

Looking up from the desk at Phil the nurse gives him a sweet smile. She'd seen Phil in here before and new the charity work he and the band did for the hospital. So in a way the woman didn't mind doing a favor for him this once.

"Good to see you again Phil. The woman brought in's name is Rayne Sidorov. She is stable right now though will be held here for a few days so we can observe her. The accident was bad, and she is lucky she's not dead. God certainly had his hands wrapped around her."

Looking down at Rayne's chart for a moment the nurse thinks. She new she could get in trouble but several times they had tried to get a hold some how of Rayne's family but alas had not been able to and on one came to see the girl.

"She's down in room thirty-four A if you'd like to go see her. No one else has come yet. Just try not to upset her, and don't make to much noise like that brother of yours."

The nurse continues to smile sweetly as she hands Phil a badge to hold onto that said visitor. It would keep anyone from asking questions on why he was here, knowing he had already checked in.

Laying quiet in the bed Rayne moved in and out of sleep, the beeps of differnt equipment to monitor her was the only sound. A large graws bandage was placed in the right hand courner of her head hiding the thirteen stitches she had received. Her right eye was black and blue a little more proof to the puzzle that, that side of her face had more than likely taken the brunt of the hit, a cast was on her left arm as well from the elbow down to her fingers, a broken wrist the damage there. More cuts, and bruises were on other random placed on her body but nothing to major.

Watching Justin as he sat up Beth squinted her eyes a little at him. His eyes held a certain gloss to them, and they moved even though he wasn't making them. It was the first sigh that he was dizzier than he let on.

Seeing Justin's legs almost buckle under him Beth steps around to the tailgate and takes a hold of Justin's arm trying to help support him.

"Whoa, whoa...Your ok my foot. Sit back down."

Her voice was stern but it showed how she was concerned for him. The last thing she wanted was him to try and drive, than maybe have something worse happen to him.

"Yes because me telling your I am taking you, is you making me. I don't think it works like that, but suit yourself. I'll go get Dr. Hawks."

Turning from the truck and heading back inside again Beth made her way to Dr. Hawks office and gives a knock on the door before entering. She new it was wrong to just go in but this was bad and something might have been wrong.

"Dr. Hawk's I am sorry to just barge in like this put you have to come outside with me. Justin said he hit his head on a bench, and he's real dizzy. But it was about an hour and a half ago. He might have a concussion or something."

Beth new that maybe she was over reacting a little bit but she couldn't help it. Since everything happened with her own parents she never handled death well or the thought that someone might die from something.

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