
Thank you!

Sitting at her desk and finishing all she needed to Katie new shortly here Jason was going to be letting his emotions out and she'd rather not be around people. Heading to Jason's office like she had many time before she enters closing the door behind her. Jason let her use his computer when she just wanted to be alone and he wasn't here. She new better than to snoop not that she really would want too. Now was a time when she did have work to do and being alone while Jason let his emotions out to her was best.

Tensing up just a little as the emotions start to come Katie trys to concentrate on what she was working on. Even though Jason didn't let them come full force and it would hurt a lot more if he did Katie can still feel a little discomfort. Staying quiet as Jason talks Katie just lets his emotions and words come not interrupting just letting him let it all out.

Continuing to type on the computer and search for more stuff Katie finally stops and leans back in Jason's chair as she closes her eyes. Her head was starting to hurt just a little but she new it would be over soon. As much as she needed Jason's emotions to feel her, Jason needed to release his emotions to her.

Feeling the last short burst of emotions and knowing it was over Katie lets out a sigh as she slowly opens her eyes and just looks upward into nothingness. She was silent till now knowing Jason need to let everything. Reaching out and finding Jason's own emotions she gives a small tug on comfort, warmth, and the feeling that she was there for him.

I can see why it would upset you so much and I wouldn't blame you. Its hard when the person we have looked up to our whole life turns out to be not who we though. Sometimes that can be the greatest form of betrayal.

Standing and wondering to the little window that was in the office Katie pulls the blinds back a little bit and looks out. Pausing for a short moment she continues to just let her warm feelings flow twords Jason. She new what it felt like to have someone you look up to disappoint you even if it had happened so long ago she could still remember how she felt and it never felt good. For the longest while she wondered if she would turn into that as well.

No matter what happens Jason your nothing like your Grandfather...I just want you to know that. I love you so much J, and I know its not fair...but not much in life is...we just have to keep looking to the brighter days and remember they are right around the bend.

Scarlet gives her own chuckle at Eli's comment. He was right that really was the most she had said at once to him. She herself found it rather funny.

"Food..is defiantly always an interesting thing to talk about, and I always like to eat."

Pushing her own helmet down onto her head Scarlet wraps her other arm around Eli as he revs the engine before taking off. Just relaxing as she kept her arms around Eli Scarlet enjoyed the ride like she had the other day as well. She dosnt even mind that he take a longer rought than normal. Just riding was almost pure bliss to her, something she enjoyed so much.

Finally getting to the restraint though she didn't say it Scarlet was almost disappointed the ride had come to an end. Taking off her helmet though and getting a waft of the food her stomach growls and the ride is soon forgotten.

Looking down at Eli's extended hand and than back up into his eyes her own shy glint makes itself present once again as she takes Eli's hand and gets off the bike coming up next to him.

"Oh...so this is the second date. I think...I like the sound of that. Thank you!"

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