
One good thing

Having Katie pull out the warm emotions was a strange sensation. They weren't feelings that surfaced by themselves, but they did provide Jason comfort and he appreciated Katie's effort.

Thanks, Hero... I love you too.

Her words meant more to him than he could express. The only thing he could do was share how she made him feel. He didn't often do that. He would share his love and affectionate feelings, but how she made him feel... those were private emotions that he liked keeping to himself. But sometimes a special moment would occur and right now was one of those moments.

Jason slowly opens up just a little more to let Katie know that even though he was going through a tough time right now, she had helped and made him feel good.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, he stands up, Trooper right by his side.

I'm gonna walk a while longer then maybe head home. You wanna come over for supper? Just... stay in tonight? You me and Trooper?

Eli's eyes glint with just a twinge of slyness. "At least there's one good thing about second dates." He draws Scarlet a little closer to gain a better view of those deep sapphire pools. "They're not the first."

Cocking his head, he leans in and gives her lips a slow, tender kiss before pulling away, not letting it last too long. "Come on. I think we beat the lunch rush."

Gage flops down on his mattress, sighing as he feels it needs more air. His finger picks at another hole in his jeans and he lets himself fall onto his side as he stares at the other side of the little living room. Another job turned down. He'd quit counting.

Tucking his hands up under his worn-out pillow, he curls up wearily. He'd been so glad to be free. On his own. In charge of his own life for the first time. And now he was failing miserably. Nobody wanted an employee with a record like his. He might have been kept from jail, but he still had a marred record that would follow him the rest of his life. It was a consequence he would deal with always.

Now what? A newspaper still sat on the corner table with want ads circled, cut out and crossed out. Sapphire was coming over today. He'd have to tell her one more time that he hadn't gotten a job. He knew she didn't think any less of him, but it was still discouraging and he just wanted to be able to say, "I got it," to her, just to see that look of approval in her eye.

Rolling onto his back, Gage stares at the ceiling with the familiar water stain. Was there ever going to be more than this?

Mick coils and hangs up his leadrope after putting Remington back in his stall. Ambling down the barn aisle, he glances around for Dan. The fact that Dan had brought Dylan back had not escaped Mick, and he had a few questions. He'd seen Dylan head off to the bunkhouse, but had not followed. Not this time.

Rounding a corner, he spots Dan by the hay bales, so he approaches a bit more quietly than normal. "Dan... a word, if I may."

Gesturing to the younger man, he brings him to the side, out of earshot from the other ranch hands. "So how on earth did you get Dylan to stay?"

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