
My fault

Leo chuckles a little, but doesn't say anything in response to Cassy's comment. He knew he'd done his fair share around here, but he didn't like getting any attention for it.

"Guess you'll have to find a replacement teacher once you get the feel of the floor again and get to go back on stage, huh?"

Chance grits his teeth, trying not to worry too much. He wasn't used to worrying. It wasn't fun. And he wasn't the one Destiny should be thanking - it was Jason. Chance had been a stumbling idiot, unprepared and distracted. He should have been on his game. This shouldn't have happened.

Arriving at TJY, he's quick but gentle, helping getting Destiny inside and into the infirmary. His shirt and hands had blood all over them - stark evidence that she'd lost a lot of blood.

Having the door burst open, Rick whirls around and steps up with Misty without hesitation. Taking a closer look at Destiny's shoulder, then looking in her eyes, he directs his speech to Chance. "How did it happen?"

"It was my fault," Chance states. "We got ambushed and I didn't see it coming."

"At the funeral?"



"Pretty sure."

Rick purses his lips and nods, then preps to dig out the bullet. "Give us some space - Katie too. Go wait in the hall - we'll call you when we're through." Once the room was empty, Rick relies on Misty to assist him, giving Destiny several shots to get her to sleep and to ease the pain. Digging the bullet out wasn't easy, but they triumph in the end, and Rick has Misty sew up the wound.

Once finished, they put Destiny in a clean robe and get her into the bed with an iv to let her sleep for a while. "She should be fine," Rick states with confidence. "She's young and healthy and I didn't find any traces of any poisons or anything - just a straight bullet."

Out in the hall, Chance paces a little before realizing how much blood he had on himself. Going to clean up, he washes his hands and rolls up his shirt sleeves before joining Katie in the hall again. He's quieter than normal - his usually cheery face is downcast. Pacing a little more, he finally stops and cocks his head down the hall. "I'm going to get some fresh air," he informs Katie. "Come get me if anything happens."

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