

Dylan surprises even himself by listening quietly to Dan. Maybe he was down far enough that anything close to advice wasn't so repulsive anymore. Maybe for once he was confused enough that answers didn't seem so bad.

Was it true that his dad really didn't hate him? Was it true that he would listen? Was it true that Mick had let Dylan go because he really didn't want to push him away? Dylan wondered.

He chews on another french fry, still quiet for a few moments and mulling over what Dan had said. "He wouldn't believe me," he finally responds. "Who would believe someone who said they'd wanted nothing to do with drugs but who'd been found as a doped up addict? Who would believe someone who said it wasn't their choice, rather than saying they'd caved to peer pressure?" He scoffs at the idea.

"Why do I act like I do? Because it's more believable." Glancing up, he finally looks into Dan's eyes. His own gaze betrayed him as it begged for a chance to tell his story to someone who would listen. No parents to chide him, no counselors to coax him, no sister to tell him what to do. He was tired of living in this lonely, quiet world. But who could he trust to believe him? Who could he trust to just... listen?

It took a while and there was quite a bit of chaos, but once the dust settled and darkness had settled over the sky, finally everyone was together again in the rec room at TJY. It was the best room for a party and even Gunner had been surprised at the work they'd put into dolling up the room. Apparently most had been pretty confident that the case wouldn't last past today, and everyone was thankful they'd been right.

"We're so glad to have you back, Brent." Susanne's eyes shine as she gives Gunner a little hug.

Gunner smirks at her. "You know better than to call me by my given name," he teases.

"Oh, pooh." Susanne rolls her eyes. "Don't make me sorry for ordering a cake."

"Mmm... cake. We got blood to drink?"


"Never mind." Gunner gives Bree a sidelong glance, knowing she'd probably be the only one who got the joke.

Just about everybody greets him and shakes his had, seeming to be very pleased he was back. It felt odd in a way... to Gunner, it felt like he'd never left, yet at the same time, it felt like years had passed.

"Speech! Speech!"

Gunner whirls around, his eyes narrowing. "Conrad," he growls. "Don't you dare."

Con grins and holds up his cup of punch. "I dared. Speech!"

As the others chime in, Gunner shakes his head. "Alright, alright! If you lot would quiet down, maybe a man could get a word in edgewise." Once the room is quiet, he looks around at all the faces then chuckles. "I don't know what you want me to say. Thanks for... waiting for me and... for having this party. Makes a guy feel good. I'm glad to be back, that's for sure."

"What's the best part about getting out of jail?" Jason teases.

"That's easy. Holding this girl's hand and getting back into my own clothes again."

Several people laugh, though a few murmur, "Awww," as they see him holding Bree's hand.

"I expect you to be to work at seven in the morning," Reese comments dryly. He can't help but smile though. "No, I think you've earned a couple days of R&R."

As the little party continues, Gunner finally finds his way to a more quiet corner, totally exhausted but not wanting to be rude and leave. Sitting next to Bree against the far wall, his hand is still in hers. "Good thing your uncle drove," he muses. "I don't think I could make it back across town without falling asleep."

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