it was her brother and he needed her, there was no way she would of said no.

"Eli is at Leo's for some reason and needs a ride back to his bike. Would you like to come with me or stay here?"

Taking a few steps back as Bret shoots up out of bed Charlotte blinks a little just watching him as he stumbles out of bed. She was nervous and a little on edge herself but not this bad. Last thing she needed was Bret laying in a bed next to her.

"Bert, Oh my are you ok? Slow down before you give yourself as concussion and I have to drive us both."

Going back over slowly to her side of the bed Charlotte grabs her little bag that had packed and ready for when this time came. Slipping on her slip on shoes along with her little jacket that had been waiting as well.

"I'm...I think I'm ok...just in a little bit of pain at the moment. I've got the bad, and I don't think I need anything more."

Holding her stomach as she walked out of the room Charlotte stops for a moment just holding the wall for a second as a contraction hit. Once it was passed though she breaths again and continues to walk slowly.

"Do you have your cell phone Hun so we can call Angelica on the way, and than she call Mom, and Jamie and Con..."

Charlotte new she was rambling but she couldn't help it. It was the only thing that could keep her mind off the pain right now and not freak completely out. Getting to the car and putting the bag in the back seat Charlotte waddles to the passenger side and gets in. Tilting the seat back a little bit so she could be in a more comfortable position Charlotte looks over to Bret and gives a smile.

"Did you want to call Angelica or did you want me too?"

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