

"Ha, I don't always agree with my chef ether. I've sure had my share of out with him and let me tell you...they have not been pretty."

Katie gives a little chuckle just thinking about back when she use to get into it all the time about different things. It seemed so long ago, and maybe it was but she had grown a lot since than and things just seemed to come a lots easier now.

"I do have to disagree though that I don't think all the Agency are in face just that at the core. I think some of them are on the surface, and maybe a little deeper but if you dig far enough, and they have a little bit of will in changing you can grab onto it and pull it out."

Stopping at the wall of TJY Katie leans against it. She didn't mind having this conversation with Chance not just because Jason asked her to but it was kind of nice to talk to him and find out more about him.

Talking about the Agency at the moment and how he doesn't like them. Even the ones we are turned to our side.

"But...not everyone can agree with what we do, so I don't think your opinion is wrong."

Giving a small smile Beth was pleased that Justin liked the pie, and that even cherry was his favorite. She had this left over, after making herself a snake something she didn't do often and maybe bringing it was a way to say thank you to Justin.

Looking down at Zora and giving a shake of her head Beth cocks her head just a little as talks in a matter of fact tone.

"I really don't think you dad is going to give you any. Looks like he might even lick the container himself."

Sitting up again Beth lets out a small sigh before looking to Justin. She wished she didn't have to go to work so she could stay longer but Beth new money was needed.

"I hate to cute it short, but I need to get going so I'll make it to work on time. I hope you enjoy the pie and you can get the container back to me whenever."

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