

Fighting for the upper hand with their kisses, Alec grins. "You didn't say anything.... about being fair." One of his hands slides out from underneath her to crawl, up to the side of her face, his rough fingertips seeming to soften as he touches her cheek.

Feeling her hands on his back, he sinks down a little more with a soft groan. Pulling away from her kiss, he nestles his head into her shoulder, just lying there as she rubs his back. "Talk about playing dirty," he murmurs. His eyes are closed, as he's gone from a little tense to totally relaxed. "Are you trying to kill me?"

This whole thing was just a little bit strange. Like everything was just a tad off-kilter. Not enough to make it feel like a dream, but enough to make it seem like it was teetering on the very edge of reality. Taking Scarlet's hand and standing from the rock, Eli looks down at her, feeling a little odd. Not really awkward, just... odd. A planned hug. There was just something strange about that. But at the same time, he couldn't help it that he wanted to wrap his arms around her.

Being pulled into the embrace, he lets Scarlet close, his strong arms sliding around her to hold her close. His face rests against her sweet-smelling hair and he closes his eyes, unintentionally rocking just a little. An odd feeling settled over him... one that almost made him feel like Scarlet had needed this hug more than had been admitted. She felt good in his arms... he couldn't deny that.

Though still having on his motorcycle gloves, his fingertips were free and he runs them through her hair a little before pulling back enough to see Scarlet's face. There were those eyes again... the ones that lured him in and made him feel like he had no control over how far he fell into them.

"You know," he whispers. "If we decide this wasn't really a date..." His face moves closer to hers. "I'd be free to kiss you."

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