
Another night

Chance smirks at the new information about Destiny. "Oh, sure... now you tell me. You're right. You definitely need to help dry dishes at least for that one."

A laugh escapes though and he shakes his head before sitting up. "And I definitely need something to get that sour out of my mouth before I go to bed. I'm thinking a cup of hot tea."

Managing to stand up, he glances to Destiny. "Want one too?"

"Mmm, yes, it was a lot of fun." Carson slips an arm around Misty to help hold her on his lap, though her frame was small enough that it wasn't hard. "Thanks for helping out."

His free hand reaches up and gently rakes through her soft hair as he gives her a light kiss. "Couldn't ask for more from a group of friends, I tell you that. Just about any one of them I could call for help and they'd drop everything to come."

Sighing deeply, he rests his head against Misty's, tired from the very long day. "I think I'm gonna take all the dishes back to the kitchen, but worry about cleaning tomorrow." He didn't usually do that, but tonight was an exception. "You can go home if you want... it won't take me long."

Kyle's lips spread into a little smile and his head leans into Alice's hand before he covers her fingers with his palm then gives her hand a kiss. Her pride in him made him feel so good. "I couldn't have done it without you."

Keeping hold of her hand, he studies her eyes for several moments as they reflect in the moonlight shining through the windows. "You can stay here another night," he mentions softy. He hadn't really thought about the fact that Alice going back to her apartment and he going back with Phil meant that they would see each other less. And now that he realized it, it brought a strange little pang to his own heart. "I know we got your stuff there already but... we still got room here if you wanna spend one more night. I... certainly wouldn't mind."

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