

Giving another soft chuckle Scarlet didn't feel offended by Eli's half statement, maybe a little disappointed but far from offended, or hurt. Everyone was entitled to there own feelings, and how they wanted to about things.

"Ha..who said anything about a commitment? I simply asked for a hug and another date. Than we would see what happened."

Continuing to just watch him though it was like she couldn't take her own eyes away from him. Maybe inside it made her feel a little nervous even if she didn't show it, but just...something she couldn't put her finger on about him.

A little more colors comes her her cheeks at his comment about her eyes. It made her feel good to knowing he was looking deeper. Most guys said something like that, but it was easy to see they didn't really take a closer look. Eli was different though, but his gaze alone it was just..different.

"I think..a guy is a good place to start."

Standing from the rock Scarlet brushes herself off a little and straightens out her jacket and shirt. Putting a hand under her hair to pull the little strands that had found there way into her jacket out.

Moving so she was a little ways in front of Eli she holds her hand out to him helping him off the rock. Some might feel awkward and even Eli himself might Scarlet really didn't. The tump in her chest though seemed to pick up a little though as she waited for Eli to stand as well.

Once Eli was up Scarlet just stood there for a moment looking up at him. Giving a little bit to her own lip Scarlet finally sets closer to Eli her eyes still locked with his before slipping her shoulder under his arm and drawing him to her as her arms wrapped tightly around him.

Feeling Alec run his foot on the bottom of her own Ryan can't help the laugh that escapes her lips through there kiss causing it to break for a moment.

"Now thats playing dirty."

Giving another laugh Ryan brings her lips back to Alec's again, taking his lips in her own she gives it a little nibble before pulling away and turning her head the other way bringing her lips back to his again.

Rubbing his back Ryan's fingers brush over the edge of his shirt being up a little higher than normal. Bringing her hand under his shirt was easier than if it had been lower. Liking the way his finger tips felt on his skin Ryan continued to rub his bare back.

Continuing to hold Scott Hope rocks back and forth running her hand softly through his hair. Hearing his words to keep talking to him Hope trys to think of a topic quick keeping it natural and calm.

"So tomorrow for breakfast I was thinking of driving over to an IHop that was close to here and getting us something to eat. I know the food here is good but the food there is even better."

Looking off into the dark corner of the room Hope leans her head down to rest on Scott's keeping him held close to her almost like she though if she loosened it just a little she might lose him forever.

"Than not tomorrow but the day after that I was thinking about bringing Domino up and makes we could all walk to the little part they have out back. She miss you something horrible and I promised her I'd let her come and see you. I think that will be nice don't you?"

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