
Wrong guy

Leo was glad that Cassy was happy with how the little studio had turned out. He did wonder about her future though. She'd worked so hard to put this place together, yet she was planning to sell out once she was able to dance again. He guessed it really was none of his business though... if he were her, he'd probably be aiming to dance again too. Maybe this studio was simply a stopgap to her and nothing more.

"Well, I better be going. I got a car I gotta finish today, then hopefully I'll have enough time to clean up before I come back over here tonight."

Ambling towards the door, his hands are tucked in his jeans pockets and he turns once to look at Cassy for a long moment before shaking his head a little. "See you later, Cass."

Rick shrugs at Misty's question while he goes to wash his hands. "Who knows... they probably figured if she wasn't dead, they could make her talk. I'm sure she knows a lot she shouldn't from her father."

Shutting the water off and wiping his hands to dry them, he sighs. "I feel badly though... after all she's been through, then to get shot on top of all that... nobody deserves that."

Yeah, okay.
Jason sighs, his fingers strumming his steering wheel impatiently.
I just got stuck behind a slow-moving truck. Can I blow him off the side of the road?

Having Katie say she was coming with, Chance hesitates. He opens his mouth to protest, then stops, a smile surfacing. "Okay."

Walking with Katie outside, he leans back against the bricks, closing his eyes a moment to take a deep breath. "I hate my job." He shakes his head. "I wasn't cut out to be a bodyguard, and now Destiny's hurt because of it. Maybe this will convince Toby he had the wrong guy for the job."

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