
If you tryed

Continuing to eat his meal Dan doesn't say anything only looking up brefly as Dylan sits down. Though he didnt say a word Dan was happy that he had choose to sit with him and eat. Even if they said nothing at all the whole meal he new God had some plan at work and if he could be a part of it that would be great.

Looking up from his meal as Dylan talks Dan is a bit surprised. He really hadnt exspected Dylan to say anything to him, let alone what he did.

Taking a fry of his own and dipping it in some ketchup Dan thinks for a long moment before talking. In a way Dan new how Dylan was feeling. If not for the same reason, he did understand. It had been a long time since he talked to his own parents and when posed with the question he new they would want nothing to do with him, but still he should of at least tried.

"Mick does not hate you Dylan. Disappointed yes maybe...but far from hates you. He might be a hard guy to get a long with, but I don't think there is a bone in his body to hate."

Thinking again for a moment Dan takes a sip of his drink.

"I think your dad just realized the more he pulled, the more you would push away and he didn't want to lose you completely so it was best to just let you go."

Leaning back a little Dan looks across the table at the young man that sat before him. Dylan seemed so hard yet so soft at the same time. Lost in a world he grew up to fast in. In a way he reminded him of himself.

"If your not who they think you are than why do you act it? Wouldn't you rather prove them wrong? I bet your Dad would listen if you just tried to talk to him."

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